validate(Component c, boolean forceMandatory) Carries out the min-max validation on the value entered.
Constructor Detail
public XMinMaxValidator(String name, int mask)(Code)
Constructors the XMinMaxValidator
Parameters: name - Name of the validation in the xml file Parameters: min - The min valid value. Parameters: max - The max valid value Parameters: message - The message to be displayed if validation fails Parameters: mask - The event mask to trigger the validation.
Carries out the min-max validation on the value entered. If the Method
validationMethod is not null we have to invoke it in order to get it's
return value. If the Method invocation returns a null we do not validate.
If a problem is found we format the message using the messageHelper.
Parameters: c - The component triggering the validation throws: Exception - Contains the details of the message
Fields inherited from net.xoetrope.xui.validation.XBaseValidator