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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » XML UI » xui32 » com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        package com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html;
003:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.A;
004:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Address;
005:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.BaseFont;
006:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.BlockQuote;
007:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Br;
008:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Col;
009:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Div;
010:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Font;
011:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Form;
012:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Hr;
013:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.XHeadingTag;
014:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Img;
015:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Input;
016:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Map;
017:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.P;
018:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Script;
019:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Select;
020:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Span;
021:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Style;
022:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Table;
023:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.Td;
024:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.TextArea;
025:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.XDataTagHandler;
026:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.XDefaultTagHandler;
027:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.XFormatTagHandler;
028:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.XObjectTagHandler;
029:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.XHtmlTagHandler;
030:        import com.xoetrope.builder.w3c.html.tags.XStructuralTagHandler;
031:        import java.awt.Color;
032:        import java.awt.Component;
033:        import;
034:        import java.util.Enumeration;
035:        import java.util.Hashtable;
036:        import java.awt.Container;
038:        import net.xoetrope.builder.XuiBuilder;
039:        import net.xoetrope.debug.DebugLogger;
040:        import net.xoetrope.xui.XPage;
041:        import net.xoetrope.xui.PageSupport;
042:        import;
043:        import;
044:        import;
045:        import;
046:        import;
047:        import;
048:        import;
049:        import java.util.StringTokenizer;
050:        import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
051:        import javax.swing.text.MutableAttributeSet;
052:        import javax.swing.text.html.HTML;
053:        import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument;
054:        import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit;
055:        import javax.swing.text.html.parser.ParserDelegator;
056:        import net.xoetrope.xui.XComponentConstructor;
057:        import net.xoetrope.xui.XComponentFactory;
058:        import net.xoetrope.xui.XProject;
060:        /**
061:         * A build for W3C HTML forms/pages. The builder can create XUI pages on-the-fly
062:         * or it can be used to convert and save an html page to a xui format.
063:         * <p> Copyright (c) Xoetrope Ltd., 2002-2006</p>
064:         * <p> $Revision: 1.8 $</p>
065:         * <p> License: see License.txt</p>
066:         */
067:        public class XHtmlBuilder extends XuiBuilder {
068:            protected static boolean debugLayout = false;
070:            private static Hashtable swingConstants;
071:            private static Hashtable<Object, XHtmlTagHandler> htmlTags = null;
072:            private Hashtable<String, XHtmlStyle> styles;
074:            protected String packageName;
076:            protected String selectStyle = XPage.RADIO;
077:            protected XHtmlComponentFactory htmlFactory;
078:            protected XHtmlTagHandler lastHandler;
080:            protected static URL documentUrl;
082:            /**
083:             * Create a new builder
084:             * @param project the current xui project
085:             * @param factory the component factory
086:             */
087:            public XHtmlBuilder(XProject project) {
088:                super (project, XPage.XUI_SWING_PACKAGE);
089:                setupHtmlTags();
090:                styles = new Hashtable<String, XHtmlStyle>();
092:                Hashtable componentFactories = XComponentFactory.getFactories();
093:                Enumeration enumeration = componentFactories.keys();
094:                while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
095:                    XComponentConstructor factory = (XComponentConstructor) componentFactories
096:                            .get(enumeration.nextElement());
097:                    if (factory instanceof  XHtmlComponentFactory) {
098:                        htmlFactory = (XHtmlComponentFactory) factory;
099:                        break;
100:                    }
101:                }
102:            }
104:            /**
105:             * Is a debug layout to be used?
106:             * @return true if the debug layout is to be used
107:             */
108:            public static boolean isDebugLayout() {
109:                return debugLayout;
110:            }
112:            /**
113:             * Set the debug layout flag
114:             * @param state true if the debug layout is to be used
115:             */
116:            public static void setDebugLayout(boolean state) {
117:                debugLayout = state;
118:            }
120:            /**
121:             * Attempt to get an input stream from the specified path
122:             * @param urlStr the url string
123:             * @return the inputstream or null if the strean cannot be opened.
