| java.lang.Object com.xoetrope.print.PrintableFrameSet
PrintableFrameSet | public class PrintableFrameSet implements Printable(Code) | | A decoration of the container to allow printing when the page is contains multiple pages within frames
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$Revision: 1.4 $
Method Summary | |
public void | addFrame(Container targetFrame) Add a frame to the page. | public int | print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int pageIndex) Print the frameset.The frame elements are assumed to be XTargets, the
coordinates of which are used to position each frame on the page. |
currentProject | protected XProject currentProject(Code) | | The owner project and the context in which this object operates.
frames | protected Vector frames(Code) | | Storage for the frames of this page
printout | protected Printout printout(Code) | | The PrintOut object that owns this printable page
PrintableFrameSet | public PrintableFrameSet(Printout po)(Code) | | Craete a new PrintableFrameSet
Parameters: po - The owner PrintOut |
addFrame | public void addFrame(Container targetFrame)(Code) | | Add a frame to the page.
Parameters: targetFrame - the frame to add |
print | public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int pageIndex) throws PrinterException(Code) | | Print the frameset.The frame elements are assumed to be XTargets, the
coordinates of which are used to position each frame on the page. The
content of each target area is then printed.
Parameters: g - the graphics context Parameters: pf - the page format Parameters: pageIndex - the index of the page within the page set throws: java.awt.print.PrinterException - some printing error Printable.PAGE_EXISTS on success |