001: /*
002: * This file or a portion of this file is licensed under the terms of
003: * the Globus Toolkit Public License, found in file GTPL, or at
004: * http://www.globus.org/toolkit/download/license.html. This notice must
005: * appear in redistributions of this file, with or without modification.
006: *
007: * Redistributions of this Software, with or without modification, must
008: * reproduce the GTPL in: (1) the Software, or (2) the Documentation or
009: * some other similar material which is provided with the Software (if
010: * any).
011: *
012: * Copyright 1999-2004 University of Chicago and The University of
013: * Southern California. All rights reserved.
014: */
015: package org.griphyn.vdl.util;
017: import java.io.IOException;
018: import java.io.File;
019: import java.util.*;
021: import org.griphyn.common.util.Currently;
022: import org.griphyn.common.util.VDSProperties;
023: import org.griphyn.vdl.util.Logging;
025: /**
026: * A Central Properties class that keeps track of all the properties
027: * used by Chimera. All other classes access the methods in this class
028: * to get the value of the property. It access the VDSProperties class
029: * to read the property file.
030: *
031: * @author Jens-S. Vöckler
032: * @author Yong Zhao
033: * @version $Revision: 364 $
034: *
035: * @see org.griphyn.common.util.VDSProperties
036: */
037: public class ChimeraProperties {
038: /**
039: * Default values for schema locations.
040: */
041: public static final String VDL_SCHEMA_LOCATION = "http://www.griphyn.org/chimera/vdl-1.24.xsd";
043: public static final String DAX_SCHEMA_LOCATION = "http://pegasus.isi.edu/schema/dax-2.0.xsd";
045: public static final String IVR_SCHEMA_LOCATION = "http://pegasus.isi.edu/schema/iv-2.0.xsd";
047: public static final String DB_ALL_PREFIX = "pegasus.catalog.*.db";
049: public static final String DBDRIVER_ALL_PREFIX = "pegasus.catalog.*.db.driver";
051: /**
052: * Implements the Singleton access.
053: */
054: private static ChimeraProperties m_instance = null;
056: /**
057: * The value of the PEGASUS_HOME environment variable.
058: */
059: private String m_home;
061: /**
062: * The object holding all the properties pertaining
063: * to the VDS system.
064: */
065: private VDSProperties m_props;
067: /**
068: * To get a reference to the the object.
069: */
070: public static ChimeraProperties instance() throws IOException,
071: MissingResourceException {
072: if (m_instance == null) {
073: m_instance = new ChimeraProperties();
074: }
075: return m_instance;
076: }
078: /**
079: * Constructor that is called only once, when creating the
080: * Singleton instance.
081: */
082: private ChimeraProperties() throws IOException,
083: MissingResourceException {
084: m_props = getVDSPropertiesInstance();
085: m_home = m_props.getVDSHome();
086: }
088: /**
089: * Gets the handle to the property file.
090: */
091: private VDSProperties getVDSPropertiesInstance()
092: throws IOException, MissingResourceException {
093: return VDSProperties.instance();
094: }
096: /**
097: * Set up logging
098: */
099: public void setupLogging(Logging logger) {
100: for (Enumeration e = m_props.propertyNames(); e
101: .hasMoreElements();) {
102: String key = (String) e.nextElement();
103: if (key.equals("vds.timestamp.format")) {
104: Currently c = new Currently(this .m_props
105: .getProperty(key));
106: logger.setDateFormat(c);
107: } else if (key.startsWith("vds.log.")) {
108: String subkey = key.substring(8);
109: logger.log("default", 2, "found \"" + key + "\" -> "
110: + subkey);
111: logger.register(subkey, this .m_props.getProperty(key));
112: } else if (key.startsWith("vds.verbose")) {
113: int verbose = Integer.parseInt(this .m_props
114: .getProperty(key));
115: logger.log("default", 2, "verbosity mode = " + verbose);
116: logger.setVerbose(verbose);
117: }
118: }
119: }
121: /**
122: * Accessor to $PEGASUS_HOME/etc. The files in this directory have a low
123: * change frequency, are effectively read-only, they reside on a
124: * per-machine basis, and they are valid usually for a single user.
125: *
126: * @return the "etc" directory of the VDS runtime system.
127: */
128: public File getSysConfDir() {
129: return m_props.getSysConfDir();
130: }
132: /**
133: * Accessor: Obtains the root directory of the VDS/Chimera runtime
134: * system.
135: *
136: * @return the root directory of the VDS runtime system, as initially
137: * set from the system properties.
138: */
139: public String getVDSHome() {
140: return m_props.getVDSHome();
141: }
143: /**
144: * Accessor to $PEGASUS_HOME/var. The files in this directory have a high
145: * change frequency, are effectively read-write, they reside on a
146: * per-machine basis, and they are valid usually for a single user.
147: *
148: * @return the "var" directory of the VDS runtime system.
