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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Workflow Engines » pegasus 2.1.0 » org.griphyn.cPlanner.toolkit 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /*
002:         * This file or a portion of this file is licensed under the terms of
003:         * the Globus Toolkit Public License, found in file GTPL, or at
004:         * This notice must
005:         * appear in redistributions of this file, with or without modification.
006:         *
007:         * Redistributions of this Software, with or without modification, must
008:         * reproduce the GTPL in: (1) the Software, or (2) the Documentation or
009:         * some other similar material which is provided with the Software (if
010:         * any).
011:         *
012:         * Copyright 1999-2004 University of Chicago and The University of
013:         * Southern California. All rights reserved.
014:         */
015:        package org.griphyn.cPlanner.toolkit;
017:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.parser.DaxParser;
019:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.parser.dax.Callback;
020:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.parser.dax.DAX2Graph;
021:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.parser.dax.DAX2LabelGraph;
022:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.parser.dax.DAXCallbackFactory;
024:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.partitioner.WriterCallback;
025:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.partitioner.Partitioner;
026:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.partitioner.PartitionerFactory;
028:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.partitioner.graph.GraphNode;
030:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.common.LogManager;
031:        import org.griphyn.cPlanner.common.PegasusProperties;
033:        import org.griphyn.common.util.FactoryException;
035:        import gnu.getopt.Getopt;
036:        import gnu.getopt.LongOpt;
038:        import;
039:        import java.util.Date;
040:        import java.util.Map;
042:        /**
043:         * The class ends up partitioning the dax into smaller daxes according to the
044:         * various algorithms/criteria, to be used for deferred planning.
045:         *
046:         *
047:         * @author Karan Vahi
048:         * @version $Revision: 464 $
049:         */
051:        public class PartitionDAX extends Executable {
053:            /**
054:             * The name of the default partitioner that is loaded, if none is specified
055:             * by the user.
056:             */
057:            public static final String DEFAULT_PARTITIONER_TYPE = PartitionerFactory.DEFAULT_PARTITIONING_CLASS;
059:            /**
060:             * The path to the dax file that is to be partitioned.
061:             */
062:            private String mDAXFile;
064:            /**
065:             * The directory in which the partition daxes are generated.
066:             */
067:            private String mDirectory;
069:            /**
070:             * The type of the partitioner to be used. Is the same as the name of the
071:             * implementing class.
072:             */
073:            private String mType;
075:            /**
076:             * The object holding all the properties pertaining to Pegasus.
077:             */
078:            private PegasusProperties mProps;
080:            /**
081:             * The default constructor.
082:             */
083:            public PartitionDAX() {
084:                mProps = PegasusProperties.nonSingletonInstance();
085:                mDAXFile = null;
086:                mDirectory = ".";
087:                mType = DEFAULT_PARTITIONER_TYPE;
088:            }
090:            /**
091:             * The main function of the class, that is invoked by the jvm. It calls
092:             * the executeCommand function.
093:             *
094:             * @param args  array of arguments.
095:             */
096:            public static void main(String[] args) {
097:                PartitionDAX pdax = new PartitionDAX();
098:                pdax.executeCommand(args);
099:            }
101:            /**
102:             * Executes the partition dax on the basis of the options given by the
103:             * user.
104:             *
105:             * @param args  the arguments array  populated by the user options.
