| java.lang.Object org.apache.xerces.dom.events.EventImpl
All known Subclasses: org.apache.xerces.dom.events.MutationEventImpl,
EventImpl | public class EventImpl implements Event(Code) | | EventImpl is an implementation of the basic "generic" DOM Level 2 Event
object. It may be subclassed by more specialized event sets.
Note that in our implementation, events are re-dispatchable (dispatch
clears the stopPropagation and preventDefault flags before it starts);
I believe that is the DOM's intent but I don't see an explicit statement
to this effect.
Method Summary | |
public boolean | getBubbles() true iff this Event is of a class and type which supportsbubbling. | public boolean | getCancelable() true iff this Event is of a class and type which (a) has aDefault Behavior in this DOM, and (b)allows cancellation (blocking)of that behavior. | public EventTarget | getCurrentTarget() the Node (EventTarget) whose EventListeners are currentlybeing processed. | public short | getEventPhase() the current processing phase for this event -- CAPTURING_PHASE, AT_TARGET, BUBBLING_PHASE. | public EventTarget | getTarget() | public long | getTimeStamp() | public String | getType() | public void | initEvent(String eventTypeArg, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg) The DOM doesn't deal with constructors, so instead we have an
initializer call to set most of the read-only fields. | public void | preventDefault() Prevents any default processing built into the target node from
occurring. | public void | stopPropagation() Causes exit from in-progress event dispatch before the next
currentTarget is selected. |
eventPhase | public short eventPhase(Code) | | |
initializedbubblescancelable | public boolean initializedbubblescancelable(Code) | | |
stopPropagationpreventDefault | public boolean stopPropagationpreventDefault(Code) | | |
timeStamp | protected long timeStamp(Code) | | |
getBubbles | public boolean getBubbles()(Code) | | true iff this Event is of a class and type which supportsbubbling. In the generic case, this is True. |
getCancelable | public boolean getCancelable()(Code) | | true iff this Event is of a class and type which (a) has aDefault Behavior in this DOM, and (b)allows cancellation (blocking)of that behavior. In the generic case, this is False. |
getCurrentTarget | public EventTarget getCurrentTarget()(Code) | | the Node (EventTarget) whose EventListeners are currentlybeing processed. During capture and bubble phases, this may not bethe target node. |
getEventPhase | public short getEventPhase()(Code) | | the current processing phase for this event -- CAPTURING_PHASE, AT_TARGET, BUBBLING_PHASE. (There may bean internal DEFAULT_PHASE as well, but the users won't see it.) |
getTarget | public EventTarget getTarget()(Code) | | the EventTarget (Node) to which the event was originallydispatched. |
getTimeStamp | public long getTimeStamp()(Code) | | |
initEvent | public void initEvent(String eventTypeArg, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg)(Code) | | The DOM doesn't deal with constructors, so instead we have an
initializer call to set most of the read-only fields. The
others are set, and reset, by the event subsystem during dispatch.
Note that init() -- and the subclass-specific initWhatever() calls --
may be reinvoked. At least one initialization is required; repeated
initializations overwrite the event with new values of their
preventDefault | public void preventDefault()(Code) | | Prevents any default processing built into the target node from
stopPropagation | public void stopPropagation()(Code) | | Causes exit from in-progress event dispatch before the next
currentTarget is selected. Replaces the preventBubble() and
preventCapture() methods which were present in early drafts;
they may be reintroduced in future levels of the DOM.