0001: /*
0002: * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
0003: * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
0004: * distributed with this work for additional information
0005: * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
0006: * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
0007: * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
0008: * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
0009: *
0010: * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
0011: *
0012: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
0013: * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
0015: * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
0016: * specific language governing permissions and limitations
0017: * under the License.
0018: */
0020: package org.apache.axis2.deployment;
0022: import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement;
0023: import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
0024: import org.apache.axis2.Constants;
0025: import org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext;
0026: import org.apache.axis2.deployment.repository.util.ArchiveReader;
0027: import org.apache.axis2.deployment.repository.util.DeploymentFileData;
0028: import org.apache.axis2.deployment.repository.util.WSInfo;
0029: import org.apache.axis2.deployment.scheduler.DeploymentIterator;
0030: import org.apache.axis2.deployment.scheduler.Scheduler;
0031: import org.apache.axis2.deployment.scheduler.SchedulerTask;
0032: import org.apache.axis2.deployment.util.Utils;
0033: import org.apache.axis2.deployment.resolver.AARBasedWSDLLocator;
0034: import org.apache.axis2.deployment.resolver.AARFileBasedURIResolver;
0035: import org.apache.axis2.description.*;
0036: import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration;
0037: import org.apache.axis2.engine.MessageReceiver;
0038: import org.apache.axis2.i18n.Messages;
0039: import org.apache.axis2.util.JavaUtils;
0040: import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
0041: import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
0043: import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
0044: import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
0045: import java.io.*;
0046: import java.net.MalformedURLException;
0047: import java.net.URL;
0048: import java.util.ArrayList;
0049: import java.util.HashMap;
0050: import java.util.Iterator;
0051: import java.util.List;
0052: import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
0053: import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
0055: public abstract class DeploymentEngine implements DeploymentConstants {
0056: private static final Log log = LogFactory
0057: .getLog(DeploymentEngine.class);
0059: //to keep the web resource location if any
0060: protected static String webLocationString = null;
0061: protected Scheduler scheduler;
0063: public static void setWebLocationString(String webLocationString) {
0064: DeploymentEngine.webLocationString = webLocationString;
0065: }
0067: /**
0068: * Support for hot update is controlled by this flag
0069: */
0070: protected boolean hotUpdate = true;
0072: /**
0073: * Support for hot deployment is controlled by this flag
0074: */
0075: protected boolean hotDeployment = true;
0077: /**
0078: * Stores all the web Services to deploy.
0079: */
0080: protected List wsToDeploy = new ArrayList();
0082: /**
0083: * Stores all the web Services to undeploy.
0084: */
0085: protected List wsToUnDeploy = new ArrayList();
0087: /**
0088: * to keep a ref to engine register
0089: * this ref will pass to engine when it call start()
0090: * method
0091: */
0092: protected AxisConfiguration axisConfig;
0094: protected ConfigurationContext configContext;
0096: protected RepositoryListener repoListener;
0098: protected String servicesPath = null;
0099: protected File servicesDir = null;
0100: protected String modulesPath = null;
0101: protected File modulesDir = null;
0102: private File repositoryDir = null;
0104: //to deploy service (both aar and expanded)
0105: protected ServiceDeployer serviceDeployer;
0106: //To deploy modules (both mar and expanded)
0107: protected ModuleDeployer moduleDeployer;
0109: //To keep the mapping that which directory will contain which type ,
0110: // for exmaple directory services will contains .aar
0111: private HashMap directoryToExtensionMappingMap = new HashMap();
0112: //to keep map of which deployer can process which file extension ,
0113: // for example ServiceDeployer will process .aar file
0114: private HashMap extensionToDeployerMappingMap = new HashMap();
0116: public void loadServices() {
0117: repoListener.checkServices();
0118: if (hotDeployment) {
0119: startSearch(repoListener);
0120: }
0121: }
0123: public void loadRepository(String repoDir)
0124: throws DeploymentException {
0125: File axisRepo = new File(repoDir);
0126: if (!axisRepo.exists()) {
0127: throw new DeploymentException(Messages.getMessage(
0128: "cannotfindrepo", repoDir));
0129: }
0130: setDeploymentFeatures();
0131: prepareRepository(repoDir);
0132: // setting the CLs
