001: /*
002: * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003: * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
004: * distributed with this work for additional information
005: * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
006: * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007: * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008: * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
009: *
010: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011: *
012: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
013: * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
015: * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
016: * specific language governing permissions and limitations
017: * under the License.
018: */
019: package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.impl;
021: import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement;
022: import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAP11Constants;
023: import org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAP12Constants;
024: import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.ExceptionFactory;
025: import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.i18n.Messages;
026: import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.Block;
027: import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.Message;
028: import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.Protocol;
029: import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLFault;
030: import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart;
031: import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.BlockFactory;
032: import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.util.XMLFaultUtils;
033: import org.apache.axis2.jaxws.utility.JavaUtils;
034: import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
035: import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
037: import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Style;
038: import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
039: import javax.xml.soap.Name;
040: import javax.xml.soap.Node;
041: import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement;
042: import javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope;
043: import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
044: import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
045: import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
046: import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter;
047: import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException;
048: import java.util.Iterator;
050: /**
051: * XMLPartBase class for an XMLPart An XMLPart is an abstraction of the xml portion of the message.
052: * The actual representation can be in one of three different forms: * An OM tree * A SAAJ
053: * SOAPEnvelope * An XMLSpine (an optimized representation of the message) The representation is
054: * stored in the private variable (content)
055: * <p/>
056: * The representation changes as the Message flows through the JAX-WS framework. For example, here
057: * is a typical flow on the inbound case: a) Message is built from OM
058: * (representation: OM) b) Message flows into SOAP Handler chain (representation:
059: * OM->SOAPEnvelope) c) Message flows out of the SOAP Handler chain d) Message flows into the
060: * logical dispatch processing (representation: SOAPEnvelope->XMLSpine)
061: * <p/>
062: * The key to performance is the implementation of the transformations between OM, SAAJ SOAPEnvelope
063: * and XMLSpine. This base class defines all of the methods that are required on an XMLPart, the
064: * actual transformations are provided by the derived class. This division of work allows the
065: * derived class to concentrate on the optimization of the transformations. For example, the
066: * derived class may implement XMLSpine -> OM using OMObjectWrapperElement constructs...thus avoid
067: * expensive parsing.
068: * <p/>
069: * Here are the methods that the derived XMLPart should implement. OMElement
070: * _convertSE2OM(SOAPEnvelope se) OMElement _convertSpine2OM(XMLSpine spine) SOAPEnvelope
071: * _convertOM2SE(OMElement om) SOAPEnvelope _convertSpine2SE(XMLSpine spine) XMLSpine
072: * _convertOM2Spine(OMElement om) XMLSpine _convertSE2Spine(SOAPEnvelope se) XMLSpine
073: * _createSpine(Protocol protocol)
074: * <p/>
075: * NOTE: For XML/HTTP (REST), a SOAP 1.1. Envelope is built and the rest payload is placed in the
076: * body. This purposely mimics the Axis2 implementation.
077: *
078: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart
079: * @see XMLPartImpl
080: */
081: public abstract class XMLPartBase implements XMLPart {
083: private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XMLPartBase.class);
085: Protocol protocol = Protocol.unknown; // Protocol defaults to unknown
086: Style style = Style.DOCUMENT; // Style defaults to document
087: int indirection = 0; // Default indirection for Document
089: // The actual xml representation is always one of the following
090: // OM if the content is an OM tree
091: // SOAPENVELOPE if the content is a SOAPEnvelope
092: // SPINE if the content is a OM "spine" + Blocks
093: Object content = null;
094: int contentType = UNKNOWN;
096: static final int UNKNOWN = 0;
097: static final int OM = 1;
098: static final int SOAPENVELOPE = 2;
099: static final int SPINE = 3;
101: boolean consumed = false;
103: Message parent;
105: /**
106: * XMLPart should be constructed via the XMLPartFactory. This constructor constructs an empty
107: * XMLPart with the specified protocol
108: *
109: * @param protocol
110: * @throws WebServiceException
111: */
112: XMLPartBase(Protocol protocol) throws WebServiceException {
113: super ();
114: if (protocol.equals(Protocol.unknown)) {
115: throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages
116: .getMessage("ProtocolIsNotKnown"));
117: }
118: content = _createSpine(protocol, getStyle(), getIndirection(),
119: null);
120: this .protocol = ((XMLSpine) content).getProtocol();
121: contentType = SPINE;
122: }
124: /**
125: * XMLPart should be constructed via the XMLPartFactory. This constructor creates an XMLPart from
126: * the specified root.