124:             */
125:            protected InputStream getUrlInputStream(String urlStr) {
126:                try {
127:                    documentUrl = new URL(urlStr);
129:                    // Open the connection and set the properties so that the input is loaded
130:                    // from the server and even if a cached version is available.
131:                    URLConnection conn = documentUrl.openConnection();
132:                    conn.setDefaultUseCaches(false);
133:                    conn.setIfModifiedSince(0);
134:                    conn.setDoInput(true);
135:                    conn.setDoOutput(false);
136:                    conn.setUseCaches(false);
137:                    conn.connect();
139:                    InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
140:                    return is;
141:                } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
142:                } catch (Exception ex) {
143:                    if (BuildProperties.DEBUG)
144:                        DebugLogger
145:                                .logError("Unable to load the page from the server: "
146:                                        + urlStr);
147:                    //ex.printStackTrace();
148:                }
149:                return null;
150:            }
152:            /**
153:             * Loads an XPage via a reader obtained from the XProject (searches
154:             * the classpath). The pageName is assumed to be the name of an XML file. For
155:             * example if the pageName is 'welcome' then the 'welcome.xml' file is read as
156:             * a UTF8 encoded XML file (by default).
157:             * @param defPackageName the package or path to the page
158:             * @param pageName the page name or the name of the class implementing the page
159:             * @param include true if the page to be loaded is being included in another
160:             * page in which case any class attribute of the included page is ignored
161:             * @return the page
162:             */
163:            public PageSupport loadPage(String defPackageName, String pageName,
164:                    boolean include) {
165:                packageName = defPackageName;
167:                Reader r = null;
168:                try {
169:                    InputStream is = getUrlInputStream(pageName);
170:                    if (is != null)
171:                        r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
172:                    else {
173:                        String fileName = pageName;
174:                        if (pageName.indexOf(".htm") < 0)
175:                            fileName += ".html";
176:                        r = currentProject.getBufferedReader(fileName, null);
177:                        documentUrl = currentProject.findResource(fileName);
178:                    }
179:                } catch (Exception ex) {
180:                    if (BuildProperties.DEBUG)
181:                        DebugLogger.logError("BUILDER", "File NOT found: "
182:                                + pageName);
183:                }
185:                try {
186:                    if ((r == null) || !r.ready())
187:                        return null;
189:                    return readPage(r, pageName, ".html", include);
190:                } catch (Exception e) {
191:                    if (BuildProperties.DEBUG)
192:                        DebugLogger.logError("BUILDER", "File NOT found: "
193:                                + pageName);
194:                } finally {
195:                    if (!include)
196:                        rootPage = null;
197:                }
198:                return null;
199:            }
201:            /**
202:             * Read an XML description of the page and construct a new XPage. An instance
203:             * of the class specified by the class attribute is constructed or else an
204:             * instance of XPage if no class attribute is specified. The new page is
205:             * populated but is not yet added to its parent.
206:             * <br>
207:             * The startup file parameter 'DefaultClass' is used to obtain a default for
208:             * each page's class if a class parameter is not specified in the page's XML
209:             * <br>
210:             * The startup file parameter 'Validations' is used to obtain a default for
211:             * each page's set of validation rules
212:             *
213:             * @param reader a input stream from which to read the page
214:             * @param pageName the name of the page
215:             * @param ext the file extension
216:             * @param include the page to be loaded is being included in another page
217:             * @return the page
218:             */
219:            public PageSupport readPage(Reader reader, String pageName,
220:                    String ext, boolean include) {
221:                try {
222:                    setupPage(pageName, ext, include);
224:                    HTMLEditorKit editorKit = new HTMLEditorKit();
225:                    HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) editorKit
226:                            .createDefaultDocument();
227:                    HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback callback = new XHtmlBuilderParserCallback(
228:                            this );
229:                    ParserDelegator pd = new ParserDelegator();
230:                    doc.setPreservesUnknownTags(true);
231:                    doc.setParser(pd);
232:                    doc.setPreservesUnknownTags(true);
233:                    pd.parse(reader, callback, true);
234:                } catch (Exception e) {
235:                    if (BuildProperties.DEBUG)
236:                        DebugLogger
237:                                .logError("Exception while reading the page: "
238:                                        + pageName);
239:                    e.printStackTrace();
240:                }
241:                return page;
242:            }
244:            /**
245:             * Loads the page based on the contents of the page tag or by using default
246:             * values.
