Provides the basic environment
This class is a bit confusing at the moment (Nov 2002) - it is in the process of
being changed from one system of property defaulting and retrieval to another.
To add a new property:
- Define constants for property name and default value below
- Set the default in the constructor below
- Set the property in AdministrationServlet's doPost method, look for the "properties" section
- Provide a form element for the property in admin.jsp
- Specify literal strings by using properties in ApplicationResources*.properties
isFranzNewTopicStyle() Property for switching between Franz Newtopic style (a new topic has a question mark after the topic) or
CSS newtopic style (the whole topic will be displayed with the css-class "newtopic").
Property for switching between Franz Newtopic style (a new topic has a question mark after the topic) or
CSS newtopic style (the whole topic will be displayed with the css-class "newtopic").
true if a new topic should have a clickable question mark after the word,false if a new topic word should be displayed with the css class "newtopic".
Property for making automatic TOC on the right side.
true if there shold be a table of content on every site, false otherwise.
The directory to place attachments in. This is either an absolute path if the admin setting for "upload directory"
starts with a "/" or a drive letter, or it is a relative path.
Parameters: virtualWiki - Parameters: name -