| newprocess.impl.ExpressionImpl
ExpressionImpl | public class ExpressionImpl extends EObjectImpl implements Expression,ExpressionValidator(Code) | |
An implementation of the model object 'Expression'.
The following features are implemented:
author: sh |
ExpressionImpl | protected ExpressionImpl()(Code) | |
acceptOperator | public boolean acceptOperator()(Code) | |
author: sh |
basicSetHasRoot | public NotificationChain basicSetHasRoot(Root newHasRoot, NotificationChain msgs)(Code) | |
decorateLink | public int decorateLink()(Code) | |
return the decoration hint for diagramms, depending on the containment feature
author: sh |
eGet | public Object eGet(int featureID, boolean resolve, boolean coreType)(Code) | |
eInverseRemove | public NotificationChain eInverseRemove(InternalEObject otherEnd, int featureID, NotificationChain msgs)(Code) | |
eIsSet | public boolean eIsSet(int featureID)(Code) | |
eStaticClass | protected EClass eStaticClass()(Code) | |
eUnset | public void eUnset(int featureID)(Code) | |
setExpression | public void setExpression(String newExpression)(Code) | |
setHasRoot | public void setHasRoot(Root newHasRoot)(Code) | |
updateExpression | public void updateExpression()(Code) | |
update conditions expression
author: sh |
updateName | public void updateName()(Code) | |
validateExpression | public boolean validateExpression(Expression expr)(Code) | | Validates the Expression of the Expression
author: sh |