247:             *
248:             * @param pageName the name of the page
249:             * @param ext the file extension
250:             * @param include the page to be loaded is being included in another page
251:             */
252:            protected void setupPage(String pageName, String ext,
253:                    boolean include) {
254:                String className = "net.xoetrope.xui.XPage";
256:                if (!include) {
257:                    if ((className.indexOf('.') <= 0)
258:                            && (packageName.length() > 1))
259:                        className = packageName + className;
260:                    try {
261:                        page = loadClass(className);
262:                    } catch (Exception e) {
263:                        if (BuildProperties.DEBUG)
264:                            DebugLogger
265:                                    .trace("Unable to load the named class: "
266:                                            + className);
267:                        page = new XPage();
268:                    }
269:                    setPageName(pageName);
270:                    setPageExtension(ext);
271:                    page.setLayout(new XHtmlFormLayout(this ));
273:                    componentFactory.setParentComponent((Container) page);
274:                }
276:                rootPage = (XPage) page;
277:            }
279:            /**
280:             * Find a resource URl from a resource string, resolving relative resource
281:             * names in the process.
282:             * @param fileName the resource string
283:             * @return the resource url
284:             */
285:            public static URL findResource(String fileName) {
286:                try {
287:                    return new URL(documentUrl, fileName);
288:                } catch (Exception e) {
289:                    return null;
290:                }
291:            }
293:            /**
294:             * <p>Set a named attributes. The attributes are stored in a hashtable owned by
295:             * the page. Derived classes may access the hashtable directly but the
296:             * preferred method of access is the getAttribute method. Attributes are used
297:             * by the XuiBuilder class for component attributes other than those it handles
298:             * directly. The attributes can be thought of as component properties or extra
299:             * data and need not be used directly by the component.</p>
300:             * <p>
301:             * Attributes are stored using a key in the form attribName_compName or just
302:             * the attribName if compName is null.
303:             * </p>
304:             * @param attribName the attribute name
305:             * @param compName the component name or null if it is a page attribute
306:             * @param attribValue the attribute value
307:             */
308:            public void setComponentAttribute(String compName,
309:                    String attribName, Object attribValue) {
310:                page.setAttribute(compName, attribName, attribValue);
311:            }
313:            /**
314:             * <p>Get a named attributes. The attributes are stored in a hashtable owned by
315:             * the page. Derived classes may access the hashtable directly but the
316:             * preferred method of access is the getAttribute method. Attributes are used
317:             * by the XuiBuilder class for component attributes other than those it handles
318:             * directly. The attributes can be thought of as component properties or extra
319:             * data and need not be used directly by the component.</p>
320:             * <p>
321:             * Attributes are stored using a key in the form attribName_compName or just
322:             * the attribName if compName is null.
