| java.lang.Object org.apache.axis2.jaxws.message.util.XMLFaultUtils
XMLFaultUtils | public class XMLFaultUtils (Code) | | Collection of utilities used by the Message implementation to process XMLFaults.
See Also: XMLFault |
createSOAPFault | public static SOAPFault createSOAPFault(XMLFault xmlFault, SOAPBody body, boolean ignoreDetailBlocks) throws WebServiceException(Code) | | Create a SOAPFault representing the XMLFault and attach it to body. If there are 1 or more
detail Blocks on the XMLFault, a SOAPFaultDetail is attached. If ignoreDetailBlocks=false,
then OMElements are added to the SOAPFaultDetail. If ignoreDetailBlocks=true, then the Detail
Blocks are ignored (this is necessary for XMLSpine processing)
Parameters: xmlFault - Parameters: body - - Assumes that the body is empty Parameters: ignoreDetailBlocks - true or fals SOAPFault (which is attached to body) |
createXMLFault | public static XMLFault createXMLFault(SOAPFault soapFault, Block[] detailBlocks) throws WebServiceException(Code) | | Create an XMLFault object from a SOAPFault and detail Blocks
Parameters: soapFault - Parameters: detailBlocks - |
isFault | public static boolean isFault(SOAPEnvelope envelope)(Code) | | Parameters: envelope - org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope true if the SOAPEnvelope contains a SOAPFault |