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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Workflow Engines » pegasus 2.1.0 » org.griphyn.cPlanner.transfer.implementation 
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public class Stork extends AbstractSingleFTPerXFERJob (Code)
The implementation that creates transfer jobs referring to the stork data placement scheduler that can handle only one transfer per job.

Stork is directly invoked by DAGMAN. The appropriate Stork modules need to be installed on the submit host.

It leads to the creation of the setup chmod jobs to the workflow, that appear as parents to compute jobs in case the transfer implementation does not preserve the X bit on the file being transferred. This is required for staging of executables as part of the workflow. The setup jobs are only added as children to the stage in jobs.

In order to use the transfer implementation implemented by this class, the property vds.transfer.*.impl must be set to value Stork.
   Karan Vahi
   $Revision: 458 $

Field Summary
final public static  StringDERIVATION_NAME
     The name of the underlying derivation.
final public static  StringDERIVATION_NAMESPACE
     The derivation namespace for for the transfer job.
final public static  StringDERIVATION_VERSION
     The derivation version number for the transfer job.
final public static  StringDESCRIPTION
     A short description of the transfer implementation.
final public static  StringTRANSFORMATION_NAME
     The name of the underlying transformation that is queried for in the Transformation Catalog.
final public static  StringTRANSFORMATION_NAMESPACE
     The transformation namespace for the transfer job.
final public static  StringTRANSFORMATION_VERSION
     The version number for the transfer job.

Constructor Summary
public  Stork(PegasusProperties properties, PlannerOptions options)
     The overloaded constructor, that is called by the Factory to load the class.

Method Summary
public  TransferJobcreateTransferJob(SubInfo job, FileTransfer file, Collection execFiles, String txJobName, int jobClass)
     Constructs a general transfer job that handles single transfers per transfer job.
public  booleandoesPreserveXBit()
     Returns a boolean indicating whether the transfer protocol being used by the implementation preserves the X Bit or not while staging.
protected  StringgenerateArgumentString(TransferJob job, FileTransfer file)
     It constructs the arguments to the transfer executable that need to be passed to the executable referred to in this transfer mode.
  job - the transfer job that is being created.
  file - the FileTransfer that needs to be done.
protected  StringgetCompleteTCName()
     Returns the complete name for the transformation.
protected  StringgetDerivationName()
     Returns the logical name of the derivation that this implementation refers to.
protected  StringgetDerivationNamespace()
     Returns the namespace of the derivation that this implementation refers to.
protected  StringgetDerivationVersion()
     Returns the version of the derivation that this implementation refers to.
public  StringgetDescription()
     Returns a textual description of the transfer implementation.
public  TransformationCatalogEntrygetTransformationCatalogEntry(String siteHandle)
     Retrieves the transformation catalog entry for the executable that is being used to transfer the files in the implementation.
public  booleanuseThirdPartyTransferAlways()
     Return a boolean indicating whether the transfers to be done always in a third party transfer mode.

Field Detail
final public static String DERIVATION_NAME(Code)
The name of the underlying derivation.

final public static String DERIVATION_NAMESPACE(Code)
The derivation namespace for for the transfer job.

final public static String DERIVATION_VERSION(Code)
The derivation version number for the transfer job.

final public static String DESCRIPTION(Code)
A short description of the transfer implementation.

final public static String TRANSFORMATION_NAME(Code)
The name of the underlying transformation that is queried for in the Transformation Catalog.

final public static String TRANSFORMATION_NAMESPACE(Code)
The transformation namespace for the transfer job.

final public static String TRANSFORMATION_VERSION(Code)
The version number for the transfer job.

Constructor Detail
public Stork(PegasusProperties properties, PlannerOptions options)(Code)
The overloaded constructor, that is called by the Factory to load the class.
  properties - the properties object.
  options - the options passed to the Planner.

Method Detail
public TransferJob createTransferJob(SubInfo job, FileTransfer file, Collection execFiles, String txJobName, int jobClass)(Code)
Constructs a general transfer job that handles single transfers per transfer job. There are appropriate callouts to generate the implementation specific details. It throws an error if asked to create a transfer job for more than one transfer.
  job - the SubInfo object for the job, in relation to whichthe transfer node is being added. Either the transfernode can be transferring this jobs input files tothe execution pool, or transferring this job's outputfiles to the output pool.
  file - collection of FileTransfer objectsrepresenting the data files and staged executables to betransferred.
  execFiles - subset collection of the files parameter, that identifiesthe executable files that are being transferred.
  txJobName - the name of transfer node.
  jobClass - the job Class for the newly added job. Can be one of thefollowing:stage-instage-outinter-pool transfer the created TransferJob.

public boolean doesPreserveXBit()(Code)
Returns a boolean indicating whether the transfer protocol being used by the implementation preserves the X Bit or not while staging. boolean

protected String generateArgumentString(TransferJob job, FileTransfer file)(Code)
It constructs the arguments to the transfer executable that need to be passed to the executable referred to in this transfer mode.
  job - the transfer job that is being created.
  file - the FileTransfer that needs to be done. the argument string

protected String getCompleteTCName()(Code)
Returns the complete name for the transformation. the complete name.

protected String getDerivationName()(Code)
Returns the logical name of the derivation that this implementation refers to. the name of the derivation.

protected String getDerivationNamespace()(Code)
Returns the namespace of the derivation that this implementation refers to. the namespace of the derivation.

protected String getDerivationVersion()(Code)
Returns the version of the derivation that this implementation refers to. the version of the derivation.

public String getDescription()(Code)
Returns a textual description of the transfer implementation. a short textual description

public TransformationCatalogEntry getTransformationCatalogEntry(String siteHandle)(Code)
Retrieves the transformation catalog entry for the executable that is being used to transfer the files in the implementation. The entry does not refer to any physical path.
  siteHandle - the handle of the site where the transformation isto be searched. the transformation catalog entry if found, else null.

public boolean useThirdPartyTransferAlways()(Code)
Return a boolean indicating whether the transfers to be done always in a third party transfer mode. A value of false, results in the direct or peer to peer transfers being done.

A value of false does not preclude third party transfers. They still can be done, by setting the property "vds.transfer.*.thirdparty.sites". boolean indicating whether to always use third party transfersor not.
See Also:   PegasusProperties.getThirdPartySites(String)

Methods inherited from org.griphyn.cPlanner.transfer.implementation.AbstractSingleFTPerXFERJob
public TransferJob createTransferJob(SubInfo job, Collection files, Collection execFiles, String txJobName, int jobClass)(Code)(Java Doc)
public TransferJob createTransferJob(SubInfo job, FileTransfer file, Collection execFiles, String txJobName, int jobClass)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected String generateArgumentString(TransferJob job, FileTransfer file)(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected String getCompleteTCName()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected String getDerivationName()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected String getDerivationNamespace()(Code)(Java Doc)
abstract protected String getDerivationVersion()(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from org.griphyn.cPlanner.transfer.implementation.Abstract
final public static String CHANGE_XBIT_TRANSFORMATION(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String NOOP_PREFIX(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String SET_XBIT_PREFIX(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String XBIT_DERIVATION_NS(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String XBIT_DERIVATION_VERSION(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String XBIT_TRANSFORMATION_NS(Code)(Java Doc)
final public static String XBIT_TRANSFORMATION_VERSION(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Set mDisabledChmodSites(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String mLocalUserProxy(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String mLocalUserProxyBasename(Code)(Java Doc)
protected LogManager mLogger(Code)(Java Doc)
protected PlannerOptions mPOptions(Code)(Java Doc)
protected PegasusProperties mProps(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Refiner mRefiner(Code)(Java Doc)
protected PoolInfoProvider mSCHandle(Code)(Java Doc)
protected TransformationCatalog mTCHandle(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from org.griphyn.cPlanner.transfer.implementation.Abstract
protected boolean addSetXBitJobs(SubInfo computeJob, SubInfo txJob, Collection execFiles)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean addSetXBitJobs(SubInfo computeJob, String txJobName, Collection execFiles, int transferClass)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean addSetXBitJobs(SubInfo computeJob, String txJobName, Collection execFiles, int transferClass, int xbitIndex)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void applyPriority(TransferJob job)(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean checkAndTransferProxy(TransferJob job)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void construct(SubInfo job, String key, String value)(Code)(Java Doc)
public SubInfo createNoOPJob(String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected SubInfo createSetXBitJob(FileTransfer file, String name)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected Set determineDisabledChmodSites(String sites)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected boolean disableChmodJobCreation(String site)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getNOOPJobName(String name, int counter)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String getPathToUserProxy()(Code)(Java Doc)
protected String getPriority(TransferJob job)(Code)(Java Doc)
public String getSetXBitJobName(String name, int counter)(Code)(Java Doc)
public void setRefiner(Refiner refiner)(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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