323:             * </p>
324:             * @param attribName the attribute name
325:             * @param compName the component name or null if it is a page attribute
326:             */
327:            public Object getComponentAttribute(String compName,
328:                    String attribName) {
329:                return page.getAttribute(compName, attribName);
330:            }
332:            // Start script handling -----------------------------------------------------
333:            /**
334:             * Add a new script function to the current class
335:             * @param componentName the name of the element being processed
336:             * @param eventName the name of the html event or null if a page event is being processed
337:             * @param methodName the name of the new method
338:             * @param script the contents of the method - the original javascript (assuming it is javascript)
339:             */
340:            public void addScript(String componentName, String eventName,
341:                    String methodName, String script) {
342:            }
344:            /**
345:             * Process the event specification, specified as an attribute of an HTML element
346:             * @param handler the tag handler
347:             * @param attribName the attribute name
348:             * @param attribValue the attribute value, containing the script
349:             */
350:            public void processEvent(XHtmlTagHandler handler,
351:                    String attribName, String attribValue) {
352:            }
354:            // End script handling -------------------------------------------------------
356:            // Start tag handling --------------------------------------------------------
357:            /**
358:             * Create a hashtable of tags and ids to speed processing of HTML 
359:             */
360:            protected void setupHtmlTags() {
361:                if (htmlTags == null) {
362:                    htmlTags = new Hashtable<Object, XHtmlTagHandler>();
363:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.A, new A());
364:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.ADDRESS, new Address());
365:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.APPLET, new XObjectTagHandler(
366:                            HTML.Tag.APPLET));
367:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.AREA, new XDataTagHandler(
368:                            HTML.Tag.AREA));
369:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.B, new XFormatTagHandler(HTML.Tag.B));
370:                    //      htmlTags.put( HTML.Tag.BASE, new Integer( XHtmlBuilder.BASE ));  // Deprecated
371:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.BASEFONT, new BaseFont());
372:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.BIG, new XFormatTagHandler(
373:                            HTML.Tag.BIG));
374:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.BLOCKQUOTE, new BlockQuote());
375:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.BODY, new XStructuralTagHandler(
376:                            HTML.Tag.BODY));
377:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.BR, new Br());
378:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.CAPTION, new XDataTagHandler(
379:                            HTML.Tag.CAPTION));
380:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.CENTER, new Div(HTML.Tag.CENTER));
381:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.CITE, new XFormatTagHandler(
382:                            HTML.Tag.CITE));
383:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.CODE, new XFormatTagHandler(
384:                            HTML.Tag.CODE));
385:                    htmlTags.put("col", new Col("col"));
386:                    htmlTags.put("colgroup", new Col("colgroup"));
387:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.DD, new XDataTagHandler(HTML.Tag.DD));
388:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.DFN, new XFormatTagHandler(
389:                            HTML.Tag.DFN));
390:                    //      htmlTags.put( HTML.Tag.DIR, new Integer( XHtmlBuilder.DIR )); // Deprecated
391:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.DIV, new Div(HTML.Tag.DIV));
392:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.DL, new XDataTagHandler(HTML.Tag.DL));
393:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.DT, new XDataTagHandler(HTML.Tag.DT));
394:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.EM,
395:                            new XFormatTagHandler(HTML.Tag.EM));
396:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.FONT, new Font());
397:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.FORM, new Form());
398:                    //      htmlTags.put( HTML.Tag.FRAME, new Integer( XHtmlBuilder.FRAME ));
399:                    //      htmlTags.put( HTML.Tag.FRAMESET, new Integer( XHtmlBuilder.FRAMESET ));
400:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.H1, new XHeadingTag(HTML.Tag.H1));
401:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.H2, new XHeadingTag(HTML.Tag.H2));
402:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.H3, new XHeadingTag(HTML.Tag.H3));
403:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.H4, new XHeadingTag(HTML.Tag.H4));
404:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.H5, new XHeadingTag(HTML.Tag.H5));
405:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.H6, new XHeadingTag(HTML.Tag.H6));
406:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.HEAD, new XStructuralTagHandler(
407:                            HTML.Tag.HEAD));
408:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.HR, new Hr());
409:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.HTML, new XStructuralTagHandler(
410:                            HTML.Tag.HTML));
411:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.I, new XFormatTagHandler(HTML.Tag.I));
412:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.IMG, new Img());
413:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.INPUT, new Input());
