| java.lang.Object seda.sandStorm.lib.http.httpPacketReader
httpPacketReader | class httpPacketReader implements httpConst(Code) | | This is a package-internal class which reads HTTP request packets.
An instance of this class is fed ATcpInPackets (via the
parsePacket method). When a complete packet has been
read, an httpRequest is pushed to the corresponding SinkIF.
This is the bulk of the HTTP protocol implementation.
author: Matt Welsh |
httpPacketReader | httpPacketReader(httpConnection conn, SinkIF compQ)(Code) | | Create an httpPacketReader with the given httpConnection
and completion queue.
calcRequestBodyLength | public void calcRequestBodyLength()(Code) | | |
parsePacket | boolean parsePacket(ATcpInPacket pkt) throws IOException(Code) | | Parse the given packet; returns true if a complete HTTP
request has been received and parsed.