| org.apache.cxf.ws.addressing.soap.MAPCodec
MAPCodec | public class MAPCodec extends AbstractSoapInterceptor (Code) | | SOAP interceptor responsible for {en|de}coding the Message Addressing
Properties for {outgo|incom}ing messages.
Inner Class :public interface HeaderFactory | |
Field Summary | |
final protected Map<String, Exchange> | uncorrelatedExchanges REVISIT: map usage that the *same* interceptor instance
is used in all chains. |
Constructor Summary | |
public | MAPCodec() Constructor. |
uncorrelatedExchanges | final protected Map<String, Exchange> uncorrelatedExchanges(Code) | | REVISIT: map usage that the *same* interceptor instance
is used in all chains.
MAPCodec | public MAPCodec()(Code) | | Constructor.
decodeAsNative | public T decodeAsNative(String encodedAs, Class<T> clz, Element headerElement, Unmarshaller unmarshaller) throws JAXBException(Code) | | Decodes a MAP from a exposed version.
Parameters: encodedAs - specifies the encoded version Parameters: clz - the class Parameters: headerElement - the SOAP header element Parameters: marshaller - the JAXB marshaller to use the decoded value |
decodeMAP | protected T decodeMAP(Class<T> clz, Element headerElement, Unmarshaller unmarshaller) throws JAXBException(Code) | | Decodes a MAP from a SOAP header.
Parameters: clz - the class Parameters: headerElement - the SOAP header element Parameters: marshaller - the JAXB marshaller to use the decoded value |
encodeMAP | protected void encodeMAP(T value, QName qname, Class<T> clz, Element header, Marshaller marshaller) throws JAXBException(Code) | | Encodes an MAP as a SOAP header.
Parameters: value - the value to encode Parameters: qname - the QName for the header Parameters: clz - the class Parameters: header - the SOAP header element Parameters: marshaller - the JAXB marshaller to use |
getHeaderFactory | protected HeaderFactory getHeaderFactory()(Code) | | |
getUnderstoodHeaders | public Set<QName> getUnderstoodHeaders()(Code) | | the set of SOAP headers understood by this handler |
handleFault | public void handleFault(SoapMessage message)(Code) | | Invoked when unwinding normal interceptor chain when a fault occurred.
Parameters: message - the messsage message |
handleMessage | public void handleMessage(SoapMessage message)(Code) | | Invoked for normal processing of inbound and outbound messages.
Parameters: message - the messsage |
setHeaderFactory | protected void setHeaderFactory(HeaderFactory factory)(Code) | | |
unmarshalMAPs | public AddressingProperties unmarshalMAPs(SoapMessage message)(Code) | | Decode the MAPs from protocol-specific headers.
Parameters: message - the SOAP message Parameters: the - decoded MAPs exception: SOAPFaultException - if decoded MAPs are invalid |