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public class Attribute implements Serializable,Cloneable(Code)
An XML attribute. Methods allow the user to obtain the value of the attribute as well as namespace and type information.
   $Revision: 1.1 $, $Date: 2005/04/27 09:32:37 $
   Brett McLaughlin
   Jason Hunter
   Elliotte Rusty Harold
   Wesley Biggs

Field Summary
final public static  intCDATA_TYPE
     Attribute type: the attribute value is a string.
final public static  intENTITIES_TYPE

Attribute type: the attribute value is a list of entity names.

final public static  intENTITY_TYPE
     Attribute type: the attribute value is the name of an entity.
final public static  intENUMERATED_TYPE
     Attribute type: the attribute value is a name token from an enumeration.
final public static  intIDREFS_TYPE
     Attribute type: the attribute value is a list of references to unique identifiers.
final public static  intIDREF_TYPE
     Attribute type: the attribute value is a reference to a unique identifier.
final public static  intID_TYPE
     Attribute type: the attribute value is a unique identifier.
final public static  intNMTOKENS_TYPE
     Attribute type: the attribute value is a list of name tokens.
final public static  intNMTOKEN_TYPE
     Attribute type: the attribute value is a name token.

According to SAX 2.0 specification, attributes of enumerated types should be reported as "NMTOKEN" by SAX parsers.

final public static  intNOTATION_TYPE
     Attribute type: the attribute value is the name of a notation.
final public static  intUNDECLARED_TYPE
     Attribute type: the attribute has not been declared or type is unknown.
protected  Stringname
protected transient  Namespacenamespace
protected  Objectparent
protected  inttype
protected  Stringvalue

Constructor Summary
protected  Attribute()
     Default, no-args constructor for implementations to use if needed.
public  Attribute(String name, String value, Namespace namespace)
     This will create a new Attribute with the specified (local) name and value, and in the provided Namespace .
  name - String name of Attribute.
  value - String value for new attribute.
  namespace - Namespace namespace for new attribute.
  IllegalNameException - if the given name is illegal as anattribute name or if if the new namespace is the defaultnamespace.
public  Attribute(String name, String value, int type, Namespace namespace)
     This will create a new Attribute with the specified (local) name, value, and type, and in the provided Namespace .
  name - String name of Attribute.
  value - String value for new attribute.
  type - int type for new attribute.
  namespace - Namespace namespace for new attribute.
  IllegalNameException - if the given name is illegal as anattribute name or if if the new namespace is the defaultnamespace.
public  Attribute(String name, String value)
     This will create a new Attribute with the specified (local) name and value, and does not place the attribute in a Namespace .
public  Attribute(String name, String value, int type)
     This will create a new Attribute with the specified (local) name, value and type, and does not place the attribute in a Namespace .

Method Summary
public  Objectclone()
     This will return a clone of this Attribute.
public  Attributedetach()
     This detaches the Attribute from its parent, or does nothing if the Attribute has no parent.
final public  booleanequals(Object ob)
     This tests for equality of this Attribute to the supplied Object.
  ob - Object to compare to.
public  intgetAttributeType()
     This will return the actual declared type of this Attribute.
public  booleangetBooleanValue()
     This gets the effective boolean value of the attribute, or throws a DataConversionException if a conversion can't be performed.
public  DocumentgetDocument()
     This retrieves the owning Document for this Attribute, or null if not a currently a member of a Document .
public  doublegetDoubleValue()
public  floatgetFloatValue()
public  intgetIntValue()
public  longgetLongValue()
public  StringgetName()
     This will retrieve the local name of the Attribute.
public  NamespacegetNamespace()
     This will return this Attribute's Namespace .
public  StringgetNamespacePrefix()
     This will retrieve the namespace prefix of the Attribute.
public  StringgetNamespaceURI()
     This returns the URI mapped to this Attribute's prefix.
public  ElementgetParent()
     This will return the parent of this Attribute.
public  StringgetQualifiedName()
     This will retrieve the qualified name of the Attribute. For any XML attribute whose name is [namespacePrefix]:[elementName], the qualified name of the attribute would be everything (both namespace prefix and element name).
public  StringgetValue()
     This will return the actual textual value of this Attribute.
final public  inthashCode()
     This returns the hash code for this Attribute.
public  AttributesetAttributeType(int type)
     This will set the type of the Attribute.
  type - int type for the attribute.
public  AttributesetName(String name)
     This sets the local name of the Attribute.
public  AttributesetNamespace(Namespace namespace)
     This sets this Attribute's Namespace . If the provided namespace is null, the attribute will have no namespace. The namespace must have a prefix.
  namespace - the new namespace Element - the element modified.
  IllegalNameException - if the new namespace is the defaultnamespace.
protected  AttributesetParent(Element parent)
     This will set the parent of this Attribute.
  parent - Element to be new parent.
public  AttributesetValue(String value)
     This will set the value of the Attribute.
  value - String value for the attribute.
public  StringtoString()
     This returns a String representation of the Attribute, suitable for debugging.

