Valve that implements the default basic behavior for the
StandardWrapper container implementation.
author: Craig R. McClanahan version: $Revision: 1.34 $ $Date: 2002/03/15 19:12:49 $
getInfo() Return descriptive information about this Valve implementation.
public void
invoke(Request request, Response response, ValveContext valveContext) Invoke the servlet we are managing, respecting the rules regarding
servlet lifecycle and SingleThreadModel support.
Invoke the servlet we are managing, respecting the rules regarding
servlet lifecycle and SingleThreadModel support.
Parameters: request - Request to be processed Parameters: response - Response to be produced Parameters: valveContext - Valve context used to forward to the next Valve exception: IOException - if an input/output error occurred exception: ServletException - if a servlet error occurred
Fields inherited from org.apache.catalina.valves.ValveBase