bexee.core |
Core classes and interfaces of the bexee engine.
Last modified: $Revision: 1.2 $, $Date: 2004/12/09 08:42:27 $
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment | | Class | While the Process Controller is executing a process, it will necessarily
arrive at a Receive activity without the message for the receive, there the
process execution must stop and wait for a right message to resume execution. | | Class | This class is used for crossing the bridge between Axis and bexee in both
Note that the BexeeMessage contains no SOAP specific data, just XML together
with other information such as the operation name etc. | | Class | This class is used to lookup or create a ProcessInstance given
an inbound BexeeMessage and dispatch the message to the
bexee.core.ProcessController either synchronously or asynchronoulsy.
To do this, create the object and then use its
Dispatcher.dispatch() method.
When the Dispatcher kicks off the
ProcessController it will know, whether a synchronous or
asynchronous BPEL process is to be started. | | Class | This class is used to indicate that something went wrong when trying to
dispatch an inbound message to the ProcessController . | | Class | | | Class | This class is used to implement "Flow" BPEL activities. | | Class | This Exception is used to signalize that a message has not
been found where excepted. | | Class | This exception is used to signalize that a BPEL process has no root activity
assigned. | | Class | The ProcessContext contains state information about a very specific process
instance. | | Interface | The ProcessController is the core of the engine and contains
the execution logic for every BPEL activity.
The ProcessController needs to be thread-safe as several
threads may use it simultaneously.
The current version of bexee doesn't support all possible BPEL activities.
This is the reason, why there is a
process(ProcessInstance, Activity) method, it's a substitute
for all unimplemented activities. | | Class | Abstract factory class for creating ProcessControllerFactory
implementations. | | Class | | | Class | The default imlementation of the ProcessController . | | Class | | | Class | | | Class | The ProcessInstance contains no logic at all but merely serves as a container
for encapsulating a ProcessContext instance and its corresponding BPELProcess
reference. |