0133: setClassLoaders(repoDir);
0134: repoListener = new RepositoryListener(this , false);
0135: org.apache.axis2.util.Utils.calculateDefaultModuleVersion(
0136: axisConfig.getModules(), axisConfig);
0137: try {
0138: try {
0139: axisConfig.setRepository(axisRepo.toURL());
0140: } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
0141: log.info(e.getMessage());
0142: }
0143: axisConfig.validateSystemPredefinedPhases();
0144: } catch (AxisFault axisFault) {
0145: throw new DeploymentException(axisFault);
0146: }
0147: }
0149: public void loadFromClassPath() throws DeploymentException {
0150: //loading modules from the classpath
0151: new RepositoryListener(this , true);
0152: org.apache.axis2.util.Utils.calculateDefaultModuleVersion(
0153: axisConfig.getModules(), axisConfig);
0154: axisConfig.validateSystemPredefinedPhases();
0155: try {
0156: engageModules();
0157: } catch (AxisFault axisFault) {
0158: log.info(Messages.getMessage(
0159: DeploymentErrorMsgs.MODULE_VALIDATION_FAILED,
0160: axisFault.getMessage()));
0161: throw new DeploymentException(axisFault);
0162: }
0163: }
0165: public void loadServicesFromUrl(URL repoURL) {
0166: try {
0167: String path = servicesPath == null ? DeploymentConstants.SERVICE_PATH
0168: : servicesPath;
0169: if (!path.endsWith("/")) {
0170: path += "/";
0171: }
0172: String repoPath = repoURL.getPath();
0173: if (!repoPath.endsWith("/")) {
0174: repoPath += "/";
0175: repoURL = new URL(repoURL.getProtocol() + "://"
0176: + repoPath);
0177: }
0178: URL servicesDir = new URL(repoURL, path);
0179: URL filelisturl = new URL(servicesDir, "services.list");
0180: ArrayList files = getFileList(filelisturl);
0182: for (Iterator fileIterator = files.iterator(); fileIterator
0183: .hasNext();) {
0184: String fileUrl = (String) fileIterator.next();
0185: if (fileUrl.endsWith(".aar")) {
0186: AxisServiceGroup serviceGroup = new AxisServiceGroup();
0187: URL servicesURL = new URL(servicesDir, fileUrl);
0188: ArrayList servicelist = populateService(
0189: serviceGroup, servicesURL, fileUrl
0190: .substring(0, fileUrl
0191: .indexOf(".aar")));
0192: addServiceGroup(serviceGroup, servicelist,
0193: servicesURL, null, axisConfig);
0194: log.info(Messages.getMessage(
0195: DeploymentErrorMsgs.DEPLOYING_WS,
0196: org.apache.axis2.util.Utils
0197: .getModuleName(serviceGroup
0198: .getServiceGroupName())));
0199: }
0200: }
0201: } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
0202: log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
0203: } catch (IOException e) {
0204: log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
0205: }
0206: }
0208: public void loadRepositoryFromURL(URL repoURL)
0209: throws DeploymentException {
0210: try {
0211: String path = modulesPath == null ? DeploymentConstants.MODULE_PATH
0212: : modulesPath;
0213: if (!path.endsWith("/")) {
0214: path = path + "/";
0215: }
0216: String repoPath = repoURL.getPath();
0217: if (!repoPath.endsWith("/")) {
0218: repoPath += "/";
0219: repoURL = new URL(repoURL.getProtocol() + "://"
0220: + repoPath);
0221: }
0222: URL moduleDir = new URL(repoURL, path);
0223: URL filelisturl = new URL(moduleDir, "modules.list");
0224: ArrayList files = getFileList(filelisturl);
0225: Iterator fileIterator = files.iterator();
0226: while (fileIterator.hasNext()) {
0227: String fileUrl = (String) fileIterator.next();
0228: if (fileUrl.endsWith(".mar")) {
0229: URL moduleurl = new URL(moduleDir, fileUrl);
0230: ClassLoader deploymentClassLoader = Utils
0231: .createClassLoader(
0232: new URL[] { moduleurl },
0233: axisConfig.getModuleClassLoader(),
0234: true,
0235: (File) axisConfig
0236: .getParameterValue(Constants.Configuration.ARTIFACTS_TEMP_DIR));
0237: AxisModule module = new AxisModule();
0238: module.setModuleClassLoader(deploymentClassLoader);
0239: module.setParent(axisConfig);
0240: String moduleFile = fileUrl.substring(0, fileUrl
0241: .indexOf(".mar"));
0242: if (module.getName() == null) {
0243: module.setName(org.apache.axis2.util.Utils
0244: .getModuleName(moduleFile));
0245: module.setVersion(org.apache.axis2.util.Utils
0246: .getModuleVersion(moduleFile));
0247: }
0248: populateModule(module, moduleurl);
0249: module.setFileName(moduleurl);
0250: addNewModule(module, axisConfig);
0251: log.info(Messages.getMessage(
0252: DeploymentErrorMsgs.DEPLOYING_MODULE,
0253: org.apache.axis2.util.Utils.getModuleName(
0254: module.getName(), module
0255: .getVersion())));
0256: }
0257: }
0258: org.apache.axis2.util.Utils.calculateDefaultModuleVersion(
0259: axisConfig.getModules(), axisConfig);
0260: axisConfig.validateSystemPredefinedPhases();
0261: } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
0262: throw new DeploymentException(e);
0263: } catch (IOException e) {
0264: throw new DeploymentException(e);
0265: }
0266: }
0268: private void populateModule(AxisModule module, URL moduleUrl)
0269: throws DeploymentException {
0270: try {
0271: ClassLoader classLoader = module.getModuleClassLoader();
0272: InputStream moduleStream = classLoader
0273: .getResourceAsStream("META-INF/module.xml");