414:                    //      htmlTags.put( HTML.Tag.ISINDEX, new Integer( XHtmlBuilder.ISINDEX )); // Deprecated
415:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.KBD, new XFormatTagHandler(
416:                            HTML.Tag.KBD));
417:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.LI, new XDataTagHandler(HTML.Tag.LI));
418:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.LINK, new XDataTagHandler(
419:                            HTML.Tag.LINK));
420:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.MAP, new Map());
421:                    //      htmlTags.put( HTML.Tag.MENU, new Integer( XHtmlBuilder.MENU )); // Deprecated
422:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.META, new XDataTagHandler(
423:                            HTML.Tag.META));
424:                    //      htmlTags.put( HTML.Tag.NOFRAMES, new Integer( XHtmlBuilder.NOFRAMES ));
425:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.OBJECT, new XFormatTagHandler(
426:                            HTML.Tag.OBJECT));
427:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.OL, new XDataTagHandler(HTML.Tag.OL));
428:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.OPTION, new XDataTagHandler(
429:                            HTML.Tag.OPTION));
430:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.P, new P());
431:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.PARAM, new XDataTagHandler(
432:                            HTML.Tag.PARAM));
433:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.PRE, new XFormatTagHandler(
434:                            HTML.Tag.PRE));
435:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.SAMP, new XFormatTagHandler(
436:                            HTML.Tag.SAMP));
437:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.SCRIPT, new Script());
438:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.SELECT, new Select());
439:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.SMALL, new XFormatTagHandler(
440:                            HTML.Tag.SMALL));
441:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.SPAN, new Span());
442:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.STRIKE, new XFormatTagHandler(
443:                            HTML.Tag.STRIKE));
444:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.S, new XFormatTagHandler(HTML.Tag.S));
445:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.STRONG, new XFormatTagHandler(
446:                            HTML.Tag.STRONG));
447:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.STYLE, new Style());
448:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.SUB, new XFormatTagHandler(
449:                            HTML.Tag.SUB));
450:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.SUP, new XFormatTagHandler(
451:                            HTML.Tag.SUP));
452:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.TABLE, new Table());
453:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.TD, new Td(HTML.Tag.TD));
454:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.TEXTAREA, new TextArea());
455:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.TH, new Td(HTML.Tag.TH));
456:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.TITLE, new XDataTagHandler(
457:                            HTML.Tag.TITLE));
458:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.TR, new Td(HTML.Tag.TR));
459:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.TT,
460:                            new XFormatTagHandler(HTML.Tag.TT));
461:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.U, new XFormatTagHandler(HTML.Tag.U));
462:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.UL, new XDataTagHandler(HTML.Tag.UL));
463:                    htmlTags.put(HTML.Tag.VAR,
464:                            new XDataTagHandler(HTML.Tag.VAR));
465:                }
466:            }
468:            public XHtmlTagHandler getTagHandler(HTML.Tag t) {
469:                XHtmlTagHandler tagHandler = (XHtmlTagHandler) htmlTags.get(t);
470:                if (tagHandler != null)
471:                    tagHandler = tagHandler.newInstance(this , lastHandler);
472:                else {
473:                    tagHandler = new XDefaultTagHandler(t);
474:                    tagHandler.setParent(lastHandler);
475:                }
477:                return tagHandler;
478:            }
480:            // End tag handling ----------------------------------------------------------
482:            // Start style handling ------------------------------------------------------
483:            /**
484:             * Set the class of an element
485:             * @param c the component affected by the style
486:             * @param className the name of the class
487:             */
488:            public void setClass(Component c, String className) {
489:                XHtmlStyle style = styles.get(className);
490:                if (style == null) {
491:                    style = new XHtmlStyle(className);
492:                    styles.put(className, style);
493:                }
495:                // Apply the style
496:                c.setForeground(style.getForeground(false));
497:                c.setBackground(style.getBackground(false));
498:                c.setFont(style.getFont());
499:            }
501:            /**
502:             * Setup a new style or styles by parsing the stylesheet
503:             * @param styleInfo the full style information
504:             */
505:            public void setupStyle(String styleInfo) {
506:                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(styleInfo, "}");
507:                while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
508:                    String styleStr = st.nextToken().trim();
509:                    if (styleStr.length() == 0)
510:                        continue;
512:                    int pos = styleStr.indexOf('{');
513:                    String className = styleStr.substring(0, pos - 1).trim();
514:                    if (className.charAt(0) == '.')