127: *
128: * @param root
129: * @param protocol (if null, the soap protocol is inferred from the namespace)
130: * @throws WebServiceException
131: */
132: XMLPartBase(OMElement root, Protocol protocol)
133: throws WebServiceException {
134: content = root;
135: contentType = OM;
136: QName qName = root.getQName();
137: if (protocol == null) {
138: if (qName.getNamespaceURI().equals(
140: this .protocol = Protocol.soap11;
141: } else if (qName.getNamespaceURI().equals(
143: this .protocol = Protocol.soap12;
144: }
145: } else if (protocol == Protocol.rest) {
146: this .protocol = Protocol.rest;
147: // Axis2 stores XML/HTTP messages inside a soap11 envelope. We will mimic this behavior
148: if (qName.getNamespaceURI().equals(
150: // Okay
151: } else if (qName.getNamespaceURI().equals(
153: throw ExceptionFactory
154: .makeWebServiceException("UNEXPECTED"); // TODO NLS
155: } else {
156: content = _createSpine(Protocol.rest, Style.DOCUMENT,
157: 0, root);
158: contentType = SPINE;
159: }
160: } else {
161: this .protocol = protocol;
162: }
163: }
165: /**
166: * XMLPart should be constructed via the XMLPartFactory. This constructor creates an XMLPart from
167: * the specified root.
168: *
169: * @param root
170: * @throws WebServiceException
171: */
172: XMLPartBase(SOAPEnvelope root) throws WebServiceException {
173: content = root;
174: contentType = SOAPENVELOPE;
175: String ns = root.getNamespaceURI();
176: if (ns.equals(SOAP11Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI)) {
177: protocol = Protocol.soap11;
178: } else if (ns
179: .equals(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI)) {
180: protocol = Protocol.soap12;
181: } else {
182: throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages
183: .getMessage("RESTIsNotSupported"));
184: }
185: }
187: private void setContent(Object content, int contentType) {
188: this .content = content;
189: this .contentType = contentType;
190: }
192: private OMElement getContentAsOMElement()
193: throws WebServiceException {
195: OMElement om = null;
196: switch (contentType) {
197: case (OM):
198: om = (OMElement) content;
199: break;
200: case (SPINE):
201: om = _convertSpine2OM((XMLSpine) content);
202: break;
203: case (SOAPENVELOPE):
204: om = _convertSE2OM((SOAPEnvelope) content);
205: break;
206: default:
207: throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages
208: .getMessage("XMLPartImplErr2"));
209: }
210: setContent(om, OM);
211: return om;
212: }
214: private SOAPEnvelope getContentAsSOAPEnvelope()
215: throws WebServiceException {
216: SOAPEnvelope se = null;
217: switch (contentType) {
218: case (SOAPENVELOPE):
219: se = (SOAPEnvelope) content;
220: break;
221: case (SPINE):
222: se = _convertSpine2SE((XMLSpine) content);
223: break;
224: case (OM):
225: se = _convertOM2SE((OMElement) content);
226: break;
227: default:
228: throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages
229: .getMessage("XMLPartImplErr2"));
230: }
231: setContent(se, SOAPENVELOPE);
232: return se;
233: }
235: private XMLSpine getContentAsXMLSpine() throws WebServiceException {
236: XMLSpine spine = null;
237: switch (contentType) {
238: case (SPINE):
239: spine = (XMLSpine) content;
240: break;
241: case (SOAPENVELOPE):
242: spine = _convertSE2Spine((SOAPEnvelope) content);
243: break;
244: case (OM):
245: spine = _convertOM2Spine((OMElement) content);
246: break;
247: default:
248: throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages
249: .getMessage("XMLPartImplErr2"));
250: }
251: spine.setParent(getParent());
252: setContent(spine, SPINE);
253: return spine;
254: }
256: /* (non-Javadoc)
257: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getAsOMElement()
258: */
259: public OMElement getAsOMElement() throws WebServiceException {
260: return getContentAsOMElement();
261: }
263: /* (non-Javadoc)
264: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getAsSOAPEnvelope()
265: */
266: public SOAPEnvelope getAsSOAPEnvelope() throws WebServiceException {
267: return getContentAsSOAPEnvelope();
268: }
