Method Summary |
protected void | addAttribute(String uri, Class aClass) This is called in the derived constructor to set up the metadata about attributes. |
protected void | addElement(String uri, Class aClass) This is called in the derived constructor to set up the metadata about elements. |
protected void | addText(String uri, Class aClass) This is called in the derived constructor to set up the metadata about text. |
protected void | adopt(String uri, Object value) This is called to attach the value, if it is a bean. |
public Map | attributes() This returns a map from a String representing an attribute-based bean property URI to the value stored in that property. |
protected List | basicGet(String uri) This returns a list of specified property values. |
protected Object | basicGet(String uri, int index) This returns the specified property object. |
protected void | basicSet(String uri, List values) This sets the list of property objects. |
protected void | basicSet(String uri, int index, Object value) This set the specified property object. |
public void | basicSetText(String value) This set the text content to the specified value. |
protected Object | basicToArray(List list, Object array) This fills in each index of the array with an element from the list; primitives are unwrapped. |
protected List | basicToList(Object array) This returns list of the array's contents; primitives are wrapped. |
public void | changeLocalName(String localName) This sets the local name of the type of the bean. |
public void | changeNamespaceURI(String namespaceURI) This sets the namespace of the type of the bean. |
protected void | changeParent(AnyType parent) This sets the parent bean. |
protected Object | convertStringToValue(Class aClass, String string) This is called to convert a string to its bean representation. |
protected String | convertValueToString(Object value) This is called to convert value to its string. |
protected void | createAttribute(Element element, String uri, String value, List namespaces) This is a helper function that parses the URI and then delegates. |
protected void | createAttribute(Element element, String namespaceURI, String localName, String value, List namespaces) This is called to set the element specifed attribute to the given values. |
protected Document | createDocument() This is called to create a document. |
public Element | createElement() This creates a default serialization of this bean and all it's children. |
public Element | createElement(String namespaceURI, String localName) This creates a serialization of this bean and all it's children using the specified type of element. |
public Element | createElement(Document document) This creates a serialization of this bean and all it's children using the specified document;
the element is not added to the document. |
public Element | createElement(Document document, String namespaceURI, String localName) This creates a serialization of this bean and all it's children using the specified type of element and document;
the element is not added to the document. |
protected Element | createElement(Document document, String uri, List namespaces) This is a helper function that parses the URI and then delegates. |
protected Text | createText(Document document, String stringValue) This is called to create a text node. |
protected List | elementChildren(Element element) This helper method returns the list of children converted to objects based on their tag encoding their class name. |
protected String | elementText(Element element) This helper method returns the text of the element. |
public Map | elements() This returns a map from a String representing an element-based bean property URI to a list of values stored in that property. |
public String | localName() This returns the local name of the type of the bean. |
public String | namespaceURI() This returns the namespace of the type of the bean. |
protected void | orphan(String uri, Object value) This is called to detach the value, if it is a bean. |
protected AnyType | parent() This returns the parent bean. |
public void | populateFrom(Element element) This can be called to deserialize the bean from the given element. |
protected void | populateTo(Element element, List namespaces) This is used to populate the given element with this bean's serialization. |
protected Object | populateValueFrom(Class aClass, Element element) This creates a value of the given type from the given element. |
protected void | populateValueTo(Object value, Class aClass, String propertyURI, Element element, List namespaces) This is used to populate the value of the given propertyURI to the given element. |
protected void | populateValueTo(Object value, Element element, List namespaces) This uses the type name as the property uri. |
public List | properties() This returns an ordered list of all the properties. |
public Map | text() This returns a map from a String representing a text property URI to the value stored in that property. |
public Map | uriToClassMap() This returns a map from a property URI to the class that implements it. |