| javax.swing.JButton com.xoetrope.carousel.services.ButtonCellEditor
ButtonCellEditor | public class ButtonCellEditor extends JButton implements TableCellEditor,ActionListener(Code) | | Used as the TableCellEditor when the data property is clicked for a component
Copyright (c) Xoetrope Ltd., 2001-2006, This software is licensed under
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license from Xoetrope.
$Revision: 1.2 $
ButtonCellEditor | public ButtonCellEditor(String caption)(Code) | | Create teh JButton with the passed caption and add an actionlistener
Parameters: caption - the caption to be used by the JButton |
actionPerformed | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)(Code) | | Create an XLibDataChooser dialog. If the return value is not null set the
value at the editing row to that value.
Parameters: e - |
cancelCellEditing | public void cancelCellEditing()(Code) | | |
getCellEditorValue | public Object getCellEditorValue()(Code) | | get the value of the celleditor
the text of the JButton |
getTableCellEditorComponent | public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable tbl, Object value, boolean isSelected, int row, int column)(Code) | | Called when a table row is selected for editing.
Parameters: tbl - the JTable we're working with Parameters: value - the value of the cell selected Parameters: isSelected - is the row seleted Parameters: row - the edit row Parameters: column - the edit column this JButton component |
stopCellEditing | public boolean stopCellEditing()(Code) | | |