0274: if (moduleStream == null) {
0275: moduleStream = classLoader
0276: .getResourceAsStream("meta-inf/module.xml");
0277: }
0278: if (moduleStream == null) {
0279: throw new DeploymentException(Messages.getMessage(
0280: DeploymentErrorMsgs.MODULE_XML_MISSING,
0281: moduleUrl.toString()));
0282: }
0283: ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = new ModuleBuilder(
0284: moduleStream, module, axisConfig);
0285: moduleBuilder.populateModule();
0286: } catch (IOException e) {
0287: throw new DeploymentException(e);
0288: }
0289: }
0291: protected ArrayList populateService(AxisServiceGroup serviceGroup,
0292: URL servicesURL, String serviceName)
0293: throws DeploymentException {
0294: try {
0295: serviceGroup.setServiceGroupName(serviceName);
0296: ClassLoader serviceClassLoader = Utils
0297: .createClassLoader(
0298: new URL[] { servicesURL },
0299: axisConfig.getServiceClassLoader(),
0300: true,
0301: (File) axisConfig
0302: .getParameterValue(Constants.Configuration.ARTIFACTS_TEMP_DIR));
0303: String metainf = "meta-inf";
0304: serviceGroup.setServiceGroupClassLoader(serviceClassLoader);
0305: //processing wsdl.list
0306: InputStream wsdlfilesStream = serviceClassLoader
0307: .getResourceAsStream("meta-inf/wsdl.list");
0308: if (wsdlfilesStream == null) {
0309: wsdlfilesStream = serviceClassLoader
0310: .getResourceAsStream("META-INF/wsdl.list");
0311: if (wsdlfilesStream != null) {
0312: metainf = "META-INF";
0313: }
0314: }
0315: HashMap servicesMap = new HashMap();
0316: if (wsdlfilesStream != null) {
0317: ArchiveReader reader = new ArchiveReader();
0318: BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(
0319: new InputStreamReader(wsdlfilesStream));
0320: String line;
0321: while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
0322: line = line.trim();
0323: if (line.length() > 0 && line.charAt(0) != '#') {
0324: line = metainf + "/" + line;
0325: try {
0326: List services = reader
0327: .getAxisServiceFromWsdl(
0328: serviceClassLoader
0329: .getResourceAsStream(line),
0330: serviceClassLoader, line);
0331: if (services != null) {
0332: for (int i = 0; i < services.size(); i++) {
0333: AxisService axisService = (AxisService) services
0334: .get(i);
0335: servicesMap.put(axisService
0336: .getName(), axisService);
0337: }
0338: }
0340: } catch (Exception e) {
0341: throw new DeploymentException(e);
0342: }
0343: }
0344: }
0345: }
0346: InputStream servicexmlStream = serviceClassLoader
0347: .getResourceAsStream("META-INF/services.xml");
0348: if (servicexmlStream == null) {
0349: servicexmlStream = serviceClassLoader
0350: .getResourceAsStream("meta-inf/services.xml");
0351: } else {
0352: metainf = "META-INF";
0353: }
0354: if (servicexmlStream == null) {
0355: throw new DeploymentException(Messages.getMessage(
0356: DeploymentErrorMsgs.SERVICE_XML_NOT_FOUND,
0357: servicesURL.toString()));
0358: }
0359: DescriptionBuilder builder = new DescriptionBuilder(
0360: servicexmlStream, configContext);
0361: OMElement rootElement = builder.buildOM();
0362: String elementName = rootElement.getLocalName();
0364: if (TAG_SERVICE.equals(elementName)) {
0365: AxisService axisService = null;
0366: String wsdlLocation = "META-INF/service.wsdl";
0367: InputStream wsdlStream = serviceClassLoader
0368: .getResourceAsStream(wsdlLocation);
0369: if (wsdlStream == null) {
0370: wsdlLocation = "META-INF/" + serviceName + ".wsdl";
0371: wsdlStream = serviceClassLoader
0372: .getResourceAsStream(wsdlLocation);
0373: }
0374: if (wsdlStream != null) {
0375: WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder wsdl2AxisServiceBuilder = new WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder(
0376: wsdlStream, null, null);
0377: File file = Utils.toFile(servicesURL);
0378: if (file != null && file.exists()) {
0379: wsdl2AxisServiceBuilder
0380: .setCustomWSLD4JResolver(new AARBasedWSDLLocator(
0381: wsdlLocation, file, wsdlStream));
0382: wsdl2AxisServiceBuilder
0383: .setCustomResolver(new AARFileBasedURIResolver(
0384: file));
0385: }
0386: axisService = wsdl2AxisServiceBuilder
0387: .populateService();
0388: axisService.setWsdlFound(true);
0389: axisService.setCustomWsdl(true);
0390: axisService.setName(serviceName);
0391: }
0392: if (axisService == null) {
0393: axisService = new AxisService(serviceName);
0394: }
0396: axisService.setParent(serviceGroup);
0397: axisService.setClassLoader(serviceClassLoader);
0399: ServiceBuilder serviceBuilder = new ServiceBuilder(
0400: configContext, axisService);
0401: AxisService service = serviceBuilder
0402: .populateService(rootElement);
0404: ArrayList serviceList = new ArrayList();
0405: serviceList.add(service);
0406: return serviceList;
0407: } else if (TAG_SERVICE_GROUP.equals(elementName)) {
0408: ServiceGroupBuilder groupBuilder = new ServiceGroupBuilder(
0409: rootElement, servicesMap, configContext);
0410: ArrayList servicList = groupBuilder
0411: .populateServiceGroup(serviceGroup);
0412: Iterator serviceIterator = servicList.iterator();
0413: while (serviceIterator.hasNext()) {
0414: AxisService axisService = (AxisService) serviceIterator
