Method Summary |
protected ApplicationView | applicationView(ViewSelection viewSelection) Assert that the returned view selection is an instance of
ApplicationView . |
protected void | assertActiveFlowEquals(String expectedActiveFlowId) Assert that the active flow session is for the flow with the provided id. |
protected void | assertCurrentStateEquals(String expectedCurrentStateId) Assert that the current state of the flow execution equals the provided
state id. |
protected void | assertFlowExecutionActive() Assert that the entire flow execution is active; that is, it has not
ended and has been started. |
protected void | assertFlowExecutionEnded() Assert that the entire flow execution has ended; that is, it is no longer
active. |
protected void | assertModelAttributeCollectionSize(int expectedSize, String attributeName, ApplicationView viewSelection) Assert that the selected view contains the specified collection model
attribute with the provided expected size. |
protected void | assertModelAttributeEquals(Object expectedValue, String attributeName, ApplicationView viewSelection) Assert that the selected view contains the specified model attribute with
the provided expected value. |
protected void | assertModelAttributeNotNull(String attributeName, ApplicationView viewSelection) Assert that the selected view contains the specified model attribute. |
protected void | assertModelAttributeNull(String attributeName, ApplicationView viewSelection) Assert that the selected view does not contain the specified model
attribute. |
protected void | assertViewNameEquals(String expectedViewName, ApplicationView viewSelection) Assert that the view name equals the provided value. |
protected ExternalContext | createExternalContext(ParameterMap requestParameters) Creates an ExternalContext instance. |
protected FlowExecutionFactory | createFlowExecutionFactory() Factory method to create the flow execution factory. |
protected Object | evaluateModelAttributeExpression(String attributeName, Map model) Evaluates a model attribute expression. |
protected ExternalRedirect | externalRedirect(ViewSelection viewSelection) Assert that the returned view selection is an instance of
ExternalRedirect . |
protected FlowDefinitionRedirect | flowDefinitionRedirect(ViewSelection viewSelection) Assert that the returned view selection is an instance of
FlowDefinitionRedirect . |
protected FlowExecutionRedirect | flowExecutionRedirect(ViewSelection viewSelection) Assert that the returned view selection is an instance of
FlowExecutionRedirect . |
protected Object | getConversationAttribute(String attributeName) Returns the attribute in conversation scope. |
protected Object | getFlashAttribute(String attributeName) Returns the attribute in flash scope. |
protected Object | getFlowAttribute(String attributeName) Returns the attribute in flow scope. |
abstract protected FlowDefinition | getFlowDefinition() Returns the flow definition to be tested. |
protected FlowExecution | getFlowExecution() Returns the flow execution being tested. |
protected FlowExecutionFactory | getFlowExecutionFactory() Gets the factory that will create the flow execution to test. |
protected Object | getRequiredConversationAttribute(String attributeName) Returns the required attribute in conversation scope; asserts the
attribute is present. |
protected Object | getRequiredConversationAttribute(String attributeName, Class requiredType) Returns the required attribute in conversation scope; asserts the
attribute is present and of the required type. |
protected Object | getRequiredFlashAttribute(String attributeName) Returns the required attribute in flash scope; asserts the attribute is
present. |
protected Object | getRequiredFlashAttribute(String attributeName, Class requiredType) Returns the required attribute in flash scope; asserts the attribute is
present and of the correct type. |
protected Object | getRequiredFlowAttribute(String attributeName) Returns the required attribute in flow scope; asserts the attribute is
present. |
protected Object | getRequiredFlowAttribute(String attributeName, Class requiredType) Returns the required attribute in flow scope; asserts the attribute is
present and of the correct type. |
protected void | nullView(ViewSelection viewSelection) Assert that the returned view selection is the
ViewSelection.NULL_VIEW . |
protected ViewSelection | refresh() Refresh the flow execution being tested, asking the current view state to
make a "refresh" view selection. |
protected ViewSelection | refresh(ExternalContext context) Refresh the flow execution being tested, asking the current view state
state to make a "refresh" view selection. |
public void | setExpressionParser(ExpressionParser expressionParser) Set the expression parser responsible for parsing expression strings into
evaluatable expression objects. |
protected ViewSelection | signalEvent(String eventId) Signal an occurence of an event in the current state of the flow
execution being tested. |
protected ViewSelection | signalEvent(String eventId, ParameterMap requestParameters) Signal an occurence of an event in the current state of the flow
execution being tested. |
protected ViewSelection | signalEvent(String eventId, ExternalContext context) Signal an occurence of an event in the current state of the flow
execution being tested.
Note: signaling an event will cause state transitions to occur in a chain
until control is returned to the caller. |
protected ViewSelection | startFlow() Start the flow execution to be tested. |
protected ViewSelection | startFlow(MutableAttributeMap input) Start the flow execution to be tested. |
protected ViewSelection | startFlow(MutableAttributeMap input, ExternalContext context) Start the flow execution to be tested.
This is the most flexible of the start methods. |
protected void | updateFlowExecution(FlowExecution flowExecution) Directly update the flow execution used by the test by setting
it to given flow execution. |