Get the value of sort ascending of the primary sort property.
value of sort ascending See Also:BeanSorter.setSortAscending
public void setPrimarySortAscending(boolean ascending)(Code)
Set the value of sort ascending for the primary sort property.
Parameters: ascending - value to assign to sort ascending See Also:BeanSorter.getPrimarySortAscending
public void setPrimarySortProperty(String property)(Code)
Set the value of the primary sort property.
Parameters: property - value to assign to sort property See Also:BeanSorter.getPrimarySortProperty
Set all sort criteria from the given list of strings.
Parameters: criteria - a list of criteria as"property_name [ '/' ( 'ascending' | 'descending' ) ]"
Sort the given argument using the previously specified properties. The
objects in data must have methods getsortColumn.
Parameters: data - the data to be sorted. throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the data items do not have therequired get method
Sort the given argument using the specified parameters. The default
implementation uses reflection to get the values to be compared.
The objects in data must therefore have methods
getsortProp for each sort criterion used.
Parameters: data - the data to be sorted. Parameters: sortCriteria - an array of tuples { String sortProperty, Boolean sortAscending } as Object[2] throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the data items do not have therequired get method