Input stream for Burlap requests, compatible with microedition
Java. It only uses classes and types available to J2ME. In
particular, it does not have any support for the <double> type.
MicroBurlapInput does not depend on any classes other than
in J2ME, so it can be extracted independently into a smaller package.
MicroBurlapInput is unbuffered, so any client needs to provide
its own buffering.
InputStream is = ...; // from http connection
MicroBurlapInput in = new MicroBurlapInput(is);
String value;
in.startReply(); // read reply header
value = in.readString(); // read string value
in.completeReply(); // read reply footer
Initialize the Burlap input stream with a new underlying stream.
Applications can use init(InputStream) to reuse
MicroBurlapInput to save garbage collection.
Reads a list object from the input stream.
Parameters: expectedClass - the calling routine's expected class Parameters: type - the type from the stream Parameters: length - the expected length, -1 for unspecified length
The two valid possibilities are either a <null>
or a <string>. The string value is encoded in utf-8, and
understands the basic XML escapes: "&123;", "<", ">",
"'", """.