270: /* (non-Javadoc)
271: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getProtocol()
272: */
273: public Protocol getProtocol() {
274: return protocol;
275: }
277: /* (non-Javadoc)
278: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getStyle()
279: */
280: public Style getStyle() {
281: return style;
282: }
284: /* (non-Javadoc)
285: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getIndirection()
286: */
287: public int getIndirection() {
288: return indirection;
289: }
291: /* (non-Javadoc)
292: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#setStyle(javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Style)
293: */
294: public void setStyle(Style style) throws WebServiceException {
295: if (this .style != style) {
296: if (contentType == SPINE) {
297: // Must switch to something other than XMLSpine
298: getContentAsOMElement();
299: }
300: }
301: this .style = style;
302: if (style == Style.RPC) {
303: setIndirection(1);
304: } else {
305: setIndirection(0);
306: }
307: }
309: public void setIndirection(int indirection) {
310: if (this .indirection != indirection) {
311: if (contentType == SPINE) {
312: // Must switch to something other than XMLSpine
313: getContentAsOMElement();
314: }
315: }
316: this .indirection = indirection;
317: }
319: public QName getOperationElement() throws WebServiceException {
320: try {
321: if (style != Style.RPC) {
322: return null;
323: }
324: switch (contentType) {
325: case OM:
326: return ((org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope) content)
327: .getBody().getFirstElement().getQName();
328: case SPINE:
329: return ((XMLSpine) content).getOperationElement();
331: Iterator it = ((SOAPEnvelope) content).getBody()
332: .getChildElements();
333: while (it.hasNext()) {
334: Node node = (Node) it.next();
335: if (node instanceof SOAPElement) {
336: Name name = ((SOAPElement) node)
337: .getElementName();
338: return new QName(name.getURI(), name
339: .getLocalName(), name.getPrefix());
340: }
341: }
342: }
343: return null;
344: } catch (SOAPException se) {
345: throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(se);
346: }
347: }
349: public void setOperationElement(QName operationQName)
350: throws WebServiceException {
351: if (indirection == 1) {
352: this .getContentAsXMLSpine().setOperationElement(
353: operationQName);
354: }
355: }
357: /* (non-Javadoc)
358: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getXMLPartContentType()
359: */
360: public String getXMLPartContentType() {
361: switch (contentType) {
362: case OM:
363: return "OM";
365: return "SOAPENVELOPE";
366: case SPINE:
367: return "SPINE";
368: default:
369: return "UNKNOWN";
370: }
371: }
373: /* (non-Javadoc)
374: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getXMLStreamReader(boolean)
375: */
376: public XMLStreamReader getXMLStreamReader(boolean consume)
377: throws WebServiceException {
378: if (consumed) {
379: throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages
380: .getMessage("XMLPartImplErr1"));
381: }
382: XMLStreamReader reader = null;
383: if (contentType == SPINE) {
384: reader = getContentAsXMLSpine().getXMLStreamReader(consume);
385: } else {
386: OMElement omElement = getContentAsOMElement();
387: if (consume) {
388: reader = omElement.getXMLStreamReaderWithoutCaching();
389: } else {
390: reader = omElement.getXMLStreamReader();
391: }
392: }
393: setConsumed(consume);
394: return reader;
395: }
397: /* (non-Javadoc)
398: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getXMLFault()
399: */
400: public XMLFault getXMLFault() throws WebServiceException {
402: XMLFault xmlFault = null;
404: if (isFault()) {
405: // An XMLFault represents the detail elements as Blocks, so
406: // it makes sense to convert the representation to a Spine since
407: // that is what we do in other situations where we need a Block.
408: // Of course there is some additional optimization that could be done.
409: // If we can determine that there are no detail elements, then we could
410: // build the fault from an OM or SOAPEnvelope.
