Method Summary |
public void | addLeaf(Leaf vLeaf) Accessor: Adds a Leaf value to the list of values gathered
as the content of a Scalar .
Parameters: vLeaf - is the value to append to the list. |
public void | addLeaf(int index, Leaf vLeaf) Accessor: Inserts a Leaf value into a specific position
of the list of gathered values.
Parameters: index - is the position to insert the item into Parameters: vLeaf - is the value to append to the list. |
public Object | clone() Creates and returns a copy of this object. |
public boolean | containsLFN(String filename, int linkage) Determines if the scalar contains an LFN of the specified linkage.
The logic uses short-circuit evaluation, thus finding things is
faster than not finding things. |
public Enumeration | enumerateLeaf() Accessor: Enumerates the internal values that constitute the content
of the Scalar element. |
public java.util.List | getAllLFN(int linkage) Determines all LFN instances of a given scalar that match the
specified linkage. |
public int | getContainerType() Accessor: Obtains the value type of this class. |
public java.util.List | getLFNList(int linkage) Determines all LFN instances of a given scalar that match the
specified linkage. |
public Leaf | getLeaf(int index) Accessor: Obtains the Leaf at a certain position in the
list of leaf values. |
public Leaf[] | getLeaf() Accessor: Gets an array of all values that constitute the current
content. |
public int | getLeafCount() Accessor: Obtains the size of the internal list of
Leaf s. |
public java.util.List | getLeafList() Accessor: Gets an array of all values that constitute the current
content. |
public String | getSymbolicType() This method determines which container is being used in the abstract
base class in order to kludgy statements when printing debug info. |
public Iterator | iterateLeaf() Accessor: Enumerates the internal values that constitute the content
of the Scalar element. |
public ListIterator | listIterateLeaf() Accessor: Enumerates the internal values that constitute the content
of the Scalar element. |
public ListIterator | listIterateLeaf(int start) Accessor: Enumerates the internal values that constitute the content
of the Scalar element. |
public void | removeAllLeaf() Accessor: Removes the content of the Scalar . |
public Leaf | removeLeaf(int index) Accessor: Remove a single item from the list of nodes. |
public void | setLeaf(int index, Leaf vLeaf) Accessor: Overwrites a LFN or Text value
at a certain position in the content-constituting list. |
public void | setLeaf(Leaf[] leafArray) Accessor: Overwrites internal list with an external list representing
a Scalar value. |
public void | setLeaf(Collection leaves) Accessor: Overwrites internal list with an external list representing
a Scalar value. |
public String | toString() Converts the object state into textual format for human consumption. |
public void | toString(Writer stream) Converts the object state into textual format for human consumption.
Parameters: stream - is a stream opened and ready for writing. |
public void | toXML(Writer stream, String indent, String namespace) Dump the state of the current element as XML output. |