149: */
150: public File getLocalStateDir() {
151: return m_props.getLocalStateDir();
152: }
154: /**
155: * Accessor to $PEGASUS_HOME/share. The files in this directory have a low
156: * change frequency, are effectively read-only, can be shared via a
157: * networked FS, and they are valid for multiple users.
158: *
159: * @return the "share" directory of the VDS runtime system.
160: */
161: public File getDataDir() {
162: return m_props.getDataDir();
163: }
165: /**
166: * Get the fully qualified class name of the VDC-implementing
167: * database schema. If no properties are configured, it returns
168: * the file-based VDC-schema implementation.
169: *
170: * @return the fully-qualified name of the class which implements
171: * the VDC according to properties.
172: * @see org.griphyn.vdl.dbschema.SingleFileSchema
173: */
174: public String getVDCSchemaName() {
175: // load the default schema name - default is to use the file based
176: // schema.
177: String schemaName = m_props.getProperty("vds.db.vdc.schema",
178: "SingleFileSchema");
179: if (schemaName.indexOf('.') == -1)
180: schemaName = "org.griphyn.vdl.dbschema." + schemaName;
182: // always returns something
183: return schemaName;
184: }
186: /**
187: * Obtains the fully qualified class name of the PTC-implementing
188: * database schema.
189: *
190: * @return the fully-qualified name of the class which implements
191: * the PTC according to properties, or <code>null</code>, if no
192: * such class exists.
193: */
194: public String getPTCSchemaName() {
195: // load the default schema name - default is to use the file based
196: // schema.
197: //this should not have a default value because if this property is not set
198: // the invocation records should not be populated to DB.
199: String schemaName = m_props
200: .getProperty("pegasus.catalog.provenance");
201: if (schemaName != null && schemaName.indexOf('.') == -1)
202: schemaName = "org.griphyn.vdl.dbschema." + schemaName;
204: // may return null
205: return schemaName;
206: }
208: /**
209: * Obtains the fully qualified class name of the WF-implementing
210: * database schema.
211: *
212: * @return the fully-qualified name of the class which implements the
213: * WF according to properties, or <code>null</code>, if no such class
214: * exists.
215: */
216: public String getWFSchemaName() {
217: // load the default schema name
218: String schemaName = m_props.getProperty("vds.db.wf.schema");
219: if (schemaName != null && schemaName.indexOf('.') == -1)
220: schemaName = "org.griphyn.vdl.dbschema." + schemaName;
222: // may return null
223: return schemaName;
224: }
226: /**
227: * Gets the location the VDLx XML schema from properties, if available.
228: * Please note that the schema location URL in the instance document
229: * is only a hint, and may be overriden by the findings of this method.
230: *
231: * @return a location pointing to a definition document of the XML
232: * schema that can read VDLx. Result may be null, if such a document
233: * is unknown or unspecified.
234: * @see org.griphyn.vdl.parser.VDLxParser#VDLxParser( String )
235: */
236: public String getVDLSchemaLocation() {
237: // treat URI as File, yes, I know - I need the basename
238: File uri = new File(VDL_SCHEMA_LOCATION);
239: File vdlx = // create a pointer to the default local position
240: new File(this .m_props.getSysConfDir(), uri.getName());
242: // Nota bene: vds.schema.vdl may be a networked URI...
243: return m_props.getProperty("vds.schema.vdl", vdlx
244: .getAbsolutePath());
245: }
247: /**
248: * Gets the location of the DAX XML schema from properties, if available.
249: * Please note that the schema location URL in the instance document
250: * is only a hint, and may be overriden by the findings of this method.
251: *
252: * @return a location pointing to a definition document of the XML
253: * schema that can read DAX. Result may be null, if such a document
254: * is unknown or unspecified.
255: * @see org.griphyn.vdl.parser.DAXParser#DAXParser( String )
256: */
257: public String getDAXSchemaLocation() {
258: // treat URI as File, yes, I know - I need the basename
259: File uri = new File(DAX_SCHEMA_LOCATION);
260: File dax = // create a pointer to the default local position
261: new File(m_props.getSysConfDir(), uri.getName());
263: // Nota bene: vds.schema.dax may be a networked URI...
264: return m_props.getProperty("vds.schema.dax", dax
265: .getAbsolutePath());
266: }
268: /**
269: * Helps the load database to locate the invocation record XML schema,
270: * if available. Please note that the schema location URL in the
271: * instance document is only a hint, and may be overriden by the
272: * findings of this method.
273: *
274: * @return a location pointing to a definition document of the XML
275: * schema that can read DAX. Result may be null, if such a document
276: * is unknown or unspecified.
277: * @see org.griphyn.vdl.parser.InvocationParser#InvocationParser( String )
278: */
279: public String getPTCSchemaLocation() {
280: // treat URI as File, yes, I know - I need the basename
281: File uri = new File(IVR_SCHEMA_LOCATION);
282: File ptc = // create a pointer to the default local position
283: new File(m_props.getSysConfDir(), uri.getName());
285: // Nota bene: vds.schema.ptc may be a networked URI...
