| org.springframework.ws.soap.server.endpoint.AbstractSoapFaultDefinitionExceptionResolver org.springframework.ws.soap.server.endpoint.SoapFaultMappingExceptionResolver
SoapFaultMappingExceptionResolver | public class SoapFaultMappingExceptionResolver extends AbstractSoapFaultDefinitionExceptionResolver (Code) | | Exception resolver that allows for mapping exception class names to SOAP Faults. The mappings are set using the
exceptionMappings property, the format of which is documented in
SoapFaultDefinitionEditor .
author: Arjen Poutsma since: 1.0.0 |
getDepth | protected int getDepth(String exceptionMapping, Exception ex)(Code) | | Return the depth to the superclass matching. 0 means ex matches exactly. Returns -1 if
there's no match. Otherwise, returns depth. Lowest depth wins.
Follows the same algorithm as RollbackRuleAttribute, and SimpleMappingExceptionResolver
See Also: org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleMappingExceptionResolver |
setExceptionMappings | public void setExceptionMappings(Properties mappings)(Code) | | Set the mappings between exception class names and SOAP Faults. The exception class name can be a substring, with
no wildcard support at present.
The values of the given properties object should use the format described in
SoapFaultDefinitionEditor .
Follows the same matching algorithm as SimpleMappingExceptionResolver .
Parameters: mappings - exception patterns (can also be fully qualified class names) as keys, fault definition texts asvalues See Also: SoapFaultDefinitionEditor See Also: org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleMappingExceptionResolver |