| java.lang.Object mc.formgenerator.bonita.DocumentParser
DocumentParser | public class DocumentParser (Code) | | Class that offers methods to transform XML Document to DataProject/DataActivity
et vice versa
Constructor Summary | |
public | DocumentParser() Default class constructor. |
DocumentParser | public DocumentParser()(Code) | | Default class constructor.
createDocument | public Document createDocument(DataProject data, ArrayList projectKeys)(Code) | | Creation of a xml document by using Xerces
Parameters: data - The data to put in the Document. Document contains process information given by the DataProcess. |
createDocument | public Document createDocument(DataActivity data, ArrayList projectKeys, ArrayList activityKeys)(Code) | | Creation of a xml document by using Xerces
Parameters: data - The data to put in the Document. Document contains process information given by the DataProcess. |
hasProperties | public boolean hasProperties(Document doc, Boolean isActivity)(Code) | | Say if the document has properties about the process.
Parameters: doc - Document which owns the process information. boolean |
parseActivity | public DataActivity parseActivity(Document doc, Vector req_parameters, boolean formsExists)(Code) | | Creates a DataActivity structure thanks to the Document information.
Parameters: doc - Document which represents the activity. dataProject Structure which represents the activity. |
parseProject | public DataProject parseProject(Document doc, Vector req_parameters, boolean formsExists)(Code) | | Creates a DataProject structure thanks to the Document information.
Parameters: doc - Document which represents the project. dataProject Structure which represents the project. |
toXmlString | public String toXmlString(Document document)(Code) | | Utility function
Parameters: document - |