Implementation of the Store interface that stores
serialized session objects in a database. Sessions that are
saved are still subject to being expired based on inactivity.
author: Bip Thelin version: $Revision: 1.5 $, $Date: 2002/04/17 17:07:53 $
Check the connection associated with this store, if it's
null or closed try to reopen it.
Returns null if the connection could not be established.
Connection if the connection suceeded
Return an integer containing a count of all Sessions
currently saved in this Store. If there are no Sessions,
0 is returned.
exception: IOException - if an input/output error occurred
Return an array containing the session identifiers of all Sessions
currently saved in this Store. If there are no such Sessions, a
zero-length array is returned.
exception: IOException - if an input/output error occurred
Load the Session associated with the id id.
If no such session is found null is returned.
Parameters: id - a value of type String the stored Session exception: ClassNotFoundException - if an error occurs exception: IOException - if an input/output error occurred
Release the connection, not needed here since the
connection is not associated with a connection pool.
Parameters: conn - The connection to be released
Remove the Session with the specified session identifier from
this Store, if present. If no such Session is present, this method
takes no action.
Parameters: id - Session identifier of the Session to be removed exception: IOException - if an input/output error occurs