| java.lang.Object java.lang.Thread com.xoetrope.carousel.testpilot.ApplicationLauncher
ApplicationLauncher | class ApplicationLauncher extends Thread (Code) | | Support for launching a new application
Copyright (c) Xoetrope Ltd., 2001-2006, This software is licensed under
the GNU Public License (GPL), please see license.txt for more details. If
you make commercial use of this software you must purchase a commercial
license from Xoetrope.
$Revision: 1.2 $
ApplicationLauncher | ApplicationLauncher(boolean newJVM, String mainClazz, String clazzPath, String args, String homePath)(Code) | | Launch a new application
Parameters: newJVM - true for a new/separate JVM Parameters: mainClazz - the class to invoke Parameters: clazzPath - the supporting classpath for teh target application Parameters: args - the application arguments Parameters: homePath - the startup directory |
launchExcel | public void launchExcel(String fileName)(Code) | | Launch Excel and open a file
Parameters: fileName - the file to open. |