Method Summary |
public synchronized void | close() Sends the 'PART' message and leaves from this channel. |
public Collection<Buddy> | getMembers() Gets all the people on this channel. |
public String | getName() |
public String | getTopic() Gets the channel topic. |
public void | invite(Buddy buddy) Invites the specified user to this channel. |
public synchronized boolean | isJoined() |
public synchronized void | join() Join this channel. |
public synchronized void | join(String secret) Join this channel. |
public void | kick(Buddy buddy, String comment) Kicks out the specified user from this channel. |
public void | knock(String msg) |
public void | send(String message) Sends a message to this
Channel . |
public void | setMode(Object... modes) |
public void | setTopic(String newTopic) |
protected Object | writeReplace() |