java.lang .Object org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.util .StackableReader StackableReader public class StackableReader implements XMLStreamReader (Code) StackableReader A StackableStreamReader provides an additional method push(XMLStreamReader)
You can call push(...) to add a new XMLStreamReader. The next event will use the pushed stream
reader. After the XMLStreamReader is consumed, it is automatically popped off of the stack.
Note the information returned by the StackableReader is only applicable for the topmost
XMLStreamReader. For example the NamespaceContext that is returned is not a combination of all
the namespace contexts on the stack.
StackableReader public StackableReader(XMLStreamReader first)(Code) Create a stackable reader with the initial reader
Parameters: first -
getAttributeCount public int getAttributeCount()(Code)
getAttributeLocalName public String getAttributeLocalName(int arg0)(Code)
getAttributeName public QName getAttributeName(int arg0)(Code)
getAttributeNamespace public String getAttributeNamespace(int arg0)(Code)
getAttributePrefix public String getAttributePrefix(int arg0)(Code)
getAttributeType public String getAttributeType(int arg0)(Code)
getAttributeValue public String getAttributeValue(int arg0)(Code)
getCharacterEncodingScheme public String getCharacterEncodingScheme()(Code)
getEventType public int getEventType()(Code)
getNamespaceCount public int getNamespaceCount()(Code)
getNamespacePrefix public String getNamespacePrefix(int arg0)(Code)
getNamespaceURI public String getNamespaceURI(int arg0)(Code)
getTextCharacters public char[] getTextCharacters()(Code)
getTextCharacters public int getTextCharacters(int arg0, char[] arg1, int arg2, int arg3) throws XMLStreamException (Code)
getTextLength public int getTextLength()(Code)
getTextStart public int getTextStart()(Code)
hasName public boolean hasName()(Code)
hasText public boolean hasText()(Code)
isAttributeSpecified public boolean isAttributeSpecified(int arg0)(Code)
isCharacters public boolean isCharacters()(Code)
isEndElement public boolean isEndElement()(Code)
isStandalone public boolean isStandalone()(Code)
isStartElement public boolean isStartElement()(Code)
isWhiteSpace public boolean isWhiteSpace()(Code)
standaloneSet public boolean standaloneSet()(Code)