Method Summary |
public void | addAll(intVector toadd) |
public void | addElement(int i) Appends a new element to the end of this vector, reallocating its storage space if necessary. |
public int[] | asArray() Returns the contents of this intVector as an array of ints. |
public void | assign(intVector other) Assigns to this intVector the contents of another, overwriting our contents. |
public intIterator | beginIterator() |
public void | clear() Sets this vector to zero size, effectively removing all its elements. |
public int | compareTo(Object othero) |
public intVector | copy() |
public void | ensureIndex(int index) |
public boolean | equals(Object othero) |
public int | findInt(int tofind) Searches for the supplied value within this vector.
Parameters: tofind - The value to be searched for. |
public int[] | getBackingStore() |
public void | insertElementAt(int i, int value) Inserts the supplied value at the index position specified - following elements
will be shifted to the right and the vector capacity expanded if necessary. |
public int | intAt(int i) Returns the integer at the specified index.
Parameters: i - The index of the required integer. |
public int | intAtSafe(int i) |
public boolean | isEmpty() Determines whether this vector is empty. |
public int | peek() Returns the final element of the vector. |
public int | popElement() Removes and returns the final element of the vector. |
public int | removeElementAt(int i) Removes the element at the specified index. |
public void | setIntAt(int i, int value) Assigns a value to a member of the vector. |
public void | setIntAtSafe(int i, int value) Assigns a value to a member of the vector, expanding the vector if the supplied index exceeds
the vector bounds. |
public void | setSize(int newsize) Sets the new size of this vector. |
public int | size() Returns the current size of this vector. |
public void | sort() |
public String | toString() Renders this intVector as a String for debugging purposes. |