Field Detail
final public static int CDATA_TYPE(Code)
Attribute type: the attribute value is a string.
See Also:   Attribute.getAttributeType

final public static int ENTITIES_TYPE(Code)

Attribute type: the attribute value is a list of entity names.

See Also:   Attribute.getAttributeType

final public static int ENTITY_TYPE(Code)
Attribute type: the attribute value is the name of an entity.
See Also:   Attribute.getAttributeType

final public static int ENUMERATED_TYPE(Code)
Attribute type: the attribute value is a name token from an enumeration.
See Also:   Attribute.getAttributeType

final public static int IDREFS_TYPE(Code)
Attribute type: the attribute value is a list of references to unique identifiers.
See Also:   Attribute.getAttributeType

final public static int IDREF_TYPE(Code)
Attribute type: the attribute value is a reference to a unique identifier.
See Also:   Attribute.getAttributeType

final public static int ID_TYPE(Code)
Attribute type: the attribute value is a unique identifier.
See Also:   Attribute.getAttributeType

final public static int NMTOKENS_TYPE(Code)
Attribute type: the attribute value is a list of name tokens.
See Also:   Attribute.getAttributeType

final public static int NMTOKEN_TYPE(Code)
Attribute type: the attribute value is a name token.

According to SAX 2.0 specification, attributes of enumerated types should be reported as "NMTOKEN" by SAX parsers. But the major parsers (Xerces and Crimson) provide specific values that permit to recognize them as Attribute.ENUMERATED_TYPE .
See Also:   Attribute.getAttributeType

final public static int NOTATION_TYPE(Code)
Attribute type: the attribute value is the name of a notation.
See Also:   Attribute.getAttributeType

final public static int UNDECLARED_TYPE(Code)
Attribute type: the attribute has not been declared or type is unknown.
See Also:   Attribute.getAttributeType

protected String name(Code)
The local name of the Attribute

protected transient Namespace namespace(Code)
The Namespace of the Attribute

protected Object parent(Code)
Parent element, or null if none

protected int type(Code)
The type of the Attribute

protected String value(Code)
The value of the Attribute

Constructor Detail
protected Attribute()(Code)
Default, no-args constructor for implementations to use if needed.

public Attribute(String name, String value, Namespace namespace)(Code)
This will create a new Attribute with the specified (local) name and value, and in the provided Namespace .
  name - String name of Attribute.
  value - String value for new attribute.
  namespace - Namespace namespace for new attribute.
  IllegalNameException - if the given name is illegal as anattribute name or if if the new namespace is the defaultnamespace. Attributes cannot be in a default namespace.
  IllegalDataException - if the given attribute value isillegal character data (as determined byorg.jdom.Verifier.checkCharacterData).

public Attribute(String name, String value, int type, Namespace namespace)(Code)
This will create a new Attribute with the specified (local) name, value, and type, and in the provided Namespace .
  name - String name of Attribute.
  value - String value for new attribute.
  type - int type for new attribute.
  namespace - Namespace namespace for new attribute.
  IllegalNameException - if the given name is illegal as anattribute name or if if the new namespace is the defaultnamespace. Attributes cannot be in a default namespace.
  IllegalDataException - if the given attribute value isillegal character data (as determined byorg.jdom.Verifier.checkCharacterData) orif the given attribute type is not one of thesupported types.

public Attribute(String name, String value)(Code)
This will create a new Attribute with the specified (local) name and value, and does not place the attribute in a Namespace .

Note: This actually explicitly puts the Attribute in the "empty" Namespace ( Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE ).
  name - String name of Attribute.
  value - String value for new attribute.
  IllegalNameException - if the given name is illegal as anattribute name.
  IllegalDataException - if the given attribute value isillegal character data (as determined byorg.jdom.Verifier.checkCharacterData).

public Attribute(String name, String value, int type)(Code)
This will create a new Attribute with the specified (local) name, value and type, and does not place the attribute in a Namespace .

Note: This actually explicitly puts the Attribute in the "empty" Namespace ( Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE ).
  name - String name of Attribute.
  value - String value for new attribute.
  type - int type for new attribute.
  IllegalNameException - if the given name is illegal as anattribute name.
  IllegalDataException - if the given attribute value isillegal character data (as determined byorg.jdom.Verifier.checkCharacterData) orif the given attribute type is not one of thesupported types.