286: return m_props.getProperty("pegasus.catalog.provenance", ptc
287: .getAbsolutePath());
288: }
290: /**
291: * Get the rc.data file location, which is used by shell planner
292: *
293: */
294: public String getRCLocation() {
295: File rcFile = new File(m_props.getLocalStateDir(), "rc.data");
296: return m_props.getProperty("vds.db.rc", rcFile
297: .getAbsolutePath());
298: }
300: /**
301: * Get the tc.data file location, which is used by shell planner
302: *
303: */
304: public String getTCLocation() {
305: File tcFile = new File(m_props.getLocalStateDir(), "tc.data");
306: return m_props.getProperty("vds.db.tc", tcFile
307: .getAbsolutePath());
308: }
310: /**
311: * Gets the name of the database schema name from the properties.
312: *
313: * @param dbSchemaPrefix is the database schema key name in the
314: * properties file, which happens to be the pointer to the class
315: * to load.
316: * @return the database schema name, result may be null, if such
317: * property is not specified.
318: */
319: public String getDatabaseSchemaName(String dbSchemaPrefix) {
320: return m_props.getProperty(dbSchemaPrefix);
321: }
323: /**
324: * Gets then name of the database driver from the properties.
325: * A specific match is preferred over the any match.
326: *
327: * @param dbDriverPrefix is the database schema key name in the
328: * properties file, which happens to be the pointer to the class
329: * to load.
330: * @return the database driver name, result may be null, if such
331: * property is not specified.
332: */
333: public String getDatabaseDriverName(String dbDriverPrefix) {
334: return (dbDriverPrefix == null ? m_props
335: .getProperty(DBDRIVER_ALL_PREFIX) : m_props
336: .getProperty(dbDriverPrefix, m_props
337: .getProperty(DBDRIVER_ALL_PREFIX)));
338: }
340: /**
341: * Gets the Database URL from Properties file, the URL is a contact
342: * string to the database. The URL contact string is removed from the
343: * regular properties which are passed to the JDBC driver.
344: *
345: * @param dbDriverPrefix is the database schema key name.
346: * @return the database url, result may be <code>null</code>, if the
347: * driver URL is not specified.
348: * @see #getDatabaseDriverProperties( String )
349: */
350: public String getDatabaseURL(String dbDriverPrefix) {
351: return (dbDriverPrefix == null ?
352: //pick pegasus.catalog.*.db.url
353: m_props.getProperty(DB_ALL_PREFIX + ".url")
354: : m_props.getProperty(dbDriverPrefix + ".url",
355: //default value pegasus.catalog.*.db.url
356: m_props.getProperty(DB_ALL_PREFIX + ".url")));
357: }
359: /**
360: * Extracts a specific property key subset from the known properties.
361: * The prefix is removed from the keys in the resulting dictionary.
362: *
363: * @param prefix is the key prefix to filter the properties by.
364: * @return a property dictionary matching the filter key. May be
365: * an empty dictionary, if no prefix matches were found.
366: */
367: public Properties matchingSubset(String prefix) {
368: return m_props.matchingSubset(prefix, false);
369: }
371: /**
372: * Obtains database driver specific properties.
373: *
374: * @param dbDriverPrefix is the database driver property key prefix
375: * for which to obtain properties.
376: * @return a property set to be filled with driver specific
377: * properties. May be null if no such properties specified.
378: */
379: public Properties getDatabaseDriverProperties(String dbDriverPrefix) {
380: Properties result = new Properties(
381: matchingSubset(DB_ALL_PREFIX));
382: if (dbDriverPrefix != null)
383: result.putAll(matchingSubset(dbDriverPrefix));
384: result.remove("url"); // must not be passed to the JDBC driver
385: return result;
386: }
388: /**
389: * Obtains the database schema specific properties.
390: *
391: * @param dbSchemaPrefix is the database schema key name in the
392: * properties file
393: * @return a property set to be filled with schema specific
394: * properties. May be null if no such properties specified.
395: */
396: public Properties getDatabaseSchemaProperties(String dbSchemaPrefix) {
397: return matchingSubset(dbSchemaPrefix);
398: }
400: /**
401: * Gets the name of the replica catalog implementating class from the
402: * properties.
403: *
404: * @param dbReplicaPrefix is the replica catalog class name in the
405: * properties file.
406: * @return the replica catalog implementing class name, result may be
407: * null, if such property is not specified.
408: */
409: public String getReplicaCatalogName(String dbReplicaPrefix) {
410: return m_props.getProperty(dbReplicaPrefix);
411: }
413: /**
414: * Obtains all properties to handle the experimental replica catalog
415: * interface.
416: * @param dbReplicaPrefix is the prefix for the replica catalog's
417: * implementation configuration.
418: * @return all properties, excluding the prefix itself, for the RC.
419: */
420: public Properties getReplicaCatalogProperties(String dbReplicaPrefix) {
421: return matchingSubset(dbReplicaPrefix);
422: }
423: }