| java.lang.Object mc.formgenerator.bonita.DataActivity
DataActivity | public class DataActivity (Code) | | Class that represents activity properties
DataActivity | public DataActivity()(Code) | | Default class constructor
DataActivity | public DataActivity(String theProjectName, String theActivityName, HashMap projectTable, HashMap activityTable)(Code) | | Class constructor with the attributes setting.
Parameters: theProjectName - the process name of the new instance. Parameters: theActivityName - the activity name of the new instance. Parameters: table - the activity properties of the new instance. |
getActivityName | public String getActivityName()(Code) | | Gets the activityName attribute
the content of the activityName attribute |
getActivityProperties | public HashMap getActivityProperties()(Code) | | Gets activityProperties attribute
the content of the activityName attribute |
getProjectName | public String getProjectName()(Code) | | Gets the projectName attribute
the content of the activityName attribute |
getProjectProperties | public HashMap getProjectProperties()(Code) | | Gets projectProperties attribute
the content of the activityName attribute |
setActivityName | public void setActivityName(String theActivityName)(Code) | | Initializes the activityName attribute
Parameters: theActivityName - the name of the activity to which it belongs |
setActivityProperties | public void setActivityProperties(HashMap table)(Code) | | Set the value of the attribute projectProperties.
Parameters: table - HashMap : the new project properties. |
setProjectName | public void setProjectName(String theProjectName)(Code) | | Initializes the projectName attribute
Parameters: theActivityName - the name of the activity to which it belongs |
setProjectProperties | public void setProjectProperties(HashMap table)(Code) | | Set the value of the attribute projectProperties.
Parameters: table - HashMap : the new project properties. |