411: XMLSpine spine = getContentAsXMLSpine();
412: xmlFault = spine.getXMLFault();
414: // For each block in the xmlfault, set the message
415: Block[] blocks = xmlFault.getDetailBlocks();
416: if (blocks != null) {
417: for (int i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
418: blocks[i].setParent(getParent());
419: }
420: }
421: }
422: return xmlFault;
423: }
425: /* (non-Javadoc)
426: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#setXMLFault(org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLFault)
427: */
428: public void setXMLFault(XMLFault xmlFault)
429: throws WebServiceException {
430: // For each block in the xmlfault, set the message
431: Block[] blocks = xmlFault.getDetailBlocks();
432: if (blocks != null) {
433: for (int i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
434: blocks[i].setParent(getParent());
435: }
436: }
437: // Since the XMLFault contains detail Blocks it makes sence to convert
438: // to an XMLSpine first (since that is what we do in the other calls that set Blocks).
439: // Of course if the XMLFault did not have detail Blocks we might be able to
440: // do this without a transformation of the data.
441: XMLSpine spine = getContentAsXMLSpine();
442: spine.setXMLFault(xmlFault);
443: }
445: /* (non-Javadoc)
446: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#isFault()
447: */
448: public boolean isFault() throws WebServiceException {
449: if (consumed) {
450: throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages
451: .getMessage("XMLPartImplErr1"));
452: }
454: try {
455: switch (contentType) {
456: case OM:
457: return XMLFaultUtils
458: .isFault((org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope) getContentAsOMElement());
460: return XMLFaultUtils
461: .isFault(getContentAsSOAPEnvelope());
462: case SPINE:
463: return getContentAsXMLSpine().isFault();
464: }
465: } catch (SOAPException se) {
466: throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(se);
467: }
468: return false;
469: }
471: /* (non-Javadoc)
472: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#isConsumed()
473: */
474: public boolean isConsumed() {
475: return consumed;
476: }
478: /* (non-Javadoc)
479: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#outputTo(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter, boolean)
480: */
481: public void outputTo(XMLStreamWriter writer, boolean consume)
482: throws XMLStreamException, WebServiceException {
483: if (consumed) {
484: throw ExceptionFactory.makeWebServiceException(Messages
485: .getMessage("XMLPartImplErr1"));
486: }
487: if (contentType == SPINE) {
488: getContentAsXMLSpine().outputTo(writer, consume);
489: } else {
490: OMElement omElement = getContentAsOMElement();
491: if (consume) {
492: omElement.serializeAndConsume(writer);
493: } else {
494: omElement.serialize(writer);
495: }
496: }
497: setConsumed(consume);
498: return;
500: }
502: /* (non-Javadoc)
503: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#traceString(java.lang.String)
504: */
505: public String traceString(String indent) {
506: // TODO
507: return null;
508: }
510: /* (non-Javadoc)
511: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getBodyBlock(int, java.lang.Object, org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.BlockFactory)
512: */
513: public Block getBodyBlock(int index, Object context,
514: BlockFactory blockFactory) throws WebServiceException {
515: Block block = getContentAsXMLSpine().getBodyBlock(index,
516: context, blockFactory);
517: if (block != null) {
518: block.setParent(getParent());
519: }
520: return block;
521: }
523: /* (non-Javadoc)
524: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getBodyBlock(java.lang.Object, org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.BlockFactory)
525: */
526: public Block getBodyBlock(Object context, BlockFactory blockFactory)
527: throws WebServiceException {
528: Block block = getContentAsXMLSpine().getBodyBlock(context,
529: blockFactory);
530: if (block != null) {
531: block.setParent(getParent());
532: }
533: return block;
534: }
536: /* (non-Javadoc)
537: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getHeaderBlock(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.factory.BlockFactory)
538: */
539: public Block getHeaderBlock(String namespace, String localPart,
540: Object context, BlockFactory blockFactory)
541: throws WebServiceException {
542: Block block = getContentAsXMLSpine().getHeaderBlock(namespace,
543: localPart, context, blockFactory);
544: if (block != null) {
545: block.setParent(getParent());
546: }
547: return block;
548: }
550: /* (non-Javadoc)
551: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getNumBodyBlocks()