Method Detail
public Object clone()(Code)
This will return a clone of this Attribute. Object - clone of this Attribute.

public Attribute detach()(Code)
This detaches the Attribute from its parent, or does nothing if the Attribute has no parent. Attribute - this Attribute modified.

final public boolean equals(Object ob)(Code)
This tests for equality of this Attribute to the supplied Object.
  ob - Object to compare to. boolean - whether the Attribute isequal to the supplied Object.

public int getAttributeType()(Code)
This will return the actual declared type of this Attribute. int - type for this attribute.

public boolean getBooleanValue() throws DataConversionException(Code)
This gets the effective boolean value of the attribute, or throws a DataConversionException if a conversion can't be performed. True values are: "true", "on", "1", and "yes". False values are: "false", "off", "0", and "no". Values are trimmed before comparison. Values other than those listed here throw the exception. boolean value of attribute.
  DataConversionException - when conversion fails.

public Document getDocument()(Code)
This retrieves the owning Document for this Attribute, or null if not a currently a member of a Document . Document owning this Attribute, or null.

public double getDoubleValue() throws DataConversionException(Code)
This gets the value of the attribute, in double form, and if no conversion can occur, throws a DataConversionException double value of attribute.
  DataConversionException - when conversion fails.

public float getFloatValue() throws DataConversionException(Code)
This gets the value of the attribute, in float form, and if no conversion can occur, throws a DataConversionException float value of attribute.
  DataConversionException - when conversion fails.

public int getIntValue() throws DataConversionException(Code)
This gets the value of the attribute, in int form, and if no conversion can occur, throws a DataConversionException int value of attribute.
  DataConversionException - when conversion fails.

public long getLongValue() throws DataConversionException(Code)
This gets the value of the attribute, in long form, and if no conversion can occur, throws a DataConversionException long value of attribute.
  DataConversionException - when conversion fails.

public String getName()(Code)
This will retrieve the local name of the Attribute. For any XML attribute which appears as [namespacePrefix]:[attributeName], the local name of the attribute would be [attributeName]. When the attribute has no namespace, the local name is simply the attribute name.

To obtain the namespace prefix for this attribute, the Attribute.getNamespacePrefix() method should be used. String - name of this attribute,without any namespace prefix.

public Namespace getNamespace()(Code)
This will return this Attribute's Namespace . Namespace - Namespace object for this Attribute

public String getNamespacePrefix()(Code)
This will retrieve the namespace prefix of the Attribute. For any XML attribute which appears as [namespacePrefix]:[attributeName], the namespace prefix of the attribute would be [namespacePrefix]. When the attribute has no namespace, an empty String is returned. String - namespace prefix of thisattribute.

public String getNamespaceURI()(Code)
This returns the URI mapped to this Attribute's prefix. If no mapping is found, an empty String is returned. String - namespace URI for this Attribute.

public Element getParent()(Code)
This will return the parent of this Attribute. If there is no parent, then this returns null. parent of this Attribute

public String getQualifiedName()(Code)
This will retrieve the qualified name of the Attribute. For any XML attribute whose name is [namespacePrefix]:[elementName], the qualified name of the attribute would be everything (both namespace prefix and element name). When the attribute has no namespace, the qualified name is simply the attribute's local name.

To obtain the local name of the attribute, the Attribute.getName() method should be used.

To obtain the namespace prefix for this attribute, the Attribute.getNamespacePrefix() method should be used. String - full name for this element.

public String getValue()(Code)
This will return the actual textual value of this Attribute. This will include all text within the quotation marks. String - value for this attribute.

final public int hashCode()(Code)
This returns the hash code for this Attribute. int - hash code.

public Attribute setAttributeType(int type)(Code)
This will set the type of the Attribute.
  type - int type for the attribute. Attribute - this Attribute modified.
  IllegalDataException - if the given attribute type isnot one of the supported types.

public Attribute setName(String name)(Code)
This sets the local name of the Attribute.
  name - the new local name to set Attribute - the attribute modified.
  IllegalNameException - if the given name is illegal as anattribute name.

public Attribute setNamespace(Namespace namespace)(Code)
This sets this Attribute's Namespace . If the provided namespace is null, the attribute will have no namespace. The namespace must have a prefix.
  namespace - the new namespace Element - the element modified.
  IllegalNameException - if the new namespace is the defaultnamespace. Attributes cannot be in a default namespace.

protected Attribute setParent(Element parent)(Code)
This will set the parent of this Attribute.
  parent - Element to be new parent. this Attribute modified.

public Attribute setValue(String value)(Code)
This will set the value of the Attribute.
  value - String value for the attribute. Attribute - this Attribute modified.
  IllegalDataException - if the given attribute value isillegal character data (as determined byorg.jdom.Verifier.checkCharacterData).

public String toString()(Code)
This returns a String representation of the Attribute, suitable for debugging. String - information about theAttribute

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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