| Constants for configuring the various columns and bean properties
for the used peer.
Default is:
security.torque.rolePeer.class = org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbineRolePeer
security.torque.rolePeer.column.name = ROLE_NAME
security.torque.rolePeer.column.id = ROLE_ID
security.torque.role.class = org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbineRole
security.torque.role.property.name = Name
security.torque.role.property.id = RoleId
If security.torque.role.class is unset, then the value of the constant CLASSNAME_DEFAULT
from the configured Peer is used.
author: Henning P. Schmiedehausen version: $Id: RolePeerManagerConstants.java 534527 2007-05-02 16:10:59Z tv $ |