0415: .next();
0416: String wsdlLocation = "META-INF/service.wsdl";
0417: InputStream wsdlStream = serviceClassLoader
0418: .getResourceAsStream(wsdlLocation);
0419: if (wsdlStream == null) {
0420: wsdlLocation = "META-INF/" + serviceName
0421: + ".wsdl";
0422: wsdlStream = serviceClassLoader
0423: .getResourceAsStream(wsdlLocation);
0424: }
0425: if (wsdlStream != null) {
0426: WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder wsdl2AxisServiceBuilder = new WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder(
0427: wsdlStream, axisService);
0428: File file = Utils.toFile(servicesURL);
0429: if (file != null && file.exists()) {
0430: wsdl2AxisServiceBuilder
0431: .setCustomWSLD4JResolver(new AARBasedWSDLLocator(
0432: wsdlLocation, file,
0433: wsdlStream));
0434: wsdl2AxisServiceBuilder
0435: .setCustomResolver(new AARFileBasedURIResolver(
0436: file));
0437: }
0438: axisService = wsdl2AxisServiceBuilder
0439: .populateService();
0440: axisService.setWsdlFound(true);
0441: axisService.setCustomWsdl(true);
0442: // Set the default message receiver for the operations that were
0443: // not listed in the services.xml
0444: Iterator operations = axisService
0445: .getOperations();
0446: while (operations.hasNext()) {
0447: AxisOperation operation = (AxisOperation) operations
0448: .next();
0449: if (operation.getMessageReceiver() == null) {
0450: operation
0451: .setMessageReceiver(loadDefaultMessageReceiver(
0452: operation
0453: .getMessageExchangePattern(),
0454: axisService));
0455: }
0456: }
0457: }
0458: }
0459: return servicList;
0460: }
0461: } catch (IOException e) {
0462: throw new DeploymentException(e);
0463: } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
0464: throw new DeploymentException(e);
0465: }
0466: return null;
0467: }
0469: protected MessageReceiver loadDefaultMessageReceiver(String mepURL,
0470: AxisService service) {
0471: MessageReceiver messageReceiver;
0472: if (mepURL == null) {
0473: mepURL = WSDL2Constants.MEP_URI_IN_OUT;
0474: }
0475: if (service != null) {
0476: messageReceiver = service.getMessageReceiver(mepURL);
0477: if (messageReceiver != null) {
0478: return messageReceiver;
0479: }
0480: }
0481: return axisConfig.getMessageReceiver(mepURL);
0482: }
0484: public static void addNewModule(AxisModule modulemetadata,
0485: AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration) throws AxisFault {
0487: Flow inflow = modulemetadata.getInFlow();
0488: ClassLoader moduleClassLoader = modulemetadata
0489: .getModuleClassLoader();
0491: if (inflow != null) {
0492: Utils.addFlowHandlers(inflow, moduleClassLoader);
0493: }
0495: Flow outFlow = modulemetadata.getOutFlow();
0497: if (outFlow != null) {
0498: Utils.addFlowHandlers(outFlow, moduleClassLoader);
0499: }
0501: Flow faultInFlow = modulemetadata.getFaultInFlow();
0503: if (faultInFlow != null) {
0504: Utils.addFlowHandlers(faultInFlow, moduleClassLoader);
0505: }
0507: Flow faultOutFlow = modulemetadata.getFaultOutFlow();
0509: if (faultOutFlow != null) {
0510: Utils.addFlowHandlers(faultOutFlow, moduleClassLoader);
0511: }
0513: axisConfiguration.addModule(modulemetadata);
0514: log.debug(Messages
0515: .getMessage(DeploymentErrorMsgs.ADDING_NEW_MODULE));
0516: }
0518: public static void addServiceGroup(AxisServiceGroup serviceGroup,
0519: ArrayList serviceList, URL serviceLocation,
0520: DeploymentFileData currentDeploymentFile,
0521: AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration) throws AxisFault {
0522: fillServiceGroup(serviceGroup, serviceList, serviceLocation,
0523: axisConfiguration);
0524: axisConfiguration.addServiceGroup(serviceGroup);
0525: if (currentDeploymentFile != null) {
0526: addAsWebResources(currentDeploymentFile.getFile(),
0527: serviceGroup.getServiceGroupName(), serviceGroup);
0528: }
0529: }
0531: protected static void fillServiceGroup(
0532: AxisServiceGroup serviceGroup, ArrayList serviceList,
0533: URL serviceLocation, AxisConfiguration axisConfig)
0534: throws AxisFault {
0535: // serviceGroup.setParent(axisConfig);
0536: // module from services.xml at serviceGroup level
0537: ArrayList groupModules = serviceGroup.getModuleRefs();
0538: serviceGroup.setParent(axisConfig);
0539: for (int i = 0; i < groupModules.size(); i++) {
0540: String moduleName = (String) groupModules.get(i);
0541: AxisModule module = axisConfig.getModule(moduleName);
0543: if (module != null) {
0544: serviceGroup.engageModule(axisConfig
0545: .getModule(moduleName));
0546: } else {
0547: throw new DeploymentException(Messages.getMessage(
0548: DeploymentErrorMsgs.BAD_MODULE_FROM_SERVICE,
0549: serviceGroup.getServiceGroupName(), moduleName));
0550: }
0551: }
0553: Iterator services = serviceList.iterator();
0555: while (services.hasNext()) {
0556: AxisService axisService = (AxisService) services.next();
0557: axisService.setUseDefaultChains(false);
0559: axisService.setFileName(serviceLocation);
0560: serviceGroup.addService(axisService);
0562: // modules from <service>
0563: ArrayList list = axisService.getModules();
0565: for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
