Helper strategy that can expose
FlowExecutor method arguments in
a response (view) so that subsequent requests resulting from the response
can have those arguments extracted again, typically using a
FlowExecutorArgumentExtractor .
Flow executor argument handler that extracts arguments from the request path
and exposes them in the URL path.
This allows for REST-style URLs to launch flows in the general format:
http://${host}/${context path}/${dispatcher path}/${flowId}.
For example, the URL
http://localhost/springair/reservation/booking would launch a
new execution of the booking flow, assuming a context path of
/springair and a servlet mapping of /reservation/*.
This also allows for URLs to resume flow executions in the format:
http://${host}/${context path}/${dispatcher path}/${key delimiter}/${flowExecutionKey}.
For example, the URL
http://localhost/springair/reservation/k/ABC123XYZ would
resume flow execution "ABC123XYZ".