| java.lang.Object seda.sandStorm.main.Sandstorm
Sandstorm | public class Sandstorm (Code) | | This is the top-level class which acts as the "wrapper" and
external interface to the Sandstorm runtime. By creating a
Sandstorm object one can embed a Sandstorm system in another
application. If you wish to run a standalone Sandstorm, this
can be done from the commandline using the
seda.sandStorm.main.Main class.
In general it is a good idea to have just one Sandstorm instance
per JVM; multiple instances may interfere with one another in terms
of resource allocation and thread scheduling.
author: Matt Welsh See Also: Main See Also: SandstormConfig |
Constructor Summary | |
public | Sandstorm() Create a new Sandstorm with the default configuration and no
initial stages. | public | Sandstorm(String fname) Create a new Sandstorm, reading the configuration from the given
file. | public | Sandstorm(SandstormConfig config) Create a new Sandstorm with the given configuration. |
Sandstorm | public Sandstorm() throws Exception(Code) | | Create a new Sandstorm with the default configuration and no
initial stages.
Sandstorm | public Sandstorm(String fname) throws Exception(Code) | | Create a new Sandstorm, reading the configuration from the given
getManager | public ManagerIF getManager()(Code) | | Return a handler to the ManagerIF for the Sandstorm instance.
This interface allows one to create and obtain handles to stages.
getSandstorm | public static Sandstorm getSandstorm()(Code) | | Returns the currently-running Sandstorm instance, if any.
Returns null if no Sandstorm is currently running.
getSystemManager | public SystemManagerIF getSystemManager()(Code) | | Return a handle to the SystemManagerIF for the Sandstorm instance.
This interface allows one to create stages and thread managers.