| java.lang.Object org.jibx.binding.classes.BranchWrapper
BranchWrapper | public class BranchWrapper (Code) | | Wrapper for branch handle. This preserves a snapshot of the stack state for
the branch instruction, matching it against the stack state for the target
instruction when set.
author: Dennis M. Sosnoski version: 1.0 |
BranchWrapper | BranchWrapper(BranchHandle hand, String[] types, Object src)(Code) | | Constructor.
Parameters: hand - branch handle Parameters: types - array of types of values on stack Parameters: src - object responsible for generating branch |
getStackState | String[] getStackState()(Code) | | Get branch origin stack state information.
array of types of values on stack |
setErrorOverride | public static void setErrorOverride(boolean over)(Code) | | Set target setting error override state. When set, this blocks throwing
an exception when an error occurs on setting the branch target, instead
just printing the information to the console.
Parameters: over - true to override exception on target error,false to allow it |
setTarget | void setTarget(InstructionHandle hand, String[] types, MethodBuilder mb)(Code) | | Set target instruction for branch. Validates the branch source stack
state against the branch target stack state.
Parameters: hand - target branch instruction handle Parameters: types - stack state description Parameters: mb - method builder using this code |
setTarget | public void setTarget(BranchTarget target, MethodBuilder mb)(Code) | | Set target instruction for branch. Validates the branch source stack
state against the branch target stack state.
Parameters: target - branch target wrapper Parameters: mb - method builder using this code |
setTracking | public static void setTracking(boolean track)(Code) | | Set branch code generation tracking state. When set, this saves a stack
trace for each generated branch instruction, allowing the source of a
branch to be traced when an error occurs in setting the branch target.
Parameters: track - true to enable branch code generation tracking,false to disable it |