| java.lang.Object org.apache.struts2.components.Component org.apache.struts2.components.URL
URL | public class URL extends Component (Code) | |
This tag is used to create a URL.
You can use the "param" tag inside the body to provide
additional request parameters.
By default request parameters will be separated using escaped ampersands (i.e., &).
This is necessary for XHTML compliance, however, when using the URL generated by this tag
with the <s:property> tag, the escapeAmp attribute should be used to disable
ampersand escaping.
When includeParams is 'all' or 'get', the parameter defined in param tag will take
precedence and will not be overriden if they exists in the parameter submitted. For
example, in Example 3 below, if there is a id parameter in the url where the page this
tag is included like http://://editUser.action?id=3333&name=John
the generated url will be http://:/context>/editUser.action?id=22&name=John
cause the parameter defined in the param tag will take precedence.
- action (String) - (value or action choose either one, if both exist value takes precedence) action's name (alias)
- value (String) - (value or action choose either one, if both exist value takes precedence) the url itself
- scheme (String) - http scheme (http, https) defaults to the scheme this request is in
- namespace - action's namespace
- method (String) - action's method name, defaults to 'execute'
- encode (Boolean) - url encode the generated url. Defaults to 'true'.
- includeParams (String) - The includeParams attribute may have the value 'none', 'get' or 'all'. Defaults to 'get'.
none - include no parameters in the URL
get - include only GET parameters in the URL (default)
all - include both GET and POST parameters in the URL
- includeContext (Boolean) - Specifies whether to include the web app context path. Defaults to 'true'.
- escapeAmp (Boolean) - Specifies whether to escape ampersand (&) to (&) or not. Defaults to 'true'.
- portletMode (String) - The resulting portlet mode.
- windowState (String) - The resulting portlet window state.
- portletUrlType (String) - Specifies if this should be a portlet render or action URL.
- forceAddSchemeHostAndPort (Boolean) - Specifies whether to force the addition of scheme, host and port or not.
<-- Example 1 -->
<s:url value="editGadget.action">
<s:param name="id" value="%{selected}" />
<-- Example 2 -->
<s:url action="editGadget">
<s:param name="id" value="%{selected}" />
<-- Example 3-->
<s:url includeParams="get" >
<s:param name="id" value="%{'22'}" />
See Also: Param |
Inner Class :public static interface ExtraParameterProvider | |
NONE | final public static String NONE(Code) | | The includeParams attribute may have the value 'none', 'get' or 'all'.
It is used when the url tag is used without a value attribute.
Its value is looked up on the ValueStack
If no includeParams is specified then 'get' is used.
none - include no parameters in the URL
get - include only GET parameters in the URL (default)
all - include both GET and POST parameters in the URL
encode | protected boolean encode(Code) | | |
escapeAmp | protected boolean escapeAmp(Code) | | |
extraParameterProvider | protected ExtraParameterProvider extraParameterProvider(Code) | | |
forceAddSchemeHostAndPort | protected boolean forceAddSchemeHostAndPort(Code) | | |
includeContext | protected boolean includeContext(Code) | | |
mergeRequestParameters | protected void mergeRequestParameters(String value, Map parameters, Map contextParameters)(Code) | | Merge request parameters into current parameters. If a parameter is
already present, than the request parameter in the current request and value atrribute
will not override its value.
The priority is as follows:-
- parameter from the current request (least priority)
- parameter form the value attribute (more priority)
- parameter from the param tag (most priority)
Parameters: value - the value attribute (url to be generated by this component) Parameters: parameters - component parameters Parameters: contextParameters - request parameters |
setEncode | public void setEncode(boolean encode)(Code) | | |
setEscapeAmp | public void setEscapeAmp(boolean escapeAmp)(Code) | | |
setExtraParameterProvider | public void setExtraParameterProvider(ExtraParameterProvider provider)(Code) | | |
setForceAddSchemeHostAndPort | public void setForceAddSchemeHostAndPort(boolean forceAddSchemeHostAndPort)(Code) | | |
setIncludeContext | public void setIncludeContext(boolean includeContext)(Code) | | |
setIncludeParams | public void setIncludeParams(String includeParams)(Code) | | |
setNamespace | public void setNamespace(String namespace)(Code) | | |
setPortletMode | public void setPortletMode(String portletMode)(Code) | | |
setPortletUrlType | public void setPortletUrlType(String portletUrlType)(Code) | | |
setUrlIncludeParams | public void setUrlIncludeParams(String urlIncludeParams)(Code) | | |
setWindowState | public void setWindowState(String windowState)(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from org.apache.struts2.components.Component | public void addAllParameters(Map params)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addParameter(String key, Object value)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean altSyntax()(Code)(Java Doc) public void copyParams(Map params)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String determineActionURL(String action, String namespace, String method, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Map parameters, String scheme, boolean includeContext, boolean encodeResult)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String determineActionURL(String action, String namespace, String method, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, Map parameters, String scheme, boolean includeContext, boolean encodeResult, boolean forceAddSchemeHostAndPort, boolean escapeAmp)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String determineNamespace(String namespace, ValueStack stack, HttpServletRequest req)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean end(Writer writer, String body)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean end(Writer writer, String body, boolean popComponentStack)(Code)(Java Doc) protected StrutsException fieldError(String field, String errorMsg, Exception e)(Code)(Java Doc) protected Component findAncestor(Class clazz)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String findString(String expr)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String findString(String expr, String field, String errorMsg)(Code)(Java Doc) protected Object findValue(String expr)(Code)(Java Doc) protected Object findValue(String expr, String field, String errorMsg)(Code)(Java Doc) protected Object findValue(String expr, Class toType)(Code)(Java Doc) public Stack getComponentStack()(Code)(Java Doc) public String getId()(Code)(Java Doc) public Map getParameters()(Code)(Java Doc) public ValueStack getStack()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void popComponentStack()(Code)(Java Doc) public void setActionMapper(ActionMapper mapper)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setId(String id)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean start(Writer writer)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String toString(Throwable t)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean usesBody()(Code)(Java Doc)