| |
| java.lang.Object com.xoetrope.io.XExportHelper com.xoetrope.io.ExcelExportHelper
ExcelExportHelper | public class ExcelExportHelper extends XExportHelper (Code) | | Export an Excel worksheet to a new workbook.
Copyright (c) Xoetrope Ltd., 2001-2006, This software is licensed under
the GNU Public License (GPL), please see license.txt for more details. If
you make commercial use of this software you must purchase a commercial
license from Xoetrope.
$Revision: 1.4 $
bodyFormat | protected WritableCellFormat bodyFormat(Code) | | The excel format of the body fields
columnIndex | protected int columnIndex(Code) | | The current colum or field index
isInGroup | protected boolean isInGroup(Code) | | Flag indicating if the exporter is in the process of exporting grouped elements
isInRecord | protected boolean isInRecord(Code) | | Flag indicating if the exporter is in the process of exporting a table record
isInTable | protected boolean isInTable(Code) | | Flag indicating if the exporter is in the process of exporting a table
isInTableHeader | protected boolean isInTableHeader(Code) | | Flag indicating if the exporter is in the process of exporting a table header
recordIndex | protected int recordIndex(Code) | | The current record or row index
sectionFormat | protected WritableCellFormat sectionFormat(Code) | | The excel format of the section divider fields
sheetOut | protected WritableSheet sheetOut(Code) | | The excel sheet being output
subTitleFormat | protected WritableCellFormat subTitleFormat(Code) | | The excel format of the subtitle fields
titleFormat | protected WritableCellFormat titleFormat(Code) | | The excel format of the title fields
workbookOut | protected WritableWorkbook workbookOut(Code) | | The excel workbook being output
ExcelExportHelper | public ExcelExportHelper(String fileName) throws IOException(Code) | | Setup an exporter for excel sheets.
Parameters: fileName - The name of the file to export throws: java.io.IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
addCell | protected void addCell(int row, int col, String value, WritableCellFormat cellFormat)(Code) | | Adds a cell to an Excel sheet. Zero based indexing is used.
Parameters: row - the row in the sheet Parameters: col - the column in the sheet Parameters: value - the value to write to the excel sheet's cell Parameters: cellFormat - the cell format |
close | public void close() throws IOException(Code) | | Flushes and closes any existing stream
throws: java.io.IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
closeElement | public void closeElement() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the closing of an element
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
endDocument | public void endDocument() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the ending of a document
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
endElement | public void endElement() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the end of an element opening
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
endGroup | public void endGroup() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the ending of a table group of records
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
endHeader | public void endHeader() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the ending of a table record
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
endRecord | public void endRecord() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the ending of a table record
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
endTable | public void endTable() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the ending of a table
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
matchElement | public void matchElement() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the matching ending element
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
startDocument | public void startDocument() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the opening of a document
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
startElement | public void startElement(String elementName) throws IOException(Code) | | Write the begining/opening of an element
Parameters: elementName - the element name throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
startGroup | public void startGroup() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the opening of a table group of records
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
startHeader | public void startHeader() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the opening of a table record
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
startRecord | public void startRecord() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the opening of a table record
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
startTable | public void startTable() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the opening of a table
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
writeBlankLine | public void writeBlankLine() throws IOException(Code) | | Output a blank line
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
writeElement | public void writeElement(String elementName, String name, String value) throws IOException(Code) | | Write the text and terminate with a line feed, new line as appropriate
Parameters: elementName - the element name Parameters: name - the field or attribute name Parameters: value - the field or attribute value throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
writeElement | public void writeElement(String elementName, String[] names, String[] values) throws IOException(Code) | | Write the text and terminate with a line feed, new line as appropriate
Parameters: elementName - the element name Parameters: names - the field or attribute names Parameters: values - the field or attribute value throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
writeField | public void writeField(String name, String value) throws IOException(Code) | | Write a field
Parameters: name - the field name Parameters: value - the field value throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
writeSectionEnd | public void writeSectionEnd() throws IOException(Code) | | Write the end of a section
throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
writeSectionTitle | public void writeSectionTitle(String text) throws IOException(Code) | | Write the section title and terminate with a line feed, new line as appropriate
Parameters: text - the text to output throws: IOException - thrown if the stream is not ready or if it is in an invalid state |
Methods inherited from com.xoetrope.io.XExportHelper | public void addStyle(String sectionName, String styleName)(Code)(Java Doc) public void close() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void closeElement() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void endDocument() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void endElement() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void endElement(String styleName) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void endHeader() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void endRecord() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void endTable() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void lostOwnership(Clipboard aClipboard, Transferable aContents)(Code)(Java Doc) public void matchElement() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) protected String prepareFieldName(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) public void removeHint(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setClipboardContents(String aString)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setComponentFactory(XComponentFactory cf)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFieldNameSeparator(String separatorStr)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFieldSeparator(String separatorStr)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setHint(String name, String value)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setLeftDelimiter(String delimStr)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setOutputElementNames(boolean doOutput)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setOutputFieldNames(boolean doOutput)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setOutputWriter(Writer w)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRightDelimiter(String delimStr)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setUseWindowsLineEnd(boolean use)(Code)(Java Doc) public Writer setupWriter(XPage owner, String fileName)(Code)(Java Doc) public void startDocument() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void startElement(String elementName) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void startElement(String elementName, String styleName) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void startHeader() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void startRecord() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void startTable() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeBlankLine() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeBreak() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeElement(String elementName, String name, String value) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeElement(String elementName, String[] names, String[] values) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeField(String name, String value) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeHorizontalLine() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeImage(String imageName, String altText) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeLine(String text) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeSectionEnd() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeSectionTitle(String text) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeSectionTitle(String text, String styleName) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void writeText(String name, String value, String styleName) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)