Method Summary |
public String | getAlign() Aligns this object (vertically or horizontally) with respect to its
surrounding text. |
public String | getArchive() Space-separated list of archives. |
public String | getBorder() Width of border around the object. |
public String | getCode() Applet class file. |
public String | getCodeBase() Base URI for classid , data , and
archive attributes. |
public String | getCodeType() Content type for data downloaded via classid attribute. |
public Document | getContentDocument() The document this object contains, if there is any and it is
available, or null otherwise. |
public String | getData() A URI specifying the location of the object's data. |
public boolean | getDeclare() Declare (for future reference), but do not instantiate, this object. |
public HTMLFormElement | getForm() Returns the FORM element containing this control. |
public String | getHeight() Override height. |
public String | getHspace() Horizontal space to the left and right of this image, applet, or
object. |
public String | getName() Form control or object name when submitted with a form. |
public String | getStandby() Message to render while loading the object. |
public int | getTabIndex() Index that represents the element's position in the tabbing order. |
public String | getType() Content type for data downloaded via data attribute. |
public String | getUseMap() Use client-side image map. |
public String | getVspace() Vertical space above and below this image, applet, or object. |
public String | getWidth() Override width. |
public void | setAlign(String align) |
public void | setArchive(String archive) |
public void | setBorder(String border) |
public void | setCode(String code) |
public void | setCodeBase(String codeBase) |
public void | setCodeType(String codeType) |
public void | setData(String data) |
public void | setDeclare(boolean declare) |
public void | setHeight(String height) |
public void | setHspace(String hspace) |
public void | setName(String name) |
public void | setStandby(String standby) |
public void | setTabIndex(int tabIndex) |
public void | setType(String type) |
public void | setUseMap(String useMap) |
public void | setVspace(String vspace) |
public void | setWidth(String width) |