| javax.swing.JDialog com.xoetrope.editor.netbeans.actions.OptionDialog
OptionDialog | public class OptionDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener(Code) | | A dialog for presentation of options. Ok and Cancel buttons are automatically
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$Revision: 1.3 $
ID_CANCEL | final public static int ID_CANCEL(Code) | | |
ID_OK | final public static int ID_OK(Code) | | |
LIST_INPUT | final public static int LIST_INPUT(Code) | | |
NUMBER_INPUT | final public static int NUMBER_INPUT(Code) | | |
TEXT_INPUT | final public static int TEXT_INPUT(Code) | | |
actionPerformed | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)(Code) | | Respond to the button clicks and dismiss
the dialog once the state has been set
Parameters: e - |
addOption | public void addOption(int optionType, String caption, String initialValue)(Code) | | Add an option
Parameters: optionType - the type of the option, controls the input control type Parameters: caption - the caption for this option Parameters: initialValue - the initial value if any |
addOption | public void addOption(int optionType, String caption, String initialValue, String[] choices)(Code) | | Add an option
Parameters: optionType - the type of the option, controls the input control type Parameters: caption - the caption for this option Parameters: initialValue - the initial value if any Parameters: choices - he list options |
getOption | public String getOption(int idx)(Code) | | Get the input or selected value for the object
Parameters: idx - the index of the object the value as a string |
getStatus | public int getStatus()(Code) | | Get the state following dismissal of the dialog
setVisible | public void setVisible(boolean state)(Code) | | Display the dialog