Abstract base class for Wsdl11DefinitionBuilder implementations that use WSDL4J. Creates a base
Definition , and passes that to subclass template methods.
author: Arjen Poutsma since: 1.0.0
Creates a WSDL4J extensibility element.
Parameters: parentType - a class object indicating where in the WSDL definition this extension will exist Parameters: elementType - the qname of the extensibility element the extensibility element throws: WSDLException - in case of errors See Also: javax.wsdl.extensions.ExtensionRegistry.createExtension(Classjavax.xml.namespace.QName)
Called after the Definition has been created, but before any sub-elements are added. Default
implementation is empty.
Parameters: definition - the WSDL4J Definition throws: WSDLException - in case of errors See Also:AbstractWsdl4jDefinitionBuilder.buildDefinition()