The default GET method.
Parameters: request - The request to handle. exception: ProtocolException - If processsing the request failed. exception: ResourceException - If the resource got a fatal error.
All java code extracted between and from
the jhtml page will be put in this method body.
Parameters: request - the incomming request. Parameters: reply - the reply. Parameters: out - the output stream. exception: IOException - if an IO error occurs.
Handle the form submission, after posted data parsing.
Parameters: request - The request proper. Parameters: data - The parsed data content. exception: ProtocolException - If form data processing failed. See Also:org.w3c.jigsaw.forms.URLDecoder
Perform the request
Parameters: req - The request to handle. exception: ProtocolException - If processsing the request failed. exception: ResourceException - If the resource got a fatal error.
Handle the form submission, after posted data parsing.
This methos always return "Method POST not allowed".
Parameters: request - The request proper. Parameters: reply - The reply. Parameters: data - The parsed data content. Parameters: out - the output stream. exception: ProtocolException - If form data processing failed. exception: IOException - If an IO error occurs. See Also:org.w3c.jigsaw.forms.URLDecoder
Fields inherited from org.w3c.jigsaw.frames.PostableFrame