106:             */
107:            public void executeCommand(String[] args) {
108:                int option = 0;
109:                LongOpt[] longOptions = generateValidOptions();
110:                Getopt g = new Getopt("PartitionDAX", args, "vhVD:d:t:",
111:                        longOptions, false);
112:                boolean help = false;
113:                boolean version = false;
114:                int status = 0;
116:                //log the starting time
117:                double starttime = new Date().getTime();
118:                int level = 0;
119:                while ((option = g.getopt()) != -1) {
120:                    //System.out.println("Option tag " + option);
121:                    switch (option) {
122:                    case 'd': //dax
123:                        mDAXFile = g.getOptarg();
124:                        break;
126:                    case 'D': //dir
127:                        mDirectory = g.getOptarg();
128:                        break;
130:                    case 't': //type
131:                        mType = g.getOptarg();
132:                        break;
134:                    case 'v': //verbose
135:                        //set the verbose level in the logger
136:                        level++;
137:                        break;
139:                    case 'V': //version
140:                        version = true;
141:                        break;
143:                    case 'h': //help
144:                        help = true;
145:                        break;
147:                    default: //same as help
148:                        mLogger.log("Unrecognized Option "
149:                                + Integer.toString(option),
150:                                LogManager.FATAL_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
151:                        printShortVersion();
152:                        System.exit(1);
153:                        break;
155:                    }
156:                }
157:                if (level > 0) {
158:                    //set the logging level only if -v was specified
159:                    //else bank upon the the default logging level
160:                    mLogger.setLevel(level);
161:                }
163:                if ((help && version) || help) {
164:                    printLongVersion();
165:                    System.exit(status);
166:                } else if (version) {
167:                    //print the version message
168:                    mLogger
169:                            .log(getGVDSVersion(),
170:                                    LogManager.INFO_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
171:                    System.exit(status);
172:                }
174:                try {
175:                    String pdax = partitionDAX(mProps, mDAXFile, mDirectory,
176:                            mType);
177:                    mLogger.log("Partitioned DAX written out " + pdax,
178:                            LogManager.DEBUG_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
179:                } catch (Exception e) {
180:                    mLogger.log("", e, LogManager.FATAL_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
181:                    status = 1;
182:                }
183:                //log the end time and time execute
184:                double endtime = new Date().getTime();
185:                double execTime = (endtime - starttime) / 1000;
186:                mLogger.log(
187:                        "Time taken to execute is " + execTime + " seconds",
188:                        LogManager.INFO_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
190:                System.exit(status);
192:            }
194:            /**
195:             * @param properties  the PegasusProperties
196:             * @param daxFile     String
197:             * @param directory   the directory where paritioned daxes reside
198:             * @param type        the type of partitioning to use.
199:             *
200:             * @return  the path to the pdax file.
201:             */
202:            public String partitionDAX(PegasusProperties properties,
203:                    String daxFile, String directory, String type) {
204:                int status = 0;
205:                //sanity check for the dax file
206:                if (daxFile == null || daxFile.length() == 0) {
207:                    mLogger.log("The dax file that is to be partitioned not "
208:                            + "specified", LogManager.FATAL_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
209:                    printShortVersion();
210:                    status = 1;
211:                    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to partition");
212:                }
214:                //always try to make the directory
215:                //referred to by the directory
216:                File dir = new File(directory);
217:                dir.mkdirs();
219:                //build up the partition graph
220:                String callbackClass = (type.equalsIgnoreCase("label")) ? "DAX2LabelGraph"
221:                        : //graph with labels populated
222:                        "DAX2Graph";
224:                //load the appropriate partitioner
225:                Callback callback = null;
226:                Partitioner partitioner = null;
227:                String daxName = null;
228:                int state = 0;
229:                try {
230:                    callback = DAXCallbackFactory.loadInstance(properties,
231:                            daxFile, callbackClass);
233:                    //set the appropriate key that is to be used for picking up the labels
234:                    if (callback instanceof  DAX2LabelGraph) {
235:                        ((DAX2LabelGraph) callback).setLabelKey(properties
236:                                .getPartitionerLabelKey());
237:                    }
239:                    state = 1;
240:                    DaxParser d = new DaxParser(daxFile, properties, callback);
241:                    state = 2;
242:                    //get the graph map
243:                    Map graphMap = (Map) callback.getConstructedObject();
244:                    //get the fake dummy root node
245:                    GraphNode root = (GraphNode) graphMap
246:                            .get(DAX2Graph.DUMMY_NODE_ID);
247:                    daxName = ((DAX2Graph) callback).getNameOfDAX();
248:                    state = 3;