552: */
553: public int getNumBodyBlocks() throws WebServiceException {
554: return getContentAsXMLSpine().getNumBodyBlocks();
555: }
557: /* (non-Javadoc)
558: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getNumHeaderBlocks()
559: */
560: public int getNumHeaderBlocks() throws WebServiceException {
561: return getContentAsXMLSpine().getNumHeaderBlocks();
562: }
564: /* (non-Javadoc)
565: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#removeBodyBlock(int)
566: */
567: public void removeBodyBlock(int index) throws WebServiceException {
568: getContentAsXMLSpine().removeBodyBlock(index);
569: }
571: /* (non-Javadoc)
572: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#removeHeaderBlock(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
573: */
574: public void removeHeaderBlock(String namespace, String localPart)
575: throws WebServiceException {
576: getContentAsXMLSpine().removeHeaderBlock(namespace, localPart);
577: }
579: /* (non-Javadoc)
580: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#setBodyBlock(int, org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.Block)
581: */
582: public void setBodyBlock(int index, Block block)
583: throws WebServiceException {
584: block.setParent(getParent());
585: getContentAsXMLSpine().setBodyBlock(index, block);
586: }
588: /* (non-Javadoc)
589: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#setBodyBlock(int, org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.Block)
590: */
591: public void setBodyBlock(Block block) throws WebServiceException {
592: block.setParent(getParent());
593: getContentAsXMLSpine().setBodyBlock(block);
594: }
596: /* (non-Javadoc)
597: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#setHeaderBlock(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.Block)
598: */
599: public void setHeaderBlock(String namespace, String localPart,
600: Block block) throws WebServiceException {
601: block.setParent(getParent());
602: getContentAsXMLSpine().setHeaderBlock(namespace, localPart,
603: block);
604: }
606: /*
607: * (non-Javadoc)
608: * @see org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.XMLPart#getParent()
609: */
610: public Message getParent() {
611: return parent;
612: }
614: /*
615: * Set the backpointer to this XMLPart's parent Message
616: */
617: public void setParent(Message p) {
618: parent = p;
619: }
621: /**
622: * Convert SOAPEnvelope into an OM tree
623: *
624: * @param se SOAPEnvelope
625: * @return OM
626: * @throws WebServiceException
627: */
628: protected abstract OMElement _convertSE2OM(SOAPEnvelope se)
629: throws WebServiceException;
631: /**
632: * Convert XMLSpine into an OM tree
633: *
634: * @param spine XMLSpine
635: * @return OM
636: * @throws WebServiceException
637: */
638: protected abstract OMElement _convertSpine2OM(XMLSpine spine)
639: throws WebServiceException;
641: /**
642: * Convert OM tree into a SOAPEnvelope
643: *
644: * @param om
645: * @return SOAPEnvelope
646: * @throws WebServiceException
647: */
648: protected abstract SOAPEnvelope _convertOM2SE(OMElement om)
649: throws WebServiceException;
651: /**
652: * Convert XMLSpine into a SOAPEnvelope
653: *
654: * @param spine
655: * @return SOAPEnvelope
656: * @throws WebServiceException
657: */
658: protected abstract SOAPEnvelope _convertSpine2SE(XMLSpine spine)
659: throws WebServiceException;
661: /**
662: * Convert OM into XMLSpine
663: *
664: * @param om
665: * @return
666: * @throws WebServiceException
667: */
668: protected abstract XMLSpine _convertOM2Spine(OMElement om)
669: throws WebServiceException;
671: /**
672: * Convert SOAPEnvelope into XMLSPine
673: *
674: * @param SOAPEnvelope
675: * @return XMLSpine
676: * @throws WebServiceException
677: */
678: protected abstract XMLSpine _convertSE2Spine(SOAPEnvelope se)
679: throws WebServiceException;
681: /**
682: * Create an empty, default spine for the specificed protocol
683: *
684: * @param protocol
685: * @return
686: * @throws WebServiceException
687: */
688: protected static XMLSpine _createSpine(Protocol protocol,
689: Style style, int indirection, OMElement payload)
690: throws WebServiceException {
691: // Default implementation is to simply construct the spine.
692: // Derived classes may wish to construct a different kind of XMLSpine
693: return new XMLSpineImpl(protocol, style, indirection, payload);
694: }
696: private void setConsumed(boolean consume) {
697: if (consume) {
698: this .consumed = true;
699: if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
700: log.debug("Debug Monitoring When Block is Consumed");
701: log.debug(JavaUtils.stackToString());
702: }
703: } else {
704: consumed = false;
705: }
706: }
708: }