515:                        className = className.substring(1);
516:                    String styleAttribs = styleStr.substring(pos + 1);
518:                    XHtmlStyle style = styles.get(className);
519:                    if (style == null) {
520:                        style = new XHtmlStyle(className);
521:                        styles.put(className, style);
522:                    }
524:                    style.parse(styleAttribs);
525:                }
526:            }
528:            /**
529:             * Get a color from a color specification
530:             * @param the html color spec
531:             * @return the Color object
532:             */
533:            public static Color getColor(String colorSpec) {
534:                String spec = colorSpec.toLowerCase();
535:                if (spec.equals("black"))
536:                    return;
537:                else if (spec.equals("silver"))
538:                    return new Color(192, 192, 192);
539:                else if (spec.equals("gray"))
540:                    return new Color(128, 128, 128);
541:                else if (spec.equals("white"))
542:                    return Color.white;
543:                else if (spec.equals("maroon"))
544:                    return new Color(128, 0, 0);
545:                else if (spec.equals("red"))
546:                    return;
547:                else if (spec.equals("purple"))
548:                    return new Color(128, 0, 128);
549:                else if (spec.equals("fuchsia"))
550:                    return new Color(255, 0, 255);
551:                else if (spec.equals("green"))
552:                    return new Color(0, 128, 0);
553:                else if (spec.equals("lime"))
554:                    return new Color(0, 255, 0);
555:                else if (spec.equals("olive"))
556:                    return new Color(128, 128, 0);
557:                else if (spec.equals("yellow"))
558:                    return Color.yellow;
559:                else if (spec.equals("navy"))
560:                    return new Color(0, 0, 128);
561:                else if (spec.equals("blue"))
562:                    return;
563:                else if (spec.equals("teal"))
564:                    return new Color(0, 128, 128);
565:                else if (spec.equals("aqua"))
566:                    return new Color(0, 255, 255);
567:                else if (spec.startsWith("rgb")) {
568:                    spec = spec.substring(spec.indexOf('(') + 1);
569:                    int pos = spec.indexOf(",");
570:                    int r = Integer.parseInt(spec.substring(0, pos++).trim());
571:                    int pos2 = spec.indexOf(",", pos);
572:                    int g = Integer.parseInt(spec.substring(pos, pos2).trim());
573:                    int b = Integer.parseInt(spec.substring(++pos2,
574:                            spec.indexOf(")")).trim());
575:                    return new Color(r, g, b);
576:                } else {
577:                    int r = Integer.parseInt(spec.substring(1, 3), 16);
578:                    int g = Integer.parseInt(spec.substring(3, 5), 16);
579:                    int b = Integer.parseInt(spec.substring(5, 7), 16);
580:                    return new Color(r, g, b);
581:                }
582:            }
584:            /**
585:             * Get a SwingConstant for an attribute
586:             * @param the attribute name as a string
587:             * @return the constant
588:             */
589:            public static int getSwingConstant(String name) {
590:                String uName = name.toUpperCase();
592:                if (swingConstants == null) {
593:                    swingConstants = new Hashtable();
594:                    swingConstants.put("CENTER", new Integer(
595:                            SwingConstants.CENTER));
596:                    swingConstants.put("TOP", new Integer(SwingConstants.TOP));
597:                    swingConstants
598:                            .put("LEFT", new Integer(SwingConstants.LEFT));
599:                    swingConstants.put("BOTTOM", new Integer(
600:                            SwingConstants.BOTTOM));
601:                    swingConstants.put("RIGHT", new Integer(
602:                            SwingConstants.RIGHT));
603:                    swingConstants.put("NORTH", new Integer(
604:                            SwingConstants.NORTH));
605:                    swingConstants.put("NORTH_EAST", new Integer(
606:                            SwingConstants.NORTH_EAST));
607:                    swingConstants
608:                            .put("EAST", new Integer(SwingConstants.EAST));
609:                    swingConstants.put("SOUTH_EAST", new Integer(
610:                            SwingConstants.SOUTH_EAST));
611:                    swingConstants.put("SOUTH", new Integer(
612:                            SwingConstants.SOUTH));