249:                    partitioner = PartitionerFactory.loadInstance(properties,
250:                            root, graphMap, type);
251:                } catch (FactoryException fe) {
252:                    mLogger.log(fe.convertException(),
253:                            LogManager.FATAL_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
254:                    System.exit(2);
255:                } catch (Exception e) {
256:                    int errorStatus = 1;
257:                    switch (state) {
258:                    case 0:
259:                        mLogger.log("Unable to load the DAXCallback", e,
260:                                LogManager.FATAL_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
261:                        errorStatus = 2;
262:                        break;
264:                    case 1:
265:                        mLogger.log("Error while parsing the DAX file", e,
266:                                LogManager.FATAL_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
267:                        errorStatus = 1;
268:                        break;
270:                    case 2:
271:                        mLogger
272:                                .log(
273:                                        "Error while determining the root of the parsed DAX",
274:                                        e, LogManager.FATAL_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
275:                        errorStatus = 1;
276:                        break;
278:                    case 3:
279:                        mLogger.log("Unable to load the partitioner", e,
280:                                LogManager.FATAL_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
281:                        errorStatus = 2;
282:                        break;
284:                    default:
285:                        mLogger.log("Unknown Error", e,
286:                                LogManager.FATAL_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
287:                        errorStatus = 1;
288:                        break;
289:                    }
290:                    status = errorStatus;
291:                }
292:                if (status > 0) {
293:                    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to partition");
294:                }
296:                //load the writer callback that writes out
297:                //the partitioned daxes and PDAX
298:                WriterCallback cb = new WriterCallback();
299:                cb.initialize(properties, daxFile, daxName, directory);
301:                //start the partitioning of the graph
302:                partitioner.determinePartitions(cb);
304:                return cb.getPDAX();
305:            }
307:            /**
308:             * Generates the short version of the help on the stdout.
309:             */
310:            public void printShortVersion() {
311:                String text = "\n $Id: 464 2008-02-07 23:30:44Z vahi $ "
312:                        + "\n"
313:                        + getGVDSVersion()
314:                        + "\n Usage :partitiondax -d <dax file> [-D <dir for partitioned daxes>] "
315:                        + "   -t <type of partitioning to be used> [-v] [-V] [-h]";
317:                mLogger.log(text, LogManager.ERROR_MESSAGE_LEVEL);
319:            }
321:            /**
322:             * Generated the long version of the help on the stdout.
323:             */
324:            public void printLongVersion() {
325:                String text = "\n "
326:                        + getGVDSVersion()
327:                        + "\n CPlanner/partitiondax - The tool that is used to partition the dax "
328:                        + "\n into smaller daxes for use in deferred planning."
329:                        + "\n "
330:                        + "\n Usage :partitiondax --dax <dax file> [--dir <dir for partitioned daxes>] "
331:                        + "\n --type <type of partitioning to be used> [--verbose] [--version] "
332:                        + "\n [--help]"
333:                        + "\n"
334:                        + "\n Mandatory Options "
335:                        + "\n -d|--dax fn    the dax file that has to be partitioned into smaller daxes."
336:                        + "\n Other Options  "
337:                        + "\n -t|--type type the partitioning technique that is to be used for partitioning."
338:                        + "\n -D|--dir dir   the directory in which the partitioned daxes reside (defaults to "
339:                        + "\n                current directory)"
340:                        + "\n -v|--verbose   increases the verbosity of messages about what is going on."
341:                        + "\n -V|--version   displays the version number of the Griphyn Virtual Data System."
342:                        + "\n -h|--help      generates this help";
344:                System.out.println(text);
346:            }
348:            /**
349:             * Tt generates the LongOpt which contain the valid options that the command
350:             * will accept.
351:             *
352:             * @return array of <code>LongOpt</code> objects , corresponding to the valid
353:             * options
354:             */
355:            public LongOpt[] generateValidOptions() {
356:                LongOpt[] longopts = new LongOpt[6];
358:                longopts[0] = new LongOpt("dir", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,
359:                        null, 'D');
360:                longopts[1] = new LongOpt("dax", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,
361:                        null, 'd');
362:                longopts[2] = new LongOpt("type", LongOpt.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT,
363:                        null, 't');
364:                longopts[3] = new LongOpt("verbose", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null,
365:                        'v');
366:                longopts[4] = new LongOpt("version", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null,
367:                        'V');
368:                longopts[5] = new LongOpt("help", LongOpt.NO_ARGUMENT, null,
369:                        'h');
370:                return longopts;
372:            }
374:            /**
375:             * Loads all the properties that are needed by this class.
376:             */
377:            public void loadProperties() {
379:            }
381:        } | Contact Us
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