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| org.apache.cxf.message.Exchange
All known Subclasses: org.apache.cxf.message.ExchangeImpl,
getConduit | Conduit getConduit(Message message)(Code) | | Parameters: message - the associated message the associated outgoing Conduit (may be anonymous) |
getDestination | Destination getDestination()(Code) | | the associated incoming Destination (may be anonymous) |
isOneWay | boolean isOneWay()(Code) | | true if the exchange is known to be a one-way exchange |
setConduit | void setConduit(Conduit conduit)(Code) | | Parameters: conduit - the associated outgoing Conduit |
setDestination | void setDestination(Destination destination)(Code) | | Parameters: destination - the associated incoming Destination |
setOneWay | void setOneWay(boolean b)(Code) | | Parameters: b - true if the exchange is known to be a one-way exchange |