| java.lang.Object uk.org.ponder.streamutil.BytePen
BytePen | public class BytePen (Code) | | This class abstracts the idea of an array of bytes, and handles the task of
converting it (the array, not the idea) to and from input and output streams.
getInputStream | public InputStream getInputStream()(Code) | | Returns an input stream from which the byte array can be read. If the
array was specified via setInputStream , the original input
stream will be returned.
An input stream from which the byte array can be read. |
getOutputStream | public OutputStream getOutputStream()(Code) | | Returns an output stream to which the byte array contents can be written.
An output stream to which the byte array contents can be written. |
setInputStream | public void setInputStream(InputStream is)(Code) | | Sets the input stream from which the byte array can be read.
Parameters: is - The input stream from which the byte array can be read. |