0566: AxisModule module = axisConfig.getModule((String) list
0567: .get(i));
0569: if (module == null) {
0570: throw new DeploymentException(
0571: Messages
0572: .getMessage(
0573: DeploymentErrorMsgs.BAD_MODULE_FROM_SERVICE,
0574: axisService.getName(),
0575: ((QName) list.get(i))
0576: .getLocalPart()));
0577: }
0579: axisService.engageModule(module);
0580: }
0582: for (Iterator iterator = axisService.getOperations(); iterator
0583: .hasNext();) {
0584: AxisOperation opDesc = (AxisOperation) iterator.next();
0585: ArrayList modules = opDesc.getModuleRefs();
0587: for (int i = 0; i < modules.size(); i++) {
0588: String moduleName = (String) modules.get(i);
0589: AxisModule module = axisConfig
0590: .getModule(moduleName);
0592: if (module != null) {
0593: opDesc.engageModule(module);
0594: } else {
0595: throw new DeploymentException(
0596: Messages
0597: .getMessage(
0598: DeploymentErrorMsgs.BAD_MODULE_FROM_OPERATION,
0599: opDesc.getName()
0600: .getLocalPart(),
0601: moduleName));
0602: }
0603: }
0604: }
0605: }
0606: }
0608: /**
0609: * @param file ArchiveFileData
0610: */
0611: public void addWSToDeploy(DeploymentFileData file) {
0612: wsToDeploy.add(file);
0613: }
0615: /**
0616: * @param file WSInfo
0617: */
0618: public void addWSToUndeploy(WSInfo file) {
0619: wsToUnDeploy.add(file);
0620: }
0622: public void doDeploy() {
0623: try {
0624: if (wsToDeploy.size() > 0) {
0625: for (int i = 0; i < wsToDeploy.size(); i++) {
0626: DeploymentFileData fileToDeploy = (DeploymentFileData) wsToDeploy
0627: .get(i);
0628: try {
0629: fileToDeploy.deploy();
0630: } catch (DeploymentException e) {
0631: // TODO : This probably isn't sufficient. Maybe provide an option to stop?
0632: log.info(e);
0633: }
0634: }
0635: }
0636: } finally {
0637: wsToDeploy.clear();
0638: }
0639: }
0641: /**
0642: * Checks if the modules, referred by server.xml, exist or that they are deployed.
0643: *
0644: * @throws org.apache.axis2.AxisFault : If smt goes wrong
0645: */
0646: public void engageModules() throws AxisFault {
0647: axisConfig.engageGlobalModules();
0648: }
0650: /**
0651: * To get AxisConfiguration for a given inputStream this method can be used.
0652: * The inputstream should be a valid axis2.xml , else you will be getting
0653: * DeploymentExceptions.
0654: * <p/>
0655: * First creat a AxisConfiguration using given inputSream , and then it will
0656: * try to find the repository location parameter from AxisConfiguration, so
0657: * if user has add a parameter with the name "repository" , then the value
0658: * specified by that parameter will be the repository and system will try to
0659: * load modules and services from that repository location if it a valid
0660: * location. hot deployment and hot update will work as usual in this case.
0661: * <p/>
0662: * You will be getting AxisConfiguration corresponding to given inputstream
0663: * if it is valid , if something goes wrong you will be getting
0664: * DeploymentException
0665: *
0666: * @param in : InputStream to axis2.xml
0667: * @return a populated AxisConfiguration
0668: * @throws DeploymentException : If something goes wrong
0669: */
0670: public AxisConfiguration populateAxisConfiguration(InputStream in)
0671: throws DeploymentException {
0672: axisConfig = new AxisConfiguration();
0673: AxisConfigBuilder builder = new AxisConfigBuilder(in,
0674: axisConfig, this );
0675: builder.populateConfig();
0676: try {
0677: if (in != null) {
0678: in.close();
0679: }
0680: } catch (IOException e) {
0681: log.info("error in closing input stream");
0682: }
0683: moduleDeployer = new ModuleDeployer(axisConfig);
0684: return axisConfig;
0685: }
0687: /**
0688: * Starts the Deployment engine to perform Hot deployment and so on.
0689: *
0690: * @param listener : RepositoryListener
0691: */
0692: protected void startSearch(RepositoryListener listener) {
0693: scheduler = new Scheduler();
0695: scheduler.schedule(new SchedulerTask(listener),
0696: new DeploymentIterator());
0697: }
0699: public void unDeploy() {
0700: try {
0701: if (wsToUnDeploy.size() > 0) {
0702: for (int i = 0; i < wsToUnDeploy.size(); i++) {
0703: WSInfo wsInfo = (WSInfo) wsToUnDeploy.get(i);
0704: if (wsInfo.getType() == WSInfo.TYPE_SERVICE) {
0705: //No matter what we need to undeploy the service
0706: // if user has deleted the file from the repository
0707: serviceDeployer.unDeploy(wsInfo.getFileName());
0708: } else {
0709: //We need to undeploy the service whether we have enable hotUpdate or not ,
0710: // o.w what happen if someone delete the service from the repo
0711: Deployer deployer = wsInfo.getDeployer();
0712: if (deployer != null) {
0713: deployer.unDeploy(wsInfo.getFileName());
0714: }
0715: }
0716: }
0717: }
0718: } catch (Exception e) {
0719: log.info(e);
0720: }
0721: wsToUnDeploy.clear();
0722: }
0724: /**
0725: * Gets AxisConfiguration.
0726: *
0727: * @return AxisConfiguration <code>AxisConfiguration</code>
0728: */
0729: public AxisConfiguration getAxisConfig() {
0730: return axisConfig;
0731: }
0733: /**
0734: * Retrieves service name from the archive file name.
