| java.lang.Object java.io.InputStream org.w3c.www.mux.MuxInputStream
Field Summary | |
protected int | avail_credit Current available credit on that session. | protected byte | buffer This input stream associated buffer. | protected int | buflen The current buffer length. | protected int | bufptr The current buffer position. | protected boolean | closed | protected int | consumed_credit Currently consumed credits. | protected String | errmsg Error message in case of error. | protected int | markptr The current mark within the input buffer, or -1. | protected boolean | pushpending Yet another push is pending from the reader thread. | protected MuxSession | session The MuxSession instance this input stream is attached to. | protected MuxWriter | writer A quick reference to that session writer. |
Constructor Summary | |
protected | MuxInputStream(MuxSession session) Create an input stream to read data from the given session. |
Method Summary | |
public synchronized int | available() Get the number of available bytes on that stream. | public synchronized void | close() Close that input stream. | protected synchronized void | error(String msg) Notify that stream of some error condition. | public synchronized void | mark(int readlimit) Set a mark in that input stream. | protected synchronized void | push(byte data, int off, int len, boolean noflush) Fill in that input stream with more data. | public synchronized int | read() Read one byte of input from the stream. | public synchronized int | read(byte b, int off, int len) Reads into an array of bytes. | public synchronized void | reset() Reset buffer to last mark. |
avail_credit | protected int avail_credit(Code) | | Current available credit on that session.
buffer | protected byte buffer(Code) | | This input stream associated buffer.
buflen | protected int buflen(Code) | | The current buffer length.
bufptr | protected int bufptr(Code) | | The current buffer position.
closed | protected boolean closed(Code) | | Has this stream been closed ?
consumed_credit | protected int consumed_credit(Code) | | Currently consumed credits.
errmsg | protected String errmsg(Code) | | Error message in case of error.
markptr | protected int markptr(Code) | | The current mark within the input buffer, or -1.
pushpending | protected boolean pushpending(Code) | | Yet another push is pending from the reader thread.
session | protected MuxSession session(Code) | | The MuxSession instance this input stream is attached to.
writer | protected MuxWriter writer(Code) | | A quick reference to that session writer.
MuxInputStream | protected MuxInputStream(MuxSession session)(Code) | | Create an input stream to read data from the given session.
Parameters: session - The session to read data from. |
available | public synchronized int available() throws IOException(Code) | | Get the number of available bytes on that stream.
Number of bytes available. |
close | public synchronized void close() throws IOException(Code) | | Close that input stream.
exception: IOException - If some IO error occured during close. |
error | protected synchronized void error(String msg)(Code) | | Notify that stream of some error condition.
When an error condition is detected, all read accesses to the stream
will result in an IOException being thrown, with as a message, the
message provided here.
Parameters: msg - Error message to be provided in any future IOException. |
mark | public synchronized void mark(int readlimit)(Code) | | Set a mark in that input stream.
Parameters: readlimit - The maximum limit of bytes allowed to be readbefore the mark becomes invalid. |
push | protected synchronized void push(byte data, int off, int len, boolean noflush) throws IOException(Code) | | Fill in that input stream with more data.
This method can only be called from within that package, typically
by the session reader, to fill in the buffer.
Parameters: data - The data read from the socket. Parameters: off - Offset of available data within above buffer. Parameters: len - Length of available data within above buffer. Parameters: noflush - Set to true if there is already moredata available for that session. |
read | public synchronized int read() throws IOException(Code) | | Read one byte of input from the stream.
The byte read, or -1 if end of stream. exception: IOException - If an IO error has occured. |
read | public synchronized int read(byte b, int off, int len) throws IOException(Code) | | Reads into an array of bytes. This method will
block until some input is available.
Parameters: b - the buffer into which the data is read Parameters: off - the start offset of the data Parameters: len - the maximum number of bytes read the actual number of bytes read, -1 isreturned when the end of the stream is reached. exception: IOException - If an I/O error has occurred. |
reset | public synchronized void reset() throws IOException(Code) | | Reset buffer to last mark.
exception: IOException - If the mark has not been set, or if it is no longer valid. |