testExtraEntryPointsBig3() Based on testExtraEntryPointsBig1() (iterates 3 times and then finalizes the iteration)
Uses: Automatic and non automatic traditional activities
Extra entry points : node3 = OR_JOIN -- node5B = OR_JOIN_AUTOMATIC
Now: it will iterate extraB will be true.
public void testAutomaticArbitraryCycles() throws Exception(Code)
Tests arbitrary cycles with automatic activities using random values to evaluate the conditions
Uses: Automaticand non automatic traditional activities
throws: Exception -
public void testExtraEntryPointsBig1() throws Exception(Code)
Based on testFinalizeIteration() (iterates 3 times and then finalizes the iteration)
Now with more entry points. Normal behaviour.
Uses: Automatic and non automatic traditional activities
Extra entry points = AND_JOIN (node3 & node5B)
public void testExtraEntryPointsBig2() throws Exception(Code)
Based on testExtraEntryPointsBig1()
Now extraA node has a false condition that CANCELS some nodes inside the iteration
Uses: Automatic and non automatic traditional activities
Extra entry points : node3 = AND_JOIN_AUTOMATIC -- node5B = AND_JOIN
public void testExtraEntryPointsBig3() throws Exception(Code)
Based on testExtraEntryPointsBig1() (iterates 3 times and then finalizes the iteration)
Uses: Automatic and non automatic traditional activities
Extra entry points : node3 = OR_JOIN -- node5B = OR_JOIN_AUTOMATIC
Now: it will iterate extraB will be true. Edges comming from extraA, extraC, node1 will be false
extra5B will start before extra5A because extraZ2 will be executed before extra5A
public void testExtraEntryPointsSimple3() throws Exception(Code)
It tests extra entry points incoming to an iteration
Also tests node properties propagation : when it iterates takes the previous value.
nodeProperties are not propagated through the iteration
Uses: node2 = OR_JOIN and has a true in edge from an extra entry
public void testExtraEntryPointsSimple4() throws Exception(Code)
It tests extra entry points incoming to an iteration
Uses: node2 = OR_JOIN_AUTOMATIC and has a true condition from an extra entry
in this case it will start node2 automaticly before node1 due to setIterationPathInitial()
throws: Exception -
public void testExtraEntryPointsSimple5() throws Exception(Code)
It tests extra entry points incoming to an iteration
Uses: node2 = OR_JOIN and all the conditions are false
it propagates a CANCEL
throws: Exception -
Tests that the iteration finalizes correctly (based on testLeaveIteration)
Uses: Automatic and Non automatic anticipable activities
throws: Exception -
public void testFinalizeIterationORjoin() throws Exception(Code)
Tests that the iteration finalizes correctly with OR activities (based on testFinalizeIteration)
Uses: Automatic and Non automatic anticipable activities
throws: Exception -
public void testIterationInsideIteration() throws Exception(Code)
Tests a iteration inside another iteration
Uses: Non automatic traditional activities
throws: Exception -
public void testIterationsConstrains() throws Exception(Code)
Tests all constrains related with iteration definition model
All restrictions defined in hero.session.ProjectSessionBean checkModelDefinition() and related with iterations should be tested here
To do that, it forces to throw all the possible Exceptions