0735: * If the archive file name is service1.aar , then axis2 service name would be service1
0736: *
0737: * @param fileName the archive file name
0738: * @return Returns String.
0739: */
0740: public static String getAxisServiceName(String fileName) {
0741: char seperator = '.';
0742: String value;
0743: int index = fileName.lastIndexOf(seperator);
0745: if (index > 0) {
0746: value = fileName.substring(0, index);
0748: return value;
0749: }
0751: return fileName;
0752: }
0754: public AxisModule getModule(String moduleName) throws AxisFault {
0755: return axisConfig.getModule(moduleName);
0756: }
0758: public boolean isHotUpdate() {
0759: return hotUpdate;
0760: }
0762: private static void addAsWebResources(File in,
0763: String serviceFileName, AxisServiceGroup serviceGroup) {
0764: try {
0765: if (webLocationString == null) {
0766: return;
0767: }
0768: if (in.isDirectory()) {
0769: return;
0770: }
0771: File webLocation = new File(webLocationString);
0772: File out = new File(webLocation, serviceFileName);
0773: int BUFFER = 1024;
0774: byte data[] = new byte[BUFFER];
0775: FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(in);
0776: ZipInputStream zin = new ZipInputStream(fin);
0777: ZipEntry entry;
0778: while ((entry = zin.getNextEntry()) != null) {
0779: ZipEntry zip = new ZipEntry(entry);
0780: if (zip.getName().toUpperCase().startsWith("WWW")) {
0781: String fileName = zip.getName();
0782: fileName = fileName.substring("WWW/".length(),
0783: fileName.length());
0784: if (zip.isDirectory()) {
0785: new File(out, fileName).mkdirs();
0786: } else {
0787: FileOutputStream tempOut = new FileOutputStream(
0788: new File(out, fileName));
0789: int count;
0790: while ((count = zin.read(data, 0, BUFFER)) != -1) {
0791: tempOut.write(data, 0, count);
0792: }
0793: tempOut.close();
0794: tempOut.flush();
0795: }
0796: serviceGroup.setFoundWebResources(true);
0797: }
0798: }
0799: zin.close();
0800: fin.close();
0801: } catch (IOException e) {
0802: log.info(e.getMessage());
0803: }
0804: }
0806: public String getWebLocationString() {
0807: return webLocationString;
0808: }
0810: /**
0811: * To set the all the classLoader hierarchy this method can be used , the top most parent is
0812: * CCL then SCL(system Class Loader)
0813: * CCL
0814: * :
0815: * SCL
0816: * : :
0817: * MCCL SCCL
0818: * : :
0819: * MCL SCL
0820: * <p/>
0821: * <p/>
0822: * MCCL : module common class loader
0823: * SCCL : Service common class loader
0824: * MCL : module class loader
0825: * SCL : Service class loader
0826: *
0827: * @param axis2repoURI : The repository folder of Axis2
0828: * @throws DeploymentException if there's a problem
0829: */
0830: protected void setClassLoaders(String axis2repoURI)
0831: throws DeploymentException {
0832: ClassLoader sysClassLoader = Utils.getClassLoader(Thread
0833: .currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), axis2repoURI);
0835: axisConfig.setSystemClassLoader(sysClassLoader);
0836: if (servicesDir.exists()) {
0837: axisConfig.setServiceClassLoader(Utils.getClassLoader(
0838: axisConfig.getSystemClassLoader(), servicesDir));
0839: } else {
0840: axisConfig.setServiceClassLoader(axisConfig
0841: .getSystemClassLoader());
0842: }
0844: if (modulesDir.exists()) {
0845: axisConfig.setModuleClassLoader(Utils.getClassLoader(
0846: axisConfig.getSystemClassLoader(), modulesDir));
0847: } else {
0848: axisConfig.setModuleClassLoader(axisConfig
0849: .getSystemClassLoader());
0850: }
0851: }
0853: /**
0854: * Sets hotDeployment and hot update.
