| A TransformerFactory that supports several separate modes for
working with SAX inputs and outputs. Those modes include:
- Pipeline Stage, pushing events through
TransformerHandler objects used as SAX handlers, and passing the transformed data
through a
SAXResult encapsulating SAX ContentHandler and
LexicalHandler objects;
- Pipeline Termination, like a normal pipeline stage but using some
other kind of
Result to store transformed data rather than
passing it to another stage;
- Event producer, an
XMLFilter object taking data from a URI
or from a SAX
InputSource input object and delivering it
to a SAX ContentHandler;
- Transformer objects produced by this factory will usually be able
to accept
SAXSource objects as inputs, and the XMLReader
object in such a source could be an XMLFilter.
Transformer objects produced by this factory will of course be
able to perform
Transformer.transform Transformer.transform() operations to map XML text into other text.
The factory also supports creating Templates objects.
author: Andrew Selkirk, David Brownell version: 1.0 |