Axis2 states are held in two information models, called description hierarchy
and context hierarchy. Description hierarchy hold deployment configuration
and it's values does not change unless deployment configuration change occurs
where Context hierarchy hold run time information. Both hierarchies consists
four levels, Global, Service Group, Operation and Message. Please look at
"Information Model" section of "Axis2 Architecture Guide" for more information.
Configuration Context hold Global level run-time information. This allows
same configurations to be used by two Axis2 instances and most Axis2 wide
configurations can changed by setting name value pairs of the configurationContext.
This hold all OperationContexts, ServiceGroups, Sessions, and ListenerManager.
Create a ServiceGroupContext for the specified service group, and notify any
registered ContextListener.
Parameters: serviceGroup - an AxisServiceGroup a new ServiceGroupContext
Deploy a service to the embedded AxisConfiguration, and initialize it.
Parameters: service - service to deploy throws: AxisFault - if there's a problem
Searches for a ServiceGroupContext in the map with given id as the key.
If(key != null && found)
check for a service context for the intended service.
if (!found)
create one and hook up to ServiceGroupContext
create new ServiceGroupContext with the given key or if key is null with a new key
create a new service context for the service
Returns a ServiceGroupContext object associated
with the specified ID from the internal table.
Parameters: serviceGroupCtxId - The ID string associated with the ServiceGroupContext object The ServiceGroupContext object, or null if not found
Registers a OperationContext with a given message ID.
If the given message id already has a registered operation context,
no change is made and the methid resturns false.
Parameters: messageID - the message-id to register Parameters: mepContext - the OperationContext for the specified message-id true if we added a new context, false if the messageID was already there and we didnothing