613:                    swingConstants.put("SOUTH_WEST", new Integer(
614:                            SwingConstants.SOUTH_WEST));
615:                    swingConstants
616:                            .put("WEST", new Integer(SwingConstants.WEST));
617:                    swingConstants.put("NORTH_WEST", new Integer(
618:                            SwingConstants.NORTH_WEST));
619:                    swingConstants.put("HORIZONTAL", new Integer(
620:                            SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL));
621:                    swingConstants.put("VERTICAL", new Integer(
622:                            SwingConstants.VERTICAL));
623:                    swingConstants.put("LEADING", new Integer(
624:                            SwingConstants.LEADING));
625:                    swingConstants.put("TRAILING", new Integer(
626:                            SwingConstants.TRAILING));
627:                    swingConstants
628:                            .put("NEXT", new Integer(SwingConstants.NEXT));
629:                    swingConstants.put("PREVIOUS", new Integer(
630:                            SwingConstants.PREVIOUS));
631:                }
633:                return ((Integer) swingConstants.get(uName)).intValue();
634:            }
636:            // End style handling --------------------------------------------------------
638:            private class XHtmlBuilderParserCallback extends
639:                    HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback {
640:                private HTML.Tag lastTag;
641:                private XHtmlBuilder builder;
643:                public XHtmlBuilderParserCallback(XHtmlBuilder htmlBuilder) {
644:                    builder = htmlBuilder;
645:                }
647:                public void handleText(char[] data, int pos) {
648:                    super .handleText(data, pos);
649:                    lastHandler.processText(componentFactory, new String(data));
650:                }
652:                public void handleComment(char[] data, int pos) {
653:                    super .handleComment(data, pos);
654:                    lastHandler.processComment(new String(data));
655:                }
657:                public void handleStartTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a,
658:                        int pos) {
659:                    super .handleStartTag(t, a, pos);
660:                    lastTag = t;
661:                    XHtmlTagHandler tagHandler = getTagHandler(t);
662:                    tagHandler.startProcessing(builder, componentFactory, a);
663:                    lastHandler = tagHandler;
664:                }
666:                public void handleEndTag(HTML.Tag t, int pos) {
667:                    super .handleEndTag(t, pos);
668:                    if (lastHandler != null) {
669:                        lastHandler.endProcessing(componentFactory);
670:                        XHtmlTagHandler parentHandler = lastHandler.getParent();
671:                        if (parentHandler != null)
672:                            parentHandler.addChild(lastHandler);
673:                        lastHandler = parentHandler;
674:                    }
675:                }
677:                /**
678:                 * Handle a closed/simple tag by running the start and then the end proceesing
679:                 * @param t the HTML tag
680:                 * @param a the attribute set
681:                 * @param pos the position within the file
682:                 */
683:                public void handleSimpleTag(HTML.Tag t, MutableAttributeSet a,
684:                        int pos) {
685:                    super .handleSimpleTag(t, a, pos);
687:                    // Start tag processing
688:                    lastTag = t;
689:                    XHtmlTagHandler tagHandler = getTagHandler(t);
690:                    tagHandler.startProcessing(builder, componentFactory, a);
691:                    lastHandler = tagHandler;
693:                    // End tag processing
694:                    if (lastHandler != null) {
695:                        lastHandler.endProcessing(componentFactory);
696:                        XHtmlTagHandler parentHandler = lastHandler.getParent();
697:                        if (parentHandler != null)
698:                            parentHandler.addChild(lastHandler);
699:                        lastHandler = parentHandler;
700:                    }
701:                }
703:                public void handleError(String errorMsg, int pos) {
704:                    super .handleError(errorMsg, pos);
705:                }
706:            }
708:            /**
709:             * Get the page loader type - a unique name identifying the loader
710:             * @return "html"
711:             */
712:            public String getType() {
713:                return "html";
714:            }
715:        } | Contact Us
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