| java.lang.Object org.apache.xerces.dom.CoreDOMImplementationImpl
CoreDOMImplementationImpl | public class CoreDOMImplementationImpl implements DOMImplementation(Code) | | The DOMImplementation class is description of a particular
implementation of the Document Object Model. As such its data is
static, shared by all instances of this implementation.
The DOM API requires that it be a real object rather than static
methods. However, there's nothing that says it can't be a singleton,
so that's how I've implemented it.
This particular class, along with CoreDocumentImpl, only supports the DOM
Core. Optional modules are supported by the more complete DOMImplementation
class along with DocumentImpl.
since: PR-DOM-Level-1-19980818. |
createDocument | public Document createDocument(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, DocumentType doctype) throws DOMException(Code) | | Introduced in DOM Level 2.
Creates an XML Document object of the specified type with its document
Parameters: namespaceURI - The namespace URI of the documentelement to create, or null. Parameters: qualifiedName - The qualified name of the documentelement to create. Parameters: doctype - The type of document to be created or null. When doctype is not null, itsNode.ownerDocument attribute is set tothe document being created. Document A new Document object. throws: DOMException - WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if doctype hasalready been used with a different document. since: WD-DOM-Level-2-19990923 |
createDocumentType | public DocumentType createDocumentType(String qualifiedName, String publicID, String systemID)(Code) | | Introduced in DOM Level 2.
Creates an empty DocumentType node.
Parameters: qualifiedName - The qualified name of the document type to be created. Parameters: publicID - The document type public identifier. Parameters: systemID - The document type system identifier. since: WD-DOM-Level-2-19990923 |
getDOMImplementation | public static DOMImplementation getDOMImplementation()(Code) | | NON-DOM: Obtain and return the single shared object
hasFeature | public boolean hasFeature(String feature, String version)(Code) | | Test if the DOM implementation supports a specific "feature" --
currently meaning language and level thereof.
Parameters: feature - The package name of the feature to test.In Level 1, supported values are "HTML" and "XML" (case-insensitive).At this writing, org.apache.xerces.dom supports only XML. Parameters: version - The version number of the feature being tested.This is interpreted as "Version of the DOM API supported for thespecified Feature", and in Level 1 should be "1.0" |