0855: */
0856: protected void setDeploymentFeatures() {
0857: Parameter hotDeployment = axisConfig
0858: .getParameter(TAG_HOT_DEPLOYMENT);
0859: Parameter hotUpdate = axisConfig.getParameter(TAG_HOT_UPDATE);
0861: if (hotDeployment != null) {
0862: this .hotDeployment = JavaUtils.isTrue(hotDeployment
0863: .getValue(), true);
0864: }
0866: if (hotUpdate != null) {
0867: this .hotUpdate = JavaUtils.isTrue(hotUpdate.getValue(),
0868: true);
0869: }
0871: String serviceDirPara = (String) axisConfig
0872: .getParameterValue(DeploymentConstants.SERVICE_DIR_PATH);
0873: if (serviceDirPara != null) {
0874: servicesPath = serviceDirPara;
0875: }
0877: String moduleDirPara = (String) axisConfig
0878: .getParameterValue(DeploymentConstants.MODULE_DRI_PATH);
0879: if (moduleDirPara != null) {
0880: modulesPath = moduleDirPara;
0881: }
0882: }
0884: /**
0885: * Creates directories for modules/services, copies configuration xml from class loader if necessary
0886: *
0887: * @param repositoryName the pathname of the repository
0888: */
0890: protected void prepareRepository(String repositoryName) {
0891: repositoryDir = new File(repositoryName);
0892: if (servicesPath != null) {
0893: servicesDir = new File(servicesPath);
0894: if (!servicesDir.exists()) {
0895: servicesDir = new File(repositoryDir, servicesPath);
0896: }
0897: } else {
0898: servicesDir = new File(repositoryDir,
0899: DeploymentConstants.SERVICE_PATH);
0900: }
0901: if (!servicesDir.exists()) {
0902: log.info(Messages.getMessage("noservicedirfound",
0903: getRepositoryPath(repositoryDir)));
0904: }
0905: if (modulesPath != null) {
0906: modulesDir = new File(modulesPath);
0907: if (!modulesDir.exists()) {
0908: modulesDir = new File(repositoryDir, modulesPath);
0909: }
0910: } else {
0911: modulesDir = new File(repositoryDir,
0912: DeploymentConstants.MODULE_PATH);
0913: }
0914: if (!modulesDir.exists()) {
0915: log.info(Messages.getMessage("nomoduledirfound",
0916: getRepositoryPath(repositoryDir)));
0917: }
0918: }
0920: protected String getRepositoryPath(File repository) {
0921: try {
0922: return repository.getCanonicalPath();
0923: } catch (IOException e) {
0924: return repository.getAbsolutePath();
0925: }
0926: }
0928: protected ArrayList getFileList(URL fileListUrl) {
0929: ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList();
0930: InputStream in;
0931: try {
0932: in = fileListUrl.openStream();
0933: } catch (IOException e) {
0934: return fileList;
0935: }
0936: BufferedReader input = null;
0937: try {
0938: input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
0939: String line;
0940: while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {
0941: line = line.trim();
0942: if (line.length() > 0 && line.charAt(0) != '#') {
0943: fileList.add(line);
0944: }
0945: }
0946: } catch (IOException ex) {
0947: ex.printStackTrace();
0948: } finally {
0949: try {
0950: if (input != null) {
0951: input.close();
0952: }
0953: } catch (IOException ex) {
0954: ex.printStackTrace();
0955: }
0956: }
0957: return fileList;
0958: }
0960: public void setConfigContext(ConfigurationContext configContext) {
0961: this .configContext = configContext;
0962: initializeDeployers(this .configContext);
0963: }
0965: private void initializeDeployers(ConfigurationContext configContext) {
0966: serviceDeployer = new ServiceDeployer();
0967: serviceDeployer.init(configContext);
0968: Iterator deployers = extensionToDeployerMappingMap.values()
0969: .iterator();
0970: while (deployers.hasNext()) {
0971: Deployer deployer = (Deployer) deployers.next();
0972: deployer.init(configContext);
0973: }
0974: }
0976: /**
0977: * Builds an AxisModule for a given module archive file. This does not
0978: * called the init method since there is no reference to configuration context
0979: * so who ever create module using this has to called module.init if it is
0980: * required
0981: *
0982: * @param modulearchive : Actual module archive file
0983: * @param config : AxisConfiguration : for get classloaders etc..
0984: * @return a complete AxisModule read from the file.
0985: * @throws org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentException
0986: * if there's a problem
0987: */
0988: public static AxisModule buildModule(File modulearchive,
0989: AxisConfiguration config) throws DeploymentException {
0990: final String MODULE_DEPLOYER = "moduleDeployer";
0991: AxisModule axismodule;
0992: ModuleDeployer deployer = (ModuleDeployer) config
0993: .getParameterValue(MODULE_DEPLOYER);
0994: try {
0995: if (deployer == null) {
0996: deployer = new ModuleDeployer(config);
0997: config.addParameter(MODULE_DEPLOYER, deployer);
0998: }
1000: DeploymentFileData currentDeploymentFile = new DeploymentFileData(
1001: modulearchive, deployer);
1002: axismodule = new AxisModule();
1003: ArchiveReader archiveReader = new ArchiveReader();
1005: currentDeploymentFile.setClassLoader(false, config
1006: .getModuleClassLoader(), null);
1007: axismodule.setModuleClassLoader(currentDeploymentFile
1008: .getClassLoader());
1009: archiveReader.readModuleArchive(currentDeploymentFile,
1010: axismodule, false, config);
1011: ClassLoader moduleClassLoader = axismodule
1012: .getModuleClassLoader();
1013: Flow inflow = axismodule.getInFlow();
1015: if (inflow != null) {
1016: Utils.addFlowHandlers(inflow, moduleClassLoader);
1017: }
1019: Flow outFlow = axismodule.getOutFlow();
1021: if (outFlow != null) {
1022: Utils.addFlowHandlers(outFlow, moduleClassLoader);
1023: }
1025: Flow faultInFlow = axismodule.getFaultInFlow();
1027: if (faultInFlow != null) {
1028: Utils.addFlowHandlers(faultInFlow, moduleClassLoader);
1029: }
1031: Flow faultOutFlow = axismodule.getFaultOutFlow();
1033: if (faultOutFlow != null) {
1034: Utils.addFlowHandlers(faultOutFlow, moduleClassLoader);
1035: }
1036: } catch (AxisFault axisFault) {
1037: throw new DeploymentException(axisFault);
1038: }
1039: return axismodule;
1040: }
1042: /**
1043: * Fills an axisservice object using services.xml. First creates
1044: * an axisservice object using WSDL and then fills it using the given services.xml.
1045: * Loads all the required class and builds the chains, finally adds the
1046: * servicecontext to EngineContext and axisservice into EngineConfiguration.
1047: *
1048: * @param serviceInputStream InputStream containing configuration data
1049: * @param configCtx the ConfigurationContext in which we're deploying
1050: * @return Returns AxisService.
1051: * @throws DeploymentException if there's a problem
1052: */
1053: public static AxisService buildService(
1054: InputStream serviceInputStream,
1055: ConfigurationContext configCtx) throws DeploymentException {
1056: AxisService axisService = new AxisService();
1057: try {
1058: ServiceBuilder builder = new ServiceBuilder(
1059: serviceInputStream, configCtx, axisService);
1060: builder.populateService(builder.buildOM());
1061: } catch (AxisFault axisFault) {
1062: throw new DeploymentException(axisFault);
1063: } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
1064: throw new DeploymentException(e);
1065: }
1067: return axisService;
1068: }
1070: /**
1071: * To build a AxisServiceGroup for a given services.xml
1072: * You have to add the created group into AxisConfig
1073: *
1074: * @param servicesxml InputStream created from services.xml or equivalent
1075: * @param classLoader ClassLoader to use
1076: * @param serviceGroupName name of the service group
1077: * @param configCtx the ConfigurationContext in which we're deploying
1078: * @param archiveReader the ArchiveReader we're working with
1079: * @param wsdlServices Map of existing WSDL services
1080: * @return a fleshed-out AxisServiceGroup
1081: * @throws AxisFault if there's a problem
1082: */
1083: public static AxisServiceGroup buildServiceGroup(
1084: InputStream servicesxml, ClassLoader classLoader,
1085: String serviceGroupName, ConfigurationContext configCtx,
1086: ArchiveReader archiveReader, HashMap wsdlServices)
1087: throws AxisFault {
1088: DeploymentFileData currentDeploymentFile = new DeploymentFileData(
1089: null, null);
1090: currentDeploymentFile.setClassLoader(classLoader);
1091: AxisServiceGroup serviceGroup = new AxisServiceGroup();
1092: serviceGroup.setServiceGroupClassLoader(classLoader);
1093: serviceGroup.setServiceGroupName(serviceGroupName);
1094: AxisConfiguration axisConfig = configCtx.getAxisConfiguration();
1095: try {
1096: ArrayList serviceList = archiveReader.buildServiceGroup(
1097: servicesxml, currentDeploymentFile, serviceGroup,
1098: wsdlServices, configCtx);
1099: fillServiceGroup(serviceGroup, serviceList, null,
1100: axisConfig);
1101: return serviceGroup;
1102: } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
1103: throw AxisFault.makeFault(e);
1104: }
1105: }
1107: public static AxisServiceGroup loadServiceGroup(File serviceFile,
1108: ConfigurationContext configCtx) throws AxisFault {
1109: try {
1110: DeploymentFileData currentDeploymentFile = new DeploymentFileData(
1111: serviceFile, null);
1112: DeploymentClassLoader classLoader = new DeploymentClassLoader(
1113: new URL[] { serviceFile.toURL() }, new ArrayList(),
1114: Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
1115: currentDeploymentFile.setClassLoader(classLoader);
1116: AxisServiceGroup serviceGroup = new AxisServiceGroup();
1117: serviceGroup.setServiceGroupClassLoader(classLoader);
1119: // Drop the extension and take the name
1120: String fileName = serviceFile.getName();
1121: String serviceGroupName = fileName.substring(0, fileName
1122: .lastIndexOf("."));
1123: serviceGroup.setServiceGroupName(serviceGroupName);
1124: AxisConfiguration axisConfig = configCtx
1125: .getAxisConfiguration();
1127: ArchiveReader archiveReader = new ArchiveReader();
1128: HashMap wsdlServices = archiveReader
1129: .processWSDLs(currentDeploymentFile);
1130: InputStream serviceXml = classLoader
1131: .getResourceAsStream("META-INF/services.xml");
1132: ArrayList serviceList = archiveReader.buildServiceGroup(
1133: serviceXml, currentDeploymentFile, serviceGroup,
1134: wsdlServices, configCtx);
1135: fillServiceGroup(serviceGroup, serviceList, null,
1136: axisConfig);
1137: return serviceGroup;
1138: } catch (Exception e) {
1139: throw new DeploymentException(e);
1140: }
1141: }
1143: public File getServicesDir() {
1144: return servicesDir;
1145: }
1147: public File getModulesDir() {
1148: return modulesDir;
1149: }
1151: public File getRepositoryDir() {
1152: return repositoryDir;
1153: }
1155: public void setExtensionToDeployerMappingMap(
1156: HashMap extensionToDeployerMappingMap) {
1157: this .extensionToDeployerMappingMap = extensionToDeployerMappingMap;
1158: }
1160: public void setDirectoryToExtensionMappingMap(
1161: HashMap directoryToExtensionMappingMap) {
1162: this .directoryToExtensionMappingMap = directoryToExtensionMappingMap;
1163: }
1165: public HashMap getDirectoryToExtensionMappingMap() {
1166: return directoryToExtensionMappingMap;
1167: }
1169: public RepositoryListener getRepoListener() {
1170: return repoListener;
1171: }
1173: public ServiceDeployer getServiceDeployer() {
1174: return serviceDeployer;
1175: }
1177: public ModuleDeployer getModuleDeployer() {
1178: return moduleDeployer;
1179: }
1181: public Deployer getDeployerForExtension(String extension) {
1182: return (Deployer) extensionToDeployerMappingMap.get(extension);
1183: }
1185: /**
1186: * Clean up the mess
1187: */
1188: public void cleanup() {
1189: if (scheduler != null) {
1190: scheduler.cleanup();
1191: }
1192: }
1193: }