This class is the container for an invocation record. The record
itself contains information about the job or jobs that ran, the total
usage, and information about central files that were used.
author: Jens-S. Vöckler author: Yong Zhao version: $Revision: 118 $
removeStatCall(int index) Accessor: Removes a specific stat from the stat list.
Parameters: index - is the position at which an element is to be removed.
toString(Writer stream) Converts the active state into something meant for human consumption.
The method will be called when recursively traversing the instance
Parameters: stream - is a stream opened and ready for writing.
public void
toXML(Writer stream, String indent, String namespace) Dump the state of the current element as XML output.
Accessor: Inserts a Job into a specific position of the job list.
Parameters: index - is the position to insert the item into Parameters: job - is the job to insert into the list.
Accessor: Inserts a StatCall into a specific position of the stat list.
Parameters: index - is the position to insert the item into Parameters: stat - is the stat to insert into the list.
Accessor: Obtains a job at a certain position in the job list.
Parameters: index - is the position in the list to obtain a job from the job at that position. throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index points to an elementin the list that does not contain any elments.
Accessor: Obtains a stat at a certain position in the stat list.
Parameters: index - is the position in the list to obtain a stat from the stat at that position. throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index points to an elementin the list that does not contain any elments.
Accessor: Removes a specific job from the job list.
Parameters: index - is the position at which an element is to be removed. the job that was removed.
Accessor: Removes a specific stat from the stat list.
Parameters: index - is the position at which an element is to be removed. the stat that was removed.
Accessor: Overwrites a job at a certain position.
Parameters: index - position to overwrite an elment in. Parameters: job - is the Job to replace with. throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the position pointed to is invalid.
Accessor: Overwrites a stat at a certain position.
Parameters: index - position to overwrite an elment in. Parameters: stat - is the StatCall to replace with. throws: IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the position pointed to is invalid.
Converts the active state into something meant for human consumption.
The method will be called when recursively traversing the instance
Parameters: stream - is a stream opened and ready for writing. This can alsobe a string stream for efficient output.
Dump the state of the current element as XML output. This function
traverses all sibling classes as necessary, and converts the data
into pretty-printed XML output. The stream interface should be able
to handle large output efficiently.
Parameters: stream - is a stream opened and ready for writing. This can alsobe a string stream for efficient output. Parameters: indent - is a String of spaces used for prettyprinting. The initial amount of spaces should be an empty string.The parameter is used internally for the recursive traversal. Parameters: namespace - is the XML schema namespace prefix. If neitherempty nor null, each element will be prefixed with this prefix,and the root element will map the XML namespace. exception: IOException - if something fishy happens to the stream.
Writes the header of the XML output. The output contains the special
strings to start an XML document, some comments, and the root element.
The latter points to the XML schema via XML Instances.
Parameters: stream - is a stream opened and ready for writing. This can alsobe a string stream for efficient output. Parameters: indent - is a String of spaces used for prettyprinting. The initial amount of spaces should be an empty string.The parameter is used internally for the recursive traversal. Parameters: namespace - is the XML schema namespace prefix. If neitherempty nor null, each element will be prefixed with this prefix,and the root element will map the XML namespace. exception: IOException - if something fishy happens to the stream.