| java.lang.Object org.jibx.binding.BindingGenerator
BindingGenerator | public class BindingGenerator (Code) | | Binding generator. This loads the specified input classes and processes them
to generate a default binding definition.
author: Dennis M. Sosnoski version: 1.0 |
BindingGenerator | public BindingGenerator()(Code) | | Default constructor. This just initializes all options disabled.
BindingGenerator | public BindingGenerator(boolean verbose, boolean mixed, String uri)(Code) | | Constructor with settings specified.
Parameters: verbose - report binding details and results Parameters: mixed - use camel case in element names Parameters: uri - namespace URI for element bindings |
elementName | public String elementName(String cname)(Code) | | Generate structure element name from class name using set conversions.
Parameters: cname - class name to be converted element name for instances of class |
findClassesUsed | public static void findClassesUsed(String cname, ArrayList mnames, HashSet dataset, HashSet exceptset) throws JiBXException(Code) | | Get the set of data classes passed to or returned by a list of methods
within a class. The classes returned exclude primitive types, wrappers,
java.lang.String , and java.lang.Object .
Exception classes thrown by the methods are also optionally accumulated.
Parameters: cname - target class name Parameters: mnames - method names to be checked Parameters: dataset - set for accumulation of data classes (optional, dataclasses not recorded if null ) Parameters: exceptset - set for accumulation of exception classes (optional,data classes not recorded if null ) throws: JiBXException - on error in loading class information |
generate | public BindingElement generate(ArrayList names, HashSet abstracts, HashMap customs, HashMap beans, HashMap enums, ArrayList ignores) throws JiBXException(Code) | | Generate a set of bindings using supplied classpaths and class names.
Parameters: names - list of class names to be included in binding Parameters: abstracts - set of classes to be handled with abstract mappings inbinding Parameters: customs - map of customized class names to marshaller/unmarshallerclass names Parameters: beans - map of class names to supplied lists of properties Parameters: enums - map of typesafe enumeration classes to deserializer methods Parameters: ignores - list of non-interface classes to be treated as interfaces(no mapping, but mapped subclasses are used at runtime) exception: JiBXException - if error in generating the binding definition |
main | public static void main(String[] args)(Code) | | Main method for running compiler as application.
Parameters: args - command line arguments |
setCamelCase | public void setCamelCase(boolean camel)(Code) | | Set control flag for camel case element naming.
Parameters: camel - use camel case element naming flag |
setVerbose | public void setVerbose(boolean verbose)(Code) | | Set control flag for verbose processing reports.
Parameters: verbose